
2020 Publications (General)

Undergraduate students are italicized, graduate students are bold/ italicized, and faculty are bolded within their department. Entries are duplicated in each faculty co-author’s department.







College of Arts and Sciences


James L. Hayward. Learning Firsthand. Spectrum Magazine 48(3), 44-57, 2020.

James L. Hayward. Dinosaurs, Volcanoes, and Holy Writ: A Boy-Turned-Scientist Travels from Fundamentalism to Faith. Resource Books: Eugene, OR, 2020.


Beverly Matiko. Reflections on the Unexpected. Lake Union Herald, September 2020, 18-20.

Vanessa I. Corredera. Pleasure and Pain in Black Shakespearean Performance History. The Globe Theatre Blog (online), October 22, 2020.

Vanessa I. Corredera. The Space Between Justice and Mercy: A Qualities of Mercy Dispatch. The Sundial (online), August 12, 2020.

Rana Khan, Eun-Young Julia Kim, and Kelly McClendon. Digital tools for online assessment in ELT. TESOL Connections, September 2020, 1-6.

Scott Moncrieff. Review of Jemar Tisby, The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism (Zondervan, 2019). Spectrum Magazine (online). January 6, 2020.

Scott Moncrieff. Review of John Brunt, Enjoying Your Bible: Finding Delight in God’s Word (Oak & Acorn, 2020). Spectrum Magazine (online). February 22, 2020.

Scott Moncrieff. Review of Jeremy K. Everett, I Was Hungry: Cultivating Common Ground to End an American Crisis (Brazos Press, 2019). Spectrum Magazine (online). March 26, 2020.

Scott Moncrieff. Review of Barack Obama, A Promised Land (Crown, 2020). Spectrum Magazine (online), December 9, 2020.

Scott Moncrieff. Review of Isabel Wilkerson, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent (Random House, 2020). Spectrum Magazine (online), October 7, 2020.

Scott Moncrieff. Review of John Lewis et al., March (Trilogy Slipcase Set, Top Shelf Productions, 2016). Spectrum Magazine (online), September 19, 2020.

Scott Moncrieff. Review of Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah, Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery (IVP Books, 2019). Spectrum Magazine (online), June 24, 2020.

Scott Moncrieff. Review of Sandra L. Richter,  Stewards of Eden: What Scripture Says About the Environment and Why it Matters (IVP Academic, 2020). Spectrum Magazine (online), June 3, 2020.

Scott Moncrieff.  Review of Austin Channing Brown, I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness (Convergent, 2018). Spectrum Magazine (online), August 3, 2020.

Religion & Biblical Languages

A. Rahel Wells. Walking Miracle. Lake Union Herald, November/December 2020, 12-13.

School of Social & Behavioral Sciences

Karl G. D. Bailey and Duane C. McBride. Religious Belief and Culture: The Curious Case of the Intuitive Soul. College and University Dialogue 32(2), 9-12, 2020.

Melissa Ponce-Rodas. No Place Like Home. Lake Union Herald, June/July 2020, 6.

Melissa Ponce-Rodas. We Need Each Other. Lake Union Herald, September 2020, 7.

Bethany J. Walker and Øystein S. LaBianca. Hisban Cultural Heritage Project. Archaeology in Jordan 2: 2018-2019 Seasons, 57-58, 2020.

School of Social Work

Alina M. Baltazar.  Mental illness in the family. Lake Union Herald. April 2020, 6.

Alina M. Baltazar. Coping with the pandemic. Lake Union Herald, October 2020, 6. 

Petr Cincala, Shannon Trecartin, and Paul Brantley. North American Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry. Research Report for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020. 

Petr Cincala, Pavel Zubkov, Dmitry Fokin, and Shannon Trecartin. Euro-Asian Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry and Research Center Zaosky. Research Report for the Euro-Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020.

Petr Cincala, Shannon Trecartin, Gustavo Emanoel, and Christie Chui-Shan Chow. Northern-Asian Pacific Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry. Research Report for the Northern-Asian Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020.

