
2018 Publications (Peer-reviewed)

Undergraduate students are italicized, graduate students are bold/ italicized, and faculty are bolded within their department. Entries are duplicated in each faculty co-author’s department.







College of Arts and Sciences

Behavioral Sciences

Karl G. D. Bailey and Heather M. Moore. Faith maturity in a diverse global sample of Seventh-day Adventists. Pp. 329-348, in Petr Činčala (ed.), A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact, & Scope. AdventSource and Institute of Church Ministry: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Karl G. D. Bailey and Jessica A. Stelfox. Hope for here and hereafter: Relationship and hope motivation in Seventh-day Adventists. Pp. 73-103, in Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Alina M. Baltazar, and David J. B. Trim (eds.), Promoting the Public Good: Policy in the Public Square and the Church . Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong, Australia, 2018.

Dale D. Chitwood, Clyde B. McCoy, James A. Inciardi, Duane C. McBride, Mary Comerford, Edward Trapido, Virginia McCoy, Bryan Page, James Griffin, Mary Ann Fletcher, and Margarita A. Ashman. HIV seropositivity of needles from shooting galleries in South Florida. Pp. 357-364, in Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Alina M. Baltazar, and D. J. B. Trim (eds.), Promoting the Public Good: Policy in the Public Square and the Church . Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong, Australia, 2018.

Roger Dudley, Petr Činčala, and Duane C. McBride. Factors related to church growth in the world Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pp. 261-274, in Petr Činčala (ed.), A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact, & Scope. AdventSource and Institute of Church Ministry: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Annette Heck, René Drumm, Duane C. McBride, and David Sedlacek. Seventh-day Adventist clergy: Understanding stressors and coping mechanisms. Review of Religious Research 60(1), 115-132, 2018.

Gary Hopkins, Duane C. McBride, Jonathan Duffy, Peter C. Gleason, Anna Nelson, and Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath. The value of community service engagement in lowering high-risk behaviors among adolescents in Alaska. Pp. 279-295, in Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Alina M. Baltazar, and David J. B. Trim (eds.), Promoting the Public Good: Policy in the Public Square and the Church . Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong, Australia, 2018.

Oystein S. LaBianca and Maria Elena Ronza. Narrating contested pasts: Lessons learned at Tall Hisban. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 59, 623-630, 2018.

Clyde B. McCoy, Duane C. McBride, and Anne J. Bengoa. From the many, one: A collaborative approach. Pp. 205-212, in W. M. Wechsberg (ed.), HIV Pioneers: Lives Lost, Career Changed, and Survival. Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, Maryland, 2018.

Joel L. Raveloharimisy. Advocacy lessons learned from a young slave girl. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability 7(2), 47-63, 2018.

Michelle Redman-MacLaren, Dani J. Barrington, Humpress Harrington, David Cram, Jeanette Selep, and David MacLaren. Water, sanitation and hygiene systems in Pacific Island schools to promote the health and education of girls and children with disability: A systematic scoping review. Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development 8(3), 386-401, 2018.

Bethany J. Walker, Tarina Greer, Reem Al-Shqour, Aren LaBianca, Robert D. Bates, Jeffrey P. Hudon, Warren Schultz, Julian Henderson, Chiara Corbino, Sofia Laparidou, Annette Hansen, and Oystein S. LaBianca. Tall Hisban 2016 excavation season: Household archaeology in the medieval village. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 59, 557-595, 2018.


Linnea C. Burke, Hazel O. Ezeribe, Anna Y. Kwon, Donnel Dockery, and Peter J. Lyons. Carboxypeptidase O is a lipid droplet-associated enzyme able to cleave both acidic and polar c-terminal amino acids. PLoS One 13(11), e0206824, 2018.

Maria C. Garcia-Guerrero, Javier Garcia-Pardo, Esther Berenguer, Roberto Fernandez-Alvarez, Gifty B. Barfi, Peter J. Lyons, Francesc X. Aviles, Robert Huber, Julia Lorenzo, and David Reverter. Crystal structure and mechanism of human carboxypeptidase O: Insights into its specific activity for acidic residues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(17), E3932-E3939, 2018.

Peter J. Lyons. Editing life: Modern biology and biblical principles. The Journal of Adventist Education 80(2), 30-39, 2018.

B. S. McLean, K. M. Helgen, H. Thomas Goodwin, and J. A. Cook. Trait-specific processes of convergence and conservatism shape ecomorphological evolution in ground-dwelling squirrels. Evolution 72(3), 473-489, 2018.

Kelly M. McWilliams, Amanda G. Sandler, Gordon J. Atkins, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward. Courtship and copulation in Glaucous-winged Gulls, Larus glaucescens, and the influence of environmental variables. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(1), 270-285, 2018.

