Undergraduate students are italicized, graduate students are bold/ italicized, and faculty are bolded within their department. Entries are duplicated in each faculty co-author’s department.
Karl G. D. Bailey, Duane C. McBride, Shannon M. Trecartin, Alina M. Baltazar, Petr Cincala, Rene D. Drumm. (2019). 2017-2018 Global Church Member Survey Concerning the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Reach the World 2015-2020 Strategic Plan: Meta-Analysis Final Report. General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics and Research. August 19, 2019.
Oystein S. LaBianca. A faith for today: Saving the planet. Seventh-day Adventist Educators Blog. March 11, 2019.
Melissa Ponce-Rodas. When Violence is in Our Homes. Lake Union Herald, September 2019, 6.
P. A. Damiano, C. C. Chaston, A. J. Hull, and Jay R. Johnson. Cluster helps solve mysteries of geomagnetic storms. Cluster, March 4, 2019.
Scott Moncrieff. Review of Carol Anderson, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide (Bloomsbury, 2017). Spectrum Magazine (online), September 16, 2019.
Scott Moncrieff. Review of David Brooks, The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life (Random House, 2019). Spectrum Magazine (online). November 11, 2019.
Scott Moncrieff. Review of Lyn R. Bartlett, A Boy from Hahndorf: The Long Journey Home (Outskirts Press, 2019). Spectrum Magazine (online). December 2, 2019.
Scott Moncrieff. Review of A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (TriStar Pictures, 2019). Spectrum Magazine (online). December 11, 2019.
Scott Moncrieff. Review of Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Antiracist (One World, 2019). Spectrum Magazine (online), December 23, 2019.
Kathleen M. Demsky. Environmental Design Research Association Annual Bibliographic Publication: EDRA 50. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Architecture Resource Center: Berrien Springs, MI, 2019.
Marianne Kordas. Program Notes. A Little Bizarre...A Little Extravagant. Camerata Milwaukee, Shorewood, WI. February 23, 2019.
Marianne Kordas. Program Notes. En Garde! Camerata Milwaukee, Shorewood, WI. March 23, 2019.
Adriana Perera. Sing a New Song. Adventist World, May 2019, 24-25.
Alina M. Baltazar. Parenting doesn't stop at 18. Lake Union Herald. February 25, 2019.
Alina M. Baltazar. Use of alcohol: Not safe at any level. College and University Dialogue 31(2), 5-8, 2019.
Alina M. Baltazar. Building a solid relationship. Lake Union Herald. October 2019, 6.
Karl G. D. Bailey, Duane C. McBride, Shannon M. Trecartin, Alina M. Baltazar, Petr Činčala, Rene D. Drumm. (2019). 2017-2018 Global Church Member Survey Concerning the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Reach the World 2015-2020 Strategic Plan: Meta-Analysis Final Report. General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics and Research. August 19, 2019.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime. Lake Union Herald, January 2019, 6.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Who are you following? Lake Union Herald, April 2019, 8.
Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Dear fellow mama. Lake Union Herald, November/December 2019, 6.
Greg Constantine. Illustration, “You can't handle the truth (2014),” in Angelo Flaccavento, I Leoni da Tastiera (Keyboard Lions). Vogue Magazine Italy #825 (May 2019), 32.
Greg Constantine. Bonjour Brancusi: Constantin Brancusi's Art Journey. A Graphic Biography. Self-published, 2019.
Greg Constantine. Davey & Big G. Center for Youth Evangelism: Berrien Springs, MI, 2019.
Greg Constantine. When Famous Artists Were Little Kids. Self-published, 2019.
Brad Hinman. Hope in despair. Lake Union Herald. September 2019, 7.
Jay L. Brand. Mere reflectors: A critical conceptual examination. Seventh-day Adventist Educators Blog. January 10, 2019.
Andrew von Maur. Oases for Ministry: A Proposal for Colegio Adventista Túpac Amaru, Juliaca, Perú. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University: Berrien Springs, MI, 2019.
Grace C. Chi and Jerry L. Chi. Differences between American and Christian cultures. The Last Day Shepherd's Call 97(1), 12-15, 2019.
