These are student presentations given in 2012 and earlier.
B. Navia, A. Groeneweg, J. Stout, G. Atkins. (2012) Changes in the selectivity of phonotaxis and its neuronal correlates in response to prothoracic nanoinjection of modulators in female cricket Acheta domesticus. Front. Behav. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Tenth International Congress of Neuroethology, College Park, MD, August 5-10, 2012, doi: 10.3389/conf.fnbeh.2012.27.00332.
S. M. Henson, J. L. Hayward, J