Benjamin A. Navia, David Mbungu, and Anneris Coria-Navia. Student perception on the study of evolution in a general biology course in a Christian college. Journal of Research on Christian Education 27(3), 225-242, 2018.

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Emma C. Tackman, Michael J. Trujillo, Tracy-Lynn E. Lockwood, Getahun Merga, Marya Liberman, and Jon P. Camden. Identification of substandard and falsified antimalarial pharmaceuticals chloroquine, doxycycline, and primaquine using surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Analytical Methods 10(38), 4718-4722, 2018.


Enrico Camporeale, Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, C. M. Jackman, and R. McGranaghan. Space weather in the machine learning era: A multi-disciplinary approach. Space Weather 16(1), 2-4, 2018.

P. A. Damiano, C. C. Chaston, A. J. Hull, and Jay R. Johnson. Electron distributions in kinetic scale field line resonances: A comparison of simulations and observations. Geophysical Research Letters 45(12), 5826-5835, 2018.

Jay R. Johnson, Simon Wing, and Enrico Camporeale. Transfer entropy and cumulant-based cost as measures of nonlinear causal relationships in space plasmas: Applications to Dst. Annales Geophysicae 36(4), 945-952, 2018.

Jay R. Johnson and Simon Wing. An information-theoretical approach to space weather. Pp. 46-70, in Enrico Camporeale, Simon Wing, and Jay R. Johnson (eds.), Machine Learning Techniques for Space Weather. Elsevier: Cambridge, MA, 2018.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, and Marius Echim. Recent advances in the study of upward field-aligned currents generated near the Earth’s magnetopause boundary. Pp. 303-321, in Andreas Keiling, Octav Marghitu and Michael Wheatland (eds.), Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond. John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ, 2018.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, and Angelos Vourlidas. Information theoretic approach to discovering causalities in the solar cycle. The Astrophysical Journal 854(2), 85, 2018.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, Enrico Camporeale, and Geoffrey D. Reeves. Untangling the solar wind drivers of radiation belt: An information theoretical approach. Pp. 150-176, in Enrico Camporeale, Simon Wing, and Jay R. Johnson (eds.), Machine Learning Techniques for Space Weather. Elsevier: Cambridge, MA, 2018.


Anneris Coria-Navia and Scott Moncrieff. Assessing the impact of a faculty book club on self-reflection and teaching practice. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal 11(2), 10 pages, 2018.

Eun-Young Julia Kim and Asta S. LaBianca. Ethics in academic writing help for international students in higher education: Perceptions of faculty and students. Journal of Academic Ethics 16(1), 39-59, 2018.

Eun-Young Julia Kim. Scholarly publishing in Korea: Language, perception, practice of Korean university faculty. Publishing Research Quarterly 34(4), 554-567, 2018.

Scott Moncrieff and Anneris Coria-Navia. The how and why of start­ing a faculty book club. The Journal of Adventist Education 80(2), 40-44, 2018.

Christian Stuart. Review of Tanita Saenkhum, Decisions, Agency, and Advising: Key Issues in the Placement of Multilingual Writers into First-year Composition Courses (Utah State University Press: Logan, UT, 2018). Journal of Second Language Writing 41, 71-73, 2018.

History & Political Science

Stephanie Carpenter. The Great Depression and the New South. Pp. 150-72, in James S. Humphreys (ed.), Interpreting American History: The New South. Kent State University Press: Kent, OH, 2018.

International Languages and Global Studies

Sonia R. Badenas. Abstract translation: Kelly M. McWilliams, Amanda G. Sandler, Gordon J. Atkins, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward. Courtship and copulation in Glaucous-wined Gulls, Larus glaucescens, and the influence of environmental variables. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(1), 270-285, 2018.

Sonia Rut Badenas Roig. Didactique du conte dans l’enseignement du français langue étrangère: Activités pratiques à partir de La Parure de Guy de Maupassant. Synergies Espagne 11, 103-119, 2018.

Sonia Rut Badenas Roig. El cuento como recurso didáctico en la enseñanza del francés lengua extranjera. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 13, 21-30, 2018.

Sonia Rut Badenas Roig. Le conte: Une idée de genie pour activités écrites et orales dans la classe de français intermédiaire. The French Review 92(2), 162-175, 2018.

James White Library

Cynthia Mae Helms and Bernard Helms. A citation study of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Theological Seminary dissertations. Journal of Adventist Libraries and Archives 3(1), Article 1, 2018.

Marianne Kordas and Trina Thompson. Better together: A collaborative model for embedded music librarianship. Music Reference Service Quarterly 21(1), 1-11, 2018.

