The 2018-2019 Recipients of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University graduate Grants in Aid of Research are:
• Scott Baker (Randall Younker, Archaeology). Archaeology of the Sanctuary. Abstract
• Bruna Barbosa (Darah Regal, Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology). Analysis of Language Errors in Speakers who are Bilingual under Quiet and Background Noise Conditions. Abstract
• Drew Bourret (Elizabeth Oakley, Physical Therapy). Are Musculoskeletal Physical therapists using Diagnostic Clinical Prediction Rules? Determining the facilitators and barriers to implementation. Abstract
• HaeSub Chung (Bruce Bauer, World Mission). Impact of a post-Confucian hierarchical worldview on Korean society: Implication for Adventist Mission. Abstract
• Kathleen Forbis (Anneris Coria-Navia, Teaching, Learning & Curriculum). The effect of mentoring on novice teacher retention in Adventist schools as influenced by self-efficacy and positive organizational support. Abstract
• Tendai Hunyenyiwa (Denise Smith, Biology). The effects of novel Dihydropyridine derivatives as anti-invasive drugs on glioblastoma. Abstract
• Priscilla Kyi (Denise Smith, Biology). Benzothiazole as a Novel Hybrid Anti-Invasion Agent Against Glioblastoma. Abstract
• Stanley Lebrun (Oystein LaBianca, Behavioral Sciences). The Use of ESRI Platform in the Reconstruction of the Hisban Longue Duree Project. Abstract
• Jeremy McLarty (Tom Goodwin, Biology). Paleoecological Interpretations of Microfossils from the Black Mountain Turtle Layer, Bridger Formation. Abstract
• Austin Menzmer (Tom Goodwin, Biology). Seasonal diet variation in thirteen-lined ground squirrels (ictidomys tridecemlineatus) in southwest Michigan. Abstract
• Joshua Pazvakawambwa (Joel Raveloharimisy, Behavioral Sciences). An impact assessment of technology use in Adventist Healthcare Missions. Abstract
• Carina Prestes (Randall Younker, Archaeology). Archaeological Evidence of the Role of Women in Early Christianity. Abstract
• Koloina Rakotondrainibe (Joel Raveloharimisy, Behavioral Sciences). Integrating Humanitarianism with Adventist Evangelism: an Evaluation of the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Traditional Outreach Methods. Abstract
• Christina Rosette (Marlene Murray, Biology). A Comparison of ISYNA and IMPA1 Gene Expression in Normal vs. Bipolar Cells and the Effects of DHA and EPA on the Expression of ISYNA and IMPA1 in Normal Cells verses Bipolar Disorder Cells. Abstract
• Jared Wilson (Randall Younker, Archaeology). 3D Modeling and its Applications from San Miceli Excavations in Sicily. Abstract