Petr Cincala, Shannon Trecartin, and Audrey Andersson. Trans-European Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry. Research Report for the Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020.

Petr Cincala, Shannon Trecartin, and Vara Deepati. Southern Asia Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry. Research Report for the Southern Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020.

Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Make room for prayer. Lake Union Herald, January/February 2020, 6.

Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Improve your mental health. Lake Union Herald, November/December 2020, 6.

Larry R. Evans (chair) and Shannon M. Trecartin (secretary), Adventist Possibility Ministries Advisory. The 3-A Strategy of Adventist Possibility Ministries and KPIs of the I Will Go Strategic Plan. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2020.

College of Education & International Servies

Graduate Psychology & Counseling

Ronald Coffen. Electronic Record for the ACCC (ERA).  ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Community Counseling Center: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.

Bradly K. Hinman. Practicing More Empathy. Lake Union Herald, September 2020, 6.

Bradly K. Hinman. Don't Be So Defensive. Lake Union Herald, October 2020, 7.  

College of Health & Human Services 

School of Architecture

Rhonda Root. One illustration in, Archaeology of the land of Israel: From the Neolithic to Alexander the Great, Part II (Hebrew). The Open University of Israel: Ra'anana, Israel, 2020, page 170.

Andrew von Maur. Transect illustrations on p. 42, 47, 59, in Brian Falk and Andrés Duany (eds.), Transect Urbanism: Readings in Human Ecology. ORO Editions, San Francisco, CA. 2020.

Andrew von Maur. Professionals: Any Room in God’s Ministry? College and University Dialogue 32(2), 5-8, 2020.

School of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Jenica Joseph. Reflection on remote learning in a pandemic. Adventist Educators (online), May 25, 2020.  

School of Distance Education 

Glynis M. Bradfield. Online learning: Some strategies for success. College and University Dialogue 32(3), 5-8, 2020.

College of Professions

Accounting, Economics & Finance

Annetta M. Gibson. My Ethical Church: What does it really mean to live an ethical life? Adventist World. March 2020, 10.

Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary

Christian Ministry

Katelyn Campbell and S. Joseph Kidder. Celebration of Unity. Spectrum Magazine (online), July 15, 2020

Anna M. Galeniece. “Just Be Him”—The Ministry of Presence, Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 8, 33-35, 2020.

Willie Edward Hucks II. The Cooper Conundrum and American Adventism. NAD Adventist (online), June 10, 2020.

Willie Edward Hucks II. Is the Multicultural Congregation a Myth? Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 8, 30-32, 2020.

S Joseph Kidder. Church volunteers: Finding them, training them, and keeping them, Part 2. Elders Digest, January-March 2020, 28-29.

S Joseph Kidder. How to encourage volunteers. Elders Digest, April-June 2020, 28-29.

S. Joseph Kidder. Be a Leader-Maker. Elders Digest, July - September 2020, 28-29.

S. Joseph Kidder and Natalie Dorland. Grief Recovery for Children. NAD Ministerial (online), July 25, 2020.

S. Joseph Kidder and Natalie Dorland. Children Are Struggling with Grief: How can we help them recover? Adventist Review, September 2020, 56.

S Joseph Kidder. Loving like Jesus: Creating a culture of evangelism. Gleaner (North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists), September-October 2020, 6-11.

S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell. Worldview through the Lens of the Great Controversy. Elders Digest, October - December 2020, 30-31.

S. Joseph Kidder. The Most Effective Evangelist in the World. Gleaner (North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists) (online), October 7, 2020. 

S. Joseph Kidder and Willie Edward Hucks II. From Obstacles to Opportunities: Churches Rising Above the Challenges of COVID-19. Adventist World, December 2020, 10-15.

David Penno. How to read books effectively and efficiently. NAD Ministerial (online). February 09, 2020.

Anthony WagenerSmith. Grandpa’s Legacy. Mission 360 8(2), June 2020, 4-5. 

David A. Williams. God is No Respecter of Persons: How Worshiping Together Cultivates Unity Across the Divide. NAD Ministerial (online), November 25, 2020. 