Silas M. Oliveira. Retention matters: Libraries leading the way. New Review of Academic Librarianship 23(3), 35-47, 2018.

Felipe E. Tan and Terry Robertson. An evaluation of the classification scheme for Adventists and Ellen White. Theological Librarianship 11(1), 28-36, 2018.


Anthony Bosman. Review of Clifford Goldstein, Baptizing the Devil: Evolution and the Seduction of Christianity (Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2017). ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(1), 186-189, 2018.

Martha Byrne, Sarah Hanusch, Robert C. Moore, and Tim Fukawa-Connelly. Student interpretations of written comments on graded proofs. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 4(2), 228-253, 2018.

J. M. Cushing and Shandelle M. Henson. Periodic matrix models for seasonal dynamics of structured populations with application to a seabird population. Journal of Mathematical Biology, February 3, 2018, 1-32.

Dorothea Gallos, Christiane Gallos, Whitney Watson, and Shandelle M. Henson. A note on synchronous egg laying in a seabird behavior model. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 24(12), 1953-1966, 2018.

Kelly M. McWilliams, Amanda G. Sandler, Gordon J. Atkins, Shandelle M. Henson, and James L. Hayward. Courtship and copulation in Glaucous-winged Gulls, Larus glaucescens, and the influence of environmental variables. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(1), 270-285, 2018.

Suzanne L. Robertson, Shandelle M. Henson, Timothy Robertson, and J. M. Cushing. A matter of maturity: To delay or not to delay? Continuous-time compartmental models of structured populations in the literature 2000-2016. Natural Resource Modeling 31(1), e12160, 2018.


J. Michael Bryson, Jonathan M. Wheeler, and Mickey D. Kutzner. Lab circuit boards you can build. The Physics Teacher 56, 392, 2018.

Dejun Fu, Uygun V. Valiev, Gary W. Burdick, and Pavel E. Pyak. Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with Matter. Science Press: Beijing, China, 2018.

Mickey D. Kutzner and J. Michael Bryson. Cell membrane potential model circuit lab. The Physics Teacher 56, 540-543, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). All-sky search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the first Advanced LIGO observing run. Classical and Quantum Gravity 35, 065009, arXiv/1711.05578, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). First search for nontensorial gravitational waves from known pulsars. Physical Review Letters 120(3), 031104, arXiv/1709.09203, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). GW170817: Implications for the stochastic gravitational-wave background from compact binary coalescences. Physical Review Letters 120(9), 091101, arXiv/1710.05837, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). Constraints on cosmic strings using data from the first Advanced LIGO observing run. Physical Review D 97(10), 102002, arXiv: 1712.01168, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). GW170817: Measurements of neutron star radii and equation of state. Physical Review Letters 121(16), 161101, arXiv: 1805.11581, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced VIrgo and KAGRA. Living Reviews in Relativity 21(3), arXiv: 1304.0670, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). Search for tensor, vector, and scalar polarizations in the stochastic gravitational-wave background. Physical Review Letters 120(20), 201102, arXiv: 1802.10194, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). Effects of data quality vetoes on a search for compact binary coalescences in Advanced LIGO's first observing run. Classical and Quantum Gravity 35(6), 065010, arXiv: 1710.02185, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). Full band all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the O1 LIGO data. Physical Review D 97(10), 102003, arXiv: 1802.05241, 2018.

Tiffany Z. Summerscales with B. P. Abbott et. al. (LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations). Search for subsolar-mass ultracompact binaries in Advanced LIGO's first observing run. Physical Review Letters 121(23), 231103, arXiv: 1808.04771, 2018.

Religion & Biblical Languages

Rodney Palmer. Review of Hyveth Williams, Nothing but the Best: A Guide to Preaching Powerful Sermons (Xlibris: Bloomington, IN, 2018). Homiletic 43(2), 40-41, 2018.

Rodney Palmer. Review of Matthew D. Kim, Preaching with Cultural Intelligence: Understanding the People who Hear Our Sermons (Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, MI, 2017). Ministry, June 2018, 25.

Davide Sciarabba. Hacia una etica de E. G. White. Pp. 123-143, in Denis Fortin, Abner F. Hernandez, and Davide Sciarabba (eds.), Por Qué Creemos en E. G. White y el Don Profético? Una Perspectiva Historica y Biblica. Gema Editores: Ciudad de México, Mexico, 2018.

Social Work

Alina M. Baltazar. Religiosity's relationship with binge drinking and weekly alcohol use among students attending an alcohol-abstinent Christian university. Pp. 253-275, in Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Alina M. Baltazar, and David J. B. Trim (eds.), Promoting the Public Good: Policy in the Public Square and the Church . Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong, Australia, 2018.

Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, Jamie F. Chriqui, Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Curtis J. VanderWaal, and Frank J. Chaloupka. Marijuana liberalization policies: The importance of evaluating the impact of state laws in the U.S. Pp. 399-424, in Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Alina M. Baltazar, and David J. B. Trim (eds.), Promoting the Public Good: Policy in the Public Square and the Church . Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong, Australia, 2018.

Ingrid Slikkers and Orelia Daye. The impact of trauma: How do we present Jesus to those so fractured? Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 14(1), 37-47, 2018.

Shannon M. Trecartin and Sherry M. Cummings. Systematic review of the physical home environment and the relationship to psychological well-being among community-dwelling older adults. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 61(5), 567-582, 2018.

Curtis J. VanderWaal, John T. Gavin, and William Ellis. Seventh-day Adventist opinions on same-sex attraction and same-sex unions. Pp. 191-214, in Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Alina M. Baltazar, and David J. B. Trim (eds.), Promoting the Public Good: Policy in the Public Square and the Church. Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong, Australia, 2018.


College of Education and International Services

Distance Education

Glynis Bradfield. Advising strategies that increase online student persistence. Pp. 44-56, in Janine M. Lim and Anthony Williams (eds.), Adventist Online Education: Realizing the Potential. Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong, Australia, 2018.

Janine M. Lim. Adventist distance education: A bridge to access. Journal of Adventist Education 80(1), 3, 2018.

Janine M. Lim. Administrative essentials for Online Programs. Journal of Adventist Education 80(1), 4-9, 2018.

Janine M. Lim and Anthony Williams. Introduction and Conclusion. Pp. 4-6, 167 in Janine M. Lim and Anthony Williams (eds.), Adventist Online Education: Realizing the Potential. Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong, Australia, 2018.

Janine M. Lim. Administrative essentials for Online Programs. Journal of Adventist Education 80(1), 4-9, 2018.

Janine M. Lim. Adventist distance education: A bridge to access. Journal of Adventist Education 80(1), 3, 2018.

Graduate Psychology & Counseling

Tevni Grajales. E. G. White y la Mayordomía de las finanzas. Pp. 205-223, in Denis Fortin, Abner F. Hernández, and Davide Sciarabba (eds.), Por Qué Creemos en E.G. White y el Don Profético. Gema Editores: Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 2018.

Tevni Grajales. Adventism in Panama. In Henri Gooren (ed.), Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. June 2018.

Bradly Hinman. The tragedy of child and adolescent suicide. Journal of Adventist Education 80(3), 4-9, 2018.

Anne Lafay, Stéfanie Archambault, Mélanie Vigneron, Nadia Nosworthy. Version française du test Numeracy Screener (NS-f), un outil de dépistage des difficultés de traitement du nombre et des quantités. Glossa 123, 18-32, 2018.

Carole Wolford-Hunt, Marlene Murray, Tevni Guerra, and Kristina Beenken-Johnson. Analysis of endocrine response to perceived difference in cross-cultural interactions. Journal of Global Engagement and Transformation 1(2), 2018.


Gustavo Gregorutti and Nanette Svenson. Introduction. Pp. 1-13, in Gustavo Gregorutti and Nanette Svenson (eds.), North-South University Research Partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean. Palgrave McMillan Publishing: New York, 2018.

Gustavo Gregorutti, Beverly Barrett, and Angeles Dominguez. Introducing a bilateral research and innovation agenda: A case study on Mexico and the United States. Pp. 15-36, in Gustavo Gregorutti and Nanette Svenson (eds.), North-South University Research Partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean. Palgrave McMillan Publishing: New York, 2018.

David A. Jeffrey and Randy J. Siebold. Upgrading LMSs: Understanding faculty perceptions and use for improved implementation. Pp. 127-136, in Janine M. Lim and Anthony Williams (eds.), Adventist Online Education: Realizing the Potential. Avondale Academic Press: Cooranbong, Australia, 2018.

Robson M. Marinho. Leadership Legacy: Chance or Choice? Stories and Ideas for Developing Your Own Legacy . Global Learning Productions: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Renaude Etienne Saint-Phard and Gustavo Gregorutti. International undergraduate students coping with challenges at a private faith-based university. Pp. 160-173, in Krishna Bista (ed.), International Student Mobility and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Marketplace. Information Science Reference: Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2018.

Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

Larry D. Burton. Adventist perspectives on faith integration: Subject index forChrist in the Classroom, Volumes 21-40. Journal of Research on Christian Education 27(3), 263-345, 2018.