Grace C. Chi and Jerry L. Chi. Economic liberalism and social liberalism. The Last Day Shepherd's Call 97(2), 12-15, 2019.
Grace C. Chi and Jerry L. Chi. Biblical principles for business ethics: Balancing love and justice. Seventh-day Adventist Educators Blog. April 8, 2019.
Grace C. Chi and Jerry L. Chi. Statistics, Quality Life and Faith. Seventh-day Adventist Educators Blog. September 30, 2019.
Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Sherine Brown-Fraser, Liezel Bibit, Sozina Katuli, and Dixon Anjejo. The role of spirituality in managing mental health. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University FOCUS, Winter 2019, 14-15.
Padma P. Tadi Uppala. Declaration of God's power to the NEXTGEN. Santalum, Serving Humanity: Centenary and Beyond (Lowry Memorial College) 2018-2019, 190-191.
Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Sherine Brown-Fraser, Liezel Bibit, Sozina Katuli, and Dixon Anjejo. The role of spirituality in managing mental health. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University FOCUS, Winter 2019, 14-15.
Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Sherine Brown-Fraser, Liezel Bibit, Sozina Katuli, and Dixon Anjejo. The role of spirituality in managing mental health. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University FOCUS, Winter 2019, 14-15.
Grace C. Chi and Jerry L. Chi. Differences between American and Christian cultures. The Last Day Shepherd's Call 97(1), 12-15, 2019.
Grace C. Chi and Jerry L. Chi. Economic liberalism and social liberalism. The Last Day Shepherd's Call 97(2), 12-15, 2019.
Grace C. Chi and Jerry L. Chi. Biblical principles for business ethics: Balancing love and justice. Seventh-day Adventist Educators Blog, April 8, 2019.
Grace C. Chi and Jerry L. Chi. Statistics, Quality Life and Faith. Seventh-day Adventist Educators Blog. September 30, 2019.
Liz B. Muhlenbeck. Transforming lives through innovation. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University FOCUS, Winter 2019, 16-17.
Katelyn Campbell and S. Joseph Kidder. Molding your child's development, Part 1: The forces that shape the worldview of your child. Pp. 79-85, in Willie and Elaine Oliver (eds.), Reaching Families for Jesus: Making Disciples. Review and Herald: Hagerstown, MD, 2019.
Abner F. Hernández. Una breve historia del sábado. [A Brief History of the Sabbath.], Enfoque de nuestro tiempo 34(4) April, 2019, 9–12.
S. Joseph Kidder. Connecting to God through giving. Elder's Digest, January-March 2019, 28-29.
S. Joseph Kidder and David Penno. Keeping your spirituality alive. Elder's Digest, April-June 2019, 26-28.
S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hudson. A New Paradigm. Pp. 9-16, in S. Joseph Kidder and Gerardo Oudri (eds.), Reach Out! Relevant Youth Evangelism. Advent Source: Lincoln, NE, 2019.
S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hudson. An Opportunity to be Creative. Pp. 17-24, in S. Joseph Kidder and Gerardo Oudri (eds.), Reach Out! Relevant Youth Evangelism. Advent Source: Lincoln, NE, 2019.
Hyveth Williams. Liars and the lies they tell. Adventist Review, February 2019, 45.
Hyveth Williams. The good fight. Adventist Review, April 2019, 61.
David J. B. Trim. Led for a definite purpose: Richard and Georgiana Hayden, missionaries on the front line in the Amazon and the Andes. Mission 360° 7(1), 13-15, 2019.
David J. B. Trim. Led for a definite purpose: Richard and Georgiana Hayden, missionaries on the front line in the Amazon and the Andes. Mission 360° 7(1), 13-15, 2019.
Denis Kaiser. 1888 and the matchless charms of Christ. Adventist World, December 2019, 13-15.
Denis Kaiser. Jesus kommt - bald: Eine Geschichte des aktiven Wartens der frühen Adventisten. Adventisten Heute, February 2019, 11-12.
