
Your Rights

Your Rights as a Research Participant:

  • You have a right to be told that you are being asked to participate in research.
  • You have a right to be told the purpose of the research.
  • You have a right to be told what will happen during the study, what you are being asked to do, and how long it will last.
  • You have a right to understand what part of the research is experimental.
  • You have a right to be told about all of the possible risks, side effects and discomforts that you might expect if you decide to participate.
  • You have a right to know about other options available if you decide not to participate.
  • You have a right to understand how your personal information will be kept private.
  • You have the right to withdraw from the study or refuse to participate at any time without penalty or loss of benefits (for example, leaving the study will not affect your medical care, student status, work status, etc).
  • You have the right to an informed consent discussion. This means the researcher should explain the whole study to you, and then without any pressure, allow you time to make the right choice for yourself.
  • You have a right to receive a copy of your consent form, and information about who to contact if you should have any questions.