Larry D. Burton. Editorial: Diversity and quality in Christian education. Journal of Research on Christian Education 27(2), 119-120, 2018.

Larry D. Burton. Editorial: The Create-ive nature of the create-ed. Journal of Research on Christian Education 27(3), 195-196, 2018.

Anneris Coria-Navia and Scott Moncrieff. Assessing the impact of a faculty book club on self-reflection and teaching practice. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal 11(2), 10 pages, 2018.

Scott Moncrieff and Anneris Coria-Navia. The how and why of starting a faculty book club. The Journal of Adventist Education 80(2), 40-44, 2018.

Benjamin A. Navia, David Mbungu, and Anneris Coria-Navia. Student perception on the study of evolution in a general biology course in a Christian college. Journal of Research on Christian Education 27(3), 225-242, 2018.


College of Health & Human Services

Architecture & Interior Design

Rhonda Root. One illustration in Jonathan S. Greer, John W. Hilber, and John H. Walton, Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament. Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2018, page 452.

Rhonda Root. One illustration, Robert G. Hoyland and H. G. M. Williamson, The Oxford Illustrated History of the Holy Land. Oxford University Press: Oxford, United Kingdom, 2018, page 35.

Medical Laboratory Sciences

Alice Unah Lee, Heidi Linton, Marcia Kilsby, and Davic C. Hilmers. A program to treat Hepatitis B in North Korea: A model of antiviral therapy in a resource-poor setting. Gut and Liver 12(6), 615-622, 2018.


Joan Aina and Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun. Factors contributing to increased patient wait times in selected wound care patients: A retrospective study. International Journal of Studies in Nursing 3(2), 44-50, 2018.

Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness

Alfredo Mejía, Helen Harwatt, Karen Jaceldo-Siegl, Kitti Sranacharoenpong, Samuel Soret, and Joan Sabaté. Greenhouse gas emissions generated by tofu production: A case study. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 13(1), 131-142, 2018.

Rehabilitation Sciences

Caryn Pierce, Lori Walton, Elizabeth Oakley, Rose Caceres, Hilary Sadow, and Kirstin Yoder. Playing-related musculoskeletal pain among college-level music students before and after an informative lecture by a physical therapist. Orthopedic Practice 30(4), 554-558, 2018.


College of Professions

Management & Marketing

Ben A. Maguad. Quality assurance in higher education in the twenty-first century: Concepts and challenges. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education 9(2), 3400-3406, 2018.

Ben A. Maguad. Managing the system of higher education: Competition or collaboration? Education 138(3), 229-238, 2018.


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary

Christian Ministry

Skip Bell. Worldview and leadership: The influence of culture on organizational leadership in the global Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pp. 123-138, in Petr Činčala (ed.), A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact, & Scope. AdventSource and Institute of Church Ministry: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Craig Carr and S. Joseph Kidder. The secret life of the pastor. Ministry, January 2018, 24-26.

Willie E. Hucks II. "Are we there yet?" What air travel teaches us about sermon appeals. Ministry, October 2018, 13-15.

S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson. Innovative evangelism, Part 2: An opportunity to be creative. Ministry, February 2018, 21-25.

S. Joseph Kidder. It is all about relationships: Practical pointers for positive pastoring. Ministry, April 2018, 30.

S. Joseph Kidder. Out of Babylon: How God Found Me on the Streets of Baghdad. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

S. Joseph Kidder. Divine appointments. Ministry, August 2018, 14-16.

David K. Penno. Review of Randall Fuller, The Book That Changed America: How Darwin's Theory of Evolution Ignited a Nation (Penguin Publishing Group: London, 2017). ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(1), 176-177, 2018.

David K. Penno. Review of Robert J. Priest and Kirimi Barine (eds.), African Christian Leadership: Realities, Opportunities, and Impact (Orbis Books: Maryknoll, NY, 2017). Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 14(2), 118-120, 2018.

David A. Williams. Review of Dirk Ellis, Holy Fire Fell: A History of Worship, Revivals, and Feasts in the Church of the Nazarene (Wipf & Stock: Eugene, OR, 2016). ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(2), 349-351, 2018.

Hyveth Williams. The sacred ethic of empathy. Current 6, 26-31, 2018.

Church History

Denis Kaiser. Die Rolle Ellen Whites bei der Bibelauslegung: Eine Studie zu frühadventistischen Sichtweisen. Pp. 29-44, in Jessica Schultka and Daniel Wildemann (eds.), Glauben Heute: Theologische Impulse. Advent-Verlag: Lüneburg, Germany, 2018.