Denis Kaiser. Entender la Trinidad: Una doctrina de la que una vez dudé. Revista Adventista, March 2019, 22–24.
Denis Kaiser. Die Trinität verstehen: Eine Lehre, an der ich früher zweifelte. Bwgung, March–April 2019, 22–25.
Denis Kaiser. Wie lange noch? Warum ist Jesus noch nicht wiedergekommen? Adventisten heute, August 2019, 8-11.
Denis Kaiser. Perfect, and Ready for Jesus. Adventist Review, October 2019, 30-32.
Denis Kaiser. Review of Frank M. Hasel, Barna Magyarosi, and Stefan Höschele (eds.), Adventists and Military Service: Biblical, Historical, and Ethical Perspectives (Safeliz: Madrid, Spain, 2019). Adventist Review, October 2019, 68-69.
S. Joseph Kidder. Growing in Hope. Florida Focus, Summer 2019, 4-5.
S Joseph Kidder. Church Volunteers: Finding them, training them, and keeping them, Part 1. Elders Digest. October-December 2019, 28-30.
Hyveth Williams. Living the Dream, Adventist Review, March 2019, 62.
Hyveth Williams. More than Shadows. Adventist Review, June 2019, 61.
Hyveth Williams. Seeing beyond the majority: Unsung Adventist heroines. Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 7, 19-22, 2019.
Hyveth Williams. Know Your Enemy. Adventist Review, August 2019, 63.
Hyveth Williams. Our Mysterious God. Adventist Review, October 2019, 63.
Nicholas P. Miller. Let's reason together: Dialogue about biblical justice today. Lake Union Herald, January 2019, 14-17.
David A. Sedlacek and Beverly Sedlacek. Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart: Tools for Emotional Healing, 3rd Edition. Restful Heart: Buchanan, MI, 2019.
Felix Cortez. How do we read scripture? Perspective Digest 24(2), Spring 2019.
Ranko Stefanovic. The Book of Revelation, Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide. Pacific Press: Boise, ID, 2019.
Richard M. Davidson. “A Virgin Shall Bear a Child.” Perspective Digest 24(4), 2019.
Constance Gane. Tall Jalul: A look from behind the Jordan. Biblical Archaeology Review, January-February 2019, 58, 60.
Roy E. Gane. The Sanctuary and Salvation: The Practical Significance of Christ's Sacrifice and Priesthood . Editorial Safeliz: Madrid, Spain, 2019. Translated into Spanish as Santuario y Salvación: El Significado Práctico del Sacrificio y Sacerdocio de Cristo, and into French as Sanctuaire et Salut: La Signification Pratique du Sacrifice et du Sacerdoce du Cristo.
Oliver Glanz. A Short Creation Appraisal of Women for Mother’s Day. Spectrum Magazine, May 10, 2019 (online).
Paul Gregor, Paul Ray and Jacob Moody. Safra 2019. Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter 40(3), 2-3, 2019.
Jiří Moskala. “Editorial: Are Good Deeds—Well, Good?” Ministry, May 2019, 5.
Jiří Moskala. Education et eschatologie. Pourquoi l'éducation théologique est-elle nécessaire? Sevir 4, 77-96, 2019.
Jiří Moskala. “‘You Shall not Kill’ or ‘You Shall not Murder’? The Meaning of Ratsakh in the Sixth Commandment.” Biblical Research Institute: Reflections 67, July 2019, 1–7.
Jiří Moskala. Psalm 73-Its structure and theology: I delight in God's goodness in spite of devastating problems. Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 7, 30-39, 2019.
Jiří Moskala. World Changers: Transformed to Serve. Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 7, 2-7, 2019.
Jiří Moskala. Response to “Can This Be Adventism?” Spectrum Magazine, July 20, 2019 (online).
Paul Ray. Jordan Conference in Florence. Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter 40(3), 1-2, 2019.
Jo Ann Davidson. An atheist confirms Ellen White's counsel. Adventist World, March 2019, 22-23.
Jo Ann Davidson. The Aesthetic Nature of God. Perspective Digest 24(3), 2019.
Denis Fortin. Reflections on the institutional church. Adventist Today 27(1), 6-9, 2019.