Hyveth Williams. The Bible, then and now. Adventist Review, January 2020, 61.

Hyveth Williams. Where Thirst is Quenched. Adventist Review, May 2020, 43.

Hyveth Williams. With Jesus in the Storm. Adventist Review, July 2020, 59.

Hyveth Williams. What Masks Cannot Do. Adventist Review, September 2020, 61.

Hyveth Williams. Catfish. Adventist Review, November 2020, 41.

Hyveth Williams. A Restored Identity? Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 8, 26-27, 2020.

Church History

Denis Kaiser. Kolminaisuuden ymmärtäminen: Oppi, jota aiemmin epäilin. Nykyaika, April 2020, 10-14.

Nicholas P. Miller. Love, Liberty and Worship in the Time of Coronavirus. Lake Union Herald, May 2020, 26-29.

Trevor O'Reggio. 52 Life Changing Devotional Thoughts: Spiritual Food for the Journey. Forteleza Ediciones: Valencia Spain, 2020.

Trevor O'Reggio. Voices From the Reformation. Fortaleza Ediciones: Valencia, Spain, 2020.

John W. Reeve. Why We Don't Worship Three Gods. Perspective Digest 25(2), 2020.

John Reeve. Why We Don't Worship Three Gods. Perspective Digest 25(2), 2020.

David J. B. Trim. “In view of the present uncertainty”: Postponing General Conference Sessions. Adventist Review Online. March 20, 2020.

Discipleship & Religious Education

David A. Sedlacek. First the Blade, Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 8, 18-19, 2020.

New Testament

Félix H. Cortez. Sharing the Gospel in a postmodern world: Challenges and opportunities. College and University Dialogue 32(1), 5-8. 2020.
Félix H. Cortez.  What did Jesus Accomplish on the Cross? Perspective Digest 25(4), 2020.

Thomas R. Shepherd. Making Sense of Pain and Trouble. Adventist World, August 2020, 18-19.

Ranko Stefanovic. Focus na Svetom Pismu, a ne na Senzacijama. Glasnik, October-December 2020, 6-8.

Old Testament

Richard M. Davidson. The sanctuary doctrine: Adventist's unique contribution to Christian theology. Adventist Review, September 2020, 20-21.

Richard M. Davidson and Joel Iparraguirre. El cumplimiento de la profecía apocalíptica y el reino de Dios.  Pp. 1-8 in Erik R. Jiménez, Teófilo Correa, and Joel Iparraguirre (eds.), Eventos finales: Un exposición bíblica y contemporánea. Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists - Área Hispana: Clovis, CA, 2020.

Richard M. Davidson. ¡Las buenas nuevas del Yom Kippur! Pp. 9–14 in Erik R. Jiménez, Teófilo Correa, and Joel Iparraguirre (eds.), Eventos finales: Un exposición bíblica y contemporánea. Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists - Área Hispana: Clovis, CA, 2020.

Roy E. Gane. Former Presidents' Forum: Social Distancing to Avoid Contagion. Perspective Digest 25(3), 2020.

Roy E. Gane. From Contamination to Purification. Spectrum Magazine (online), February 26, 2020.

Roy E. Gane. Response to “Cyrus’ or Artaxerxes’ Decree? Issues in Dating the 70-Week Prophecy.” Adventist Today (online), March 6, 2020.

Roy E. Gane. Introduction. Pp. 1-4, in L. S. Baker Jr., Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells (eds.), Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch. Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement 27. Eisenbrauns: University Park, PA, 2020.

Roy E. Gane. Isaiah. Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (January - March 2021). Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2020.

Roy E. Gane. The Book of Isaiah: Thoughts as High as Heaven. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2020.

Oliver Glanz. Imagining a sola scriptura church: The power of the Word made new. Adventist Review. January 2020, 26-29.

Oliver Glanz. Complete Hebrew/Aramaic-English Dictionary as data feature for BHSa Text-Fabric app. Published on Github, September 2020.