Denis Kaiser. God is our refuge and strength: Martin Luther in the perception of Ellen G. White. Pp. 47-63, in Rolf J. Pöhler (ed.), Perceptions of the Protestant Reformation in Seventh-day Adventism, Adventistica - Studies in Adventist History and Theology, New Series, vol. 1. Theologische Hochschule Friedensau: Friedensau, Germany, 2018.

Nicholas P. Miller and Janna Quetz. Towards an Adventist theology of refugees. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 14(1), 1-10, 2018.

Nicholas P. Miller. History of the relationship among human free will, God's character of love, and the great controversy. Pp. 3-18, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Trevor O'Reggio. Review of Calvin B. Rock, Protest and Progress: Black Seventh-day Adventist Leadership and the Push for Parity (¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018). Ministry, October 2018, 27.

Trevor O'Reggio. Review of Eric Metaxas, Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World (Viking: New York, NY). ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(1), 200-203, 2018.

John W. Reeve. Grace: A brief history. Pp. 261-286, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Galina Stele and David J. B. Trim. ASTR, AHSRA, and new horizons for Adventist human-subject research. Pp. 53-62, in Petr Činčala (ed.), A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact, & Scope. AdventSource and Institute of Church Ministry: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

David J. B. Trim. The priesthood of all believers and its implications for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. General Conference Executive Committee Newsletter, February 2018, 1-4.

David J. B. Trim. “Illuminating the whole earth”: Adventism and foreign mission in the Battle Creek years (1859 to c.1912). Pp. 134-161, in Alberto R. Timm and James R. Nix (eds.), Lessons from Battle Creek. Review & Herald: Silver Spring, MD, 2018.

Discipleship & Religious Education

Annette Heck, René Drumm, Duane C. McBride, and David A. Sedlacek. Seventh-day Adventist clergy: Understanding stressors and coping mechanisms. Review of Religious Research 60(1), 115-132, 2018.

Edyta Jankiewicz. Damascus road or Emmaus road? Conversion, nurture or both? Ministry, June 2018, 13-17.

Edyta Jankiewicz. The experience of conversion in the lives of those nurtured in faith. Pp. 136-146, in B. D. Espinoza (ed.), Story, Formation & Culture: From Theory to Practice in Ministry with Children . Pickwick: Eugene, OR, 2018.

David A. Sedlacek. Pastoral family care: Celebrating the life and work of Roger Dudley. Pp. 79-102, in Petr Činčala (ed.), A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact, & Scope. AdventSource and Institute of Church Ministry: Berrien Springs, MI. 2018.

New Testament

Felix H. Cortez. What did Jesus accomplish on the cross? Pp. 174-189, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Ranko Stefanovic. What is the state of the last generation? Pp. 219-235, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Ranko Stefanovic. Jonah: A preacher God wanted to save?—A city God wanted to reach. Ministry, September 2018, 9-12.

Ranko Stefanovic. Review of Laszlo Gallusz, The Throne Motif in the Book of Revelation (Bloomsbury T & T Clark: London, England, 2015). ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(1), 177-180, 2018.

Old Testament

Richard M. Davidson. How shall a person stand before God? What is the meaning of justification? Pp. 58-102, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Richard M. Davidson and Joel Iparraguirre. “¿Entiendes lo que lees?”: Claves para interpretar las profecías apocalípticas. Pp. 23-58, in Alvaro F. Rodríguez and Roy E. Graf (eds.), Porque cerca está el Día de YHWH: Estudios en Escatología, Ediciones Theologika. Universidad Peruana Unión: Lima, Perú, 2018.

Richard M. Davidson. The children of the east. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 14(1), 48-77, 2018.

Richard M. Davidson. Assurance in the judgment. Pp. 395-416, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Richard M. Davidson. Canción para el sábado: Un studio de Salmo 92. Pp. 265-283, in Richard M. Davidson and Edgard A. Horna (eds.), “ Me invocarás, y yo te responderé”: Estudios selectos enel Salterio . Universidad Peruana Unión: Lima, Peru, 2018.

Constance Gane. Archaeology of the Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods. Pp. 70-77, in Jonathan S. Greer, John W. Hilber, and John H. Walton (eds.), Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts . Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, MI, 2018.

Roy E. Gane. Worship, sacrifice, and festivals in the Ancient Near East. Pp. 361-367, in Jonathan S. Greer, John W. Hilber, and John H. Walton (eds.), Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts . Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, MI, 2018.

Roy E. Gane. At-one-ment forever in God’s new heaven and new earth. Pp. 241-258, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Oliver Glanz and Claus Tondering. Verbal ambiguous forms database published on BibleOL. April 2018.

Oliver Glanz. Biblical Hebrew Reviewer: A Universal Study Companion. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Oliver Glanz. Bible software on the workbench of the biblical scholar: Assessment and perspective. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(1), 5-45, 2018.