John C. Peckham. Love and justice: Combating the two greatest sins. Lake Union Herald, January 2019, 18-21.
John C. Peckham. Un solo Dio in tre persone. Il Messaggero Avventista, September 2019, 10-12.
John C. Peckham interview with Marvin Olasky. Trusting God’s Purposes: Theologian John Peckham on God’s Sovereignty, Evil, and Free Will. WORLD Magazine, October 30, 2019 (online only).
John C. Peckham. Un solo Dio in tre persone: Seconda parte. Il Messaggero Avventista, October 2019: 8-13.
John C. Peckham. Un solo Dio in tre persone: Terza parte. Il Messaggero Avventista, November 2019: 6-9.
John C. Peckham interview with Marvin Olasky. Cosmic Conflict: One View of Evil’s Existence and God’s Goodness. WORLD Magazine 34/21, November 9, 2019: 26-27 (print and online).
John C. Peckham. Un solo Dio in tre persone: Quarta e ultima parte. Il Messaggero Avventista, December 2019: 5-6.
Karl G. D. Bailey, Duane C. McBride, Shannon M. Trecartin, Alina M. Baltazar, Petr Činčala, Rene D. Drumm. (2019). 2017-2018 Global Church Member Survey Concerning the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Reach the World 2015-2020 Strategic Plan: Meta-Analysis Final Report. General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics and Research. August 19, 2019.
Bruce L. Bauer. Demonization and protection from evil spirits in the writings of Ellen G. White with missiological implications. Pp. 10-36, in Kelvin Onongha and Bruce L. Bauer (eds.), Dealing with the Demonic in the African Context. Lithotech: Berrien Springs, MI, 2019.
Petr Činčala. Global views on the state of the dead. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, January 2019.
Petr Činčala. Global views on Sabbath. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, January 2019.
Petr Činčala. Global survey: Sabbath School habits. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, February 2019.
Petr Činčala. New data from Global Church Member Survey: Views on state of the dead. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, February 2019.
Petr Činčala. Global trends on family worship and prayer meeting attendance. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, March 2019.
Petr Činčala. New data: Views on the doctrine of the sanctuary. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, March 2019.
Petr Činčala. Childhood adverse experiences, mental health, and the Adventist Church. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, April 2019.
Petr Činčala. Global trends on alcohol and tobacco use. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. May 2019.
Petr Činčala. Earthly families: A reflection of the family in Heaven. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. May 2019.
Petr Činčala. Church members' involvement in ministry and community. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. June 2019.
Petr Činčala. Commitment and satisfaction in the Adventist Church. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. June 2019.
Petr Činčala. The worldwide church: Views on creation. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. July 2019.
Petr Činčala. Truly knowing Him: Global acceptance of the Trinity. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. July 2019.
Petr Činčala and Rene' Drumm. Views of pastoral ministry careers Among SDA adolescents. Unpublished Report. Center for Youth Evangelism, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University, Berrien Springs, MI. September 2019.
Petr Činčala. The importance of family involvement in community service, church, and family worships. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. September 2019.
Petr Činčala. Coming again! Global views on the second coming of Jesus. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. October 2019.
Petr Činčala. Global views on end-time prophecies. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. October 2019.
Petr Činčala. Global Spirit of Prophecy reading habits. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. November 2019.
Petr Činčala. Family worship trends: 2013 vs 2018. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. December 2019.
Wagner Kuhn. Teología para la Misión de los Últimos Días: Asistencia Social y Desarrollo Humano como Sabiduría Bíblica en Palabras y Obras. Revista Theologika 34(2), 80-97, 2019.
Boubakar Sanou. Towards a scripture-shaped discipleship: A wholistic use of the truth, allegiance, and power dimensions of the gospel. Pp. 46-64, in Kelvin Onongha and Bruce L. Bauer (eds.), Dealing with the Demonic in the African Context. Lithotech: Berrien Springs, MI, 2019.
Boubakar Sanou. Dynamics of Leadership and Followership. Adventist University of Africa (AUA) Today, 2019 Issue, 9.