Oliver Glanz. Complete Transliteraiton of the Tischendorf database for Tischendorf Text-Fabric app. Published on Github, September 2020.

Oliver Glanz. Hebrew-Aramaic Dictionary entry forms with homographization as data feature for BHSa Text-Fabric app. Published on Github, September 2020.

Oliver Glanz. Verbal Class categorization of all verbal forms as data feature for BHSa Text-Fabric app. Published on Github, September 2020.

Oliver Glanz. Word Frequency calculation for each word in the Tischendorf corpus as data feature for Tischendorf Text-Fabric app. Published on Github, September 2020.

Paul Gregor, Paul Ray, Constance E. Clark Gane, Jacob Moody and Trisha Broy. Khirbat Safra. Archaeology in Jordan 2: 2018-2019 Seasons, 83-85, 2020.

Jiří Moskala. “The Meaning of the Sixth Commandment.” Perspective Digest 25(2), 2020.

Oliver Glanz. Imagining a sola scriptura church: The power of the Word made new. Adventist Review. January 2020, 26-29.

Jiří Moskala. Former Presidents' Forum: Our Greatest Need. Perspective Digest 25(4), 2020.

Jiří Moskala. Jesús como intercesor en el santuario. Revista Adventista, July 2020, 18–23.

Jiří Moskala. The Seventh-day Adventist Identity—Who Are We as a Community of Faith? Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 8, 2-11, 2020.

Jiří Moskala. Theological Essence: The Gospel of Revelation 14. Adventist Review, October 2020, 23­–25.

Jiří Moskala. The Indispensable God’s Presence: Toward the Theology of God’s Face. Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 8, 36-43, 2020.

Jiří Moskala. ¿Cuál es el verdadero significado del juicio? ¡Salvación! Pp. 29–42, in Erik R. Jiménez, Teófilo Correa, and Joel Iparraguirre (eds.), Eventos finales: Un exposición bíblica y contemporánea. Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists - Área Hispana: Clovis, CA, 2020.

Jiří Moskala. Los dos sellos de Dios: El sello del evangelio y el sello apocalíptico. Pp. 79–86, in Erik R. Jiménez, Teófilo Correa, and Joel Iparraguirre, (eds.), Eventos finales: Un exposición bíblica y contemporánea. Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists - Área Hispana: Clovis, CA, 2020.

Jiří Moskala. Preface. Pages vii–ix, in L. S. Baker Jr., Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells (eds.), Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch. Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement 27. Eisenbrauns: University Park, PA, 2020.

Theology & Christian Philosophy

Jo Ann Davidson. Shaken at Shechem. Pp 16-19, in Donna Jackson (ed.), Strength for the Journey:  Short Stories by Ministerial Spouses. North American Division Ministerial Department (online), 2020.

Jo Ann Davidson, Rediscovering the Glory of the Sabbath, Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, Idaho, 2020.

Jo Ann Davidson. Judgment and Other Good News: Clarifying the nature of the everlasting gospel. Adventist Review, October 2020, 54-55.

Denis Fortin. "I have had to adjust my view of things" – Lessons from the 1919 Bible Conference.  Spectrum Magazine 48(1), 16-27, 2020.

Denis Fortin. In Defense of Pastor Giovanni Caccamo, Part 1: Adventists Are Not Anti-Ecumenical. Adventist Today. Published online, February 28, 2020.

Denis Fortin. In Defense of Pastor Giovanni Caccamo, Part 2: Adventists Believe in Christian Unity. Adventist Today. Published online, March 1, 2020.

Denis Fortin. Jesus, Ellen and our oommon cause. Gleaner Now, Journal of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Published online, March 2, 2020.

Denis Fortin. One in Christ: What have we missed?  Adventist Today 28.1,  Winter 2020, 16-17.

Denis Fortin. Sanctification and perfection. Perspective Digest 25(1), 2020.

Denis Fortin. Understanding ecumenism and what really happened in Bologna. Gleaner Now, Journal of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Published online, March 1, 2020.

John C. Peckham, interview with Felipe Lemos. Entender a natureza de Deus é fundamental para relacionamento com Ele. Noticias-Adventistas, January 17, 2020.