Paul Gregor, Robert Bates, Paul Ray, Constance Gane, and Randall Younker. Preliminary report on the 2016 season of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul excavations 2016. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 59, 399-410, 2018.

Gerald A. Klingbeil. Libation rituals in the Ancient Near East. Pp. 219-239, in Yosef Garfinkel, Saar Ganor, Michael G. Hasel, and Martin G. Klingbeil (eds.), Khirbet Qeiyafa, Vol. 4. Excavation Report 2007–2013: Art, Cult, and Epigraphy. Institute of Archaeology, Southern Adventist University/Israel Exploration Society/Institute of Archaeology/Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Jerusalem, Israel, 2018.

Gerald A. Klingbeil. Priests in the Ancient Near East. Pp. 355-360, in Jonathan S. Greer, John W. Hilber, and John H. Walton (eds.), Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts . Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, MI, 2018.

Gerald Klingbeil. Review of Roy E. Gane, Old Testament Law for Christians: Original Context and Enduring Application (Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, MI, 2017). Ministry Magazine, March 2018, 27.

Gerald A. Klingbeil. Review of Jan Dietrich, Der Tod von eigener Hand: Studien zum Suizid im Alten Testament, Alten Ägypten und Alten Orient (Mohr Siebeck: ORA 19, Tübingen, Germany, 2017). Bulletin for Biblical Research 28(2), 275-277, 2018.

Jiří Moskala. The significance, meaning, and role of Christ’s atonement. Pp. 190-218, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Jiří Moskala. Misinterpreted end-time issues: Five myths in Adventism. Pp. 236-252, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Jirí Moskala. The church school: Where churches and schools collaborate in mission. The Journal of Adventist Education 80(2), 4-8, 2018.

Jirí Moskala. El problema del mal y la esperanza de la resurrección en Salmo 73. Pp. 179-200, in Richard M. Davidson and Edgard A. Horna (eds.),"Me invocarás, yo te responderé": Estudios Selectos en el Salterio. Universidad Peruana Unión: Lima, Peru, 2018.

Jirí Moskala. Hermenéutica de las obras de E. G. White: Reglas básicas de interpretatción. Pp. 85-104, in Denis Fortin, Abner F. Hernández, and Davide Sciarabba (eds.), ¿Por qué creemos en E. G. White y el don profético?: Una perspectiva histórica y bíblica. Gema Editores: Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 2018.

Jirí Moskala. Origin of sin and salvation according to Genesis 3: A theology of sin. Pp. 119-143, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Jirí Moskala. The meaning of the intercessory ministry of Jesus Christ on humanity’s behalf in the heavenly sanctuary. Pp. 221-240, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Theology & Christian Philosophy

Jo Ann Davidson. The Second coming of Christ: Is there a ‘delay’? Pp. 253-270, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Jo Ann Davidson. Wind and the "Holy Wind": Divine assurance of salvation. Pp. 361-374, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Jo Ann Davidson. Review of Douglas J. Moo and Jonathan A. Moo, Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World (Zondervan: Grand Rapids, MI, 2018). ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(2), 371-373, 2018.

Jo Ann Davidson. Review of Marion Ann Taylor and Heather E. Weir (eds.), Women in the Story of Jesus: The Gospels through the Eyes of Nineteenth-Century Female Biblical Interpreters (Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, MI, 2016). ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(2), 379-380, 2018.

Denis Fortin. Life together and conflict resolution. Ministry 90(2), 16-17, 2018.

Denis Fortin. Sanctification and perfection are the work of a lifetime. Pp. 102-121, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Denis Fortin. Cómo usaba E. G. White la Biblia: Implicaniones para la teología adventista. Pp. 63-83, in Denis Fortin, Abner F. Hernandez, and Davide Sciarabba (eds.), ¿Por qué creemos en E. G. White y el don profético?: Una perspectiva histórica y bíblica. Gema Editores: Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 2018.

Denis Fortin. El ministerio de E. G. White en la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. Pp. 27-43, in Denis Fortin, Abner F. Hernandez, and Davide Sciarabba (eds.), ¿Por qué creemos en E. G. White y el don profético?: Una perspectiva histórica y bíblica. Gema Editores: Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 2018.

Denis Fortin. Historical and theological background of the doctrine of atonement. Pp. 175-188, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Denis Fortin. Review of A. Edward Siecienski, The Papacy and the Orthodox: Sources and History of a Debate (Oxford University Press: New York, NY, 2017). ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(2), 376-378, 2018.

Denis Fortin. Review of Hillary Kaell (ed.), Everyday Sacred: Religion in Contemporary Quebec (McGill-Queen’s University Press: Montreal, Canada, 2017). Reading Religion, May 31, 2018.

Martin F. Hanna. What shall we say about sin? A study of Harmatia in Paul’s letter to the Romans. Pp. 44-57, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Martin F. Hanna. Foreknowledge and the freedom of salvation. Pp. 33-60, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Darius Jankiewicz. Authoridad del lider Cristiano. Pp. 65-98, in Daniel Alberto Mora and Miguel Angel Nunez (eds.), Apartadas Para El Ministerio: Una Perspectiva Biblica Sobre La Ordenacion . Fortaleza Ediciones: Peru, 2018.

Darius Jankiewicz. Febe: Fue ella una lIder en la iglesia primitiva. Pp. 205-216, in Daniel Alberto Mora and Miguel Angel Nunez (eds.), Apartadas Para El Ministerio: Una Perspectiva Biblica Sobre La Ordenacion . Fortaleza Ediciones: Peru, 2018.

Darius Jankiewicz. Jesus Christ: Savior and example. Pp. 155-173, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Darius Jankiewicz. Introduction and Epilogue. Pp. ix-xiii and 417-418, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Darius Jankiewicz. Sin and human nature: Historical background. Pp. 91-117, in Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, John W. Reeve (eds.), Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Ante Jeroncic. Inhabiting the kingdom: On apocalyptic identity and last generation lifestyle. Pp. 122-139, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

Ante Jeroncic. The truthful self: Hermeneutics, subjectivity, and truth in dialogue with Michel Foucault. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(2), 141-156, 2018.

John C. Peckham. Great controversy issues. Pp. 15-22, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

John C. Peckham. The triumph of God’s love. Pp. 271-286, in Jiří Moskala and John C. Peckham (eds.), God’s Character and the Last Generation. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2018.

John C. Peckham. Theodicy of Love: Cosmic Conflict and the Problem of Evil. Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, MI, 2018.

World Mission

Petr Činčala and Jerry Chase. Servant leadership and church health and growth. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership 12(1), 80-89, 2018.

Petr Činčala. The only Bible some people will ever read. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership 12(2), 4-6, 2018.

Petr Činčala. The value of servant leadership. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership 12(1), 4-7, 2018.

Petr Činčala. Comparative analysis of vitality of the Seventh-day Adventist congregations and its implications for retention of young adults. Pp. 229-245, in Petr Činčala (ed.), A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact, & Scope . AdventSource and Institute of Church Ministry: Berrien Springs, MI. 2018.

Marcelo Dias and Wagner Kuhn. Dez focus para o avanço da missão. Pp. 249-266, in Marcelo Dias, Rodrigo Follis, and Wagner Kuhn (eds.), Missão e Voluntariado: Teologia, História e DesafiosAtuais . UNASPRESS: Engenheiro Coelho, SP, Brazil, 2018.

Gorden R. Doss. Introduction to Adventist Mission. Department of World Mission, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

René Drumm and Petr Činčala. Generational differences and its influence on mission offering giving. Pp. 247-259, in Petr Činčala (ed.), A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact, & Scope. AdventSource and Institute of Church Ministry: Berrien Springs, MI, 2018.

Roger Dudley, Petr Činčala, and Duane C. McBride. Factors related to church growth in the world Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pp. 261-274, in Petr Činčala (ed.), A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact, & Scope . AdventSource and Institute of Church Ministry: Berrien Springs, MI. 2018.

Wagner Kuhn. A necessidade de uma teologia bíblica da missão holística. Pp. 51-65, in Marcelo Dias, Rodrigo Follis, and Wagner Kuhn (eds.), Missão e Voluntariado: Teologia, História e Desafios Atuais. UNASPRESS: Engenheiro Coelho, SP, Brazil, 2018.

Wagner Kuhn and Esther Happuch. Seventh-day Adventist biblical hermeneutics for mission in Islamic contexts: Five foundational principles. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(2), 277-300, 2018.

Boubakar Sanou. Missio Dei as hermeneutical key for scriptural interpretation. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(2), 301-316, 2018.

Boubakar Sanou. Critical contextualization: A case study of the Lobi funeral rites in Burkina Faso. Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 14(2), 43-48, 2018.

Boubakar Sanou. The role of chaplains in leadership development and conflict management: A reflection on Acts 15:36-41. Current 6, 17-19, 2018.

Boubakar Sanou. Review of Gene L. Green, Stephen T. Pardue, and Khiok-Khng Yeo (eds.), The Spirit over the Earth: Pneumatology in the Majority World (Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, MI, 2016). ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 56(1), 192-194, 2018.