World Mission

Petr Činčala, Pavel Zubkov, Dmitry Fokin, and Shannon Trecartin. Euro-Asian Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry and Research Center Zaosky. Research Report for the Euro-Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020.

Petr Činčala, Shannon Trecartin, and Audrey Andersson. Trans-European Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry. Research Report for the Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020.

Petr Činčala, Shannon Trecartin, and Paul Brantley. North American Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry. Research Report for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020.

Petr Činčala, Shannon Trecartin, Gustavo Emanoel, and Christie Chui-Shan Chow. Northern-Asian Pacific Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry. Research Report for the Northern-Asian Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020.

Petr Činčala, Shannon Trecartin, and Vara Deepati. Southern Asia Division Report: Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018. Institute of Church Ministry. Research Report for the Southern Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, January 19, 2020.

Petr Činčala. European Adventist ways of reaching secular people for Christ: Need-oriented evangelism and mission outreach (1995-present). Pp. 99-110, in Stefan Höschele and Chigemezi N. Wogu (eds.), Contours of European Adventism: Issues in the History of the Denomination on the Old Continent. Institute of Adventist Studies, Friedensau Adventist University: Möckern-Friedensau, Germany, 2020.

Petr Činčala. Pastors' leadership styles. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. January 2020.

Petr Činčala. Is bigger better? Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. January 2020.

Petr Činčala. Global personal prayer habits: 2013 vs. 2018. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. February 2020.

Petr Činčala. The gift of salvation. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. February 2020.

Petr Činčala. A relationship with Christ: Global trends 2013 vs. 2018. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. March 2020.

Petr Činčala. Methods of learning about the mission offering: The role of Sabbath School material. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. March 2020.

Petr Činčala. Social media usage: Adventist trends worldwide. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. April 2020.

Petr Činčala. Applying our relationship with Christ: GCMS faith maturity results.  Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. April 2020.

Petr Činčala. A look behind interpretation. Spectrum Sabbath School (online), May 4, 2020.

Petr Činčala. Searching for God-given meaning in scripture. Spectrum Sabbath School (online), May 19, 2020.

Petr Činčala and Michelet William. Pastoral longevity in ministry: Survey report. Prepared by the Institute of Church Ministry for the NAD Ministerial, May 2020.

Petr Činčala. A mother's influence on spiritual formation. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, May 2020.

Petr Činčala. Using the internet and mobile devices for spiritual growth. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, May 2020.

Petr Činčala. Worldwide views on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, June 2020.

Petr Činčala. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit - Global views on healthful living. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, June 2020.

Petr Činčala. Pathfinders' views on salvation: Grace or Works? Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, July 2020.

Petr Činčala. Pathfinders' views of their longevity within the Adventist Church. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, July 2020.

Petr Činčala. News in brief: I will stick around. Adventist World, August 2020, 4.

Petr Činčala. Disabilities and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, August 2020.

Petr Činčala. The cost of ministering like Jesus. Spectrum Sabbath School (online), August 19, 2000.

Petr Činčala. Global trends of church member visitation. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, September 2020.

Petr Činčala. Global views on utilizing Christ's method. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, September 2020.

Petr Činčala. The Good News in the Three Angels’ Message. Spectrum Sabbath School (online), September 17, 2000.

Petr Činčala. Global views on characteristics of pastors and local church leadership. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, October 2020.

Petr Činčala. Specific pastoral skills and areas of competence. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, October 2020.

Petr Činčala. Global views on Ellen G. White and her writings. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, November 2020.

Petr Činčala. The worldwide importance of Adventist education. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, November 2020.

Petr Činčala. Discovering Adventist identity in times of crisis. Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 8, 28-29, 2020.

Petr Činčala. Worldwide views on commitment to Christ. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, December 2020.

Petr Činčala. Social ties and member care in the global church. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog, December 2020.

Petr Činčala. Spiritual reset: A guide to a daily spiritual bath. Jesus First Apparel: Berrien Springs, MI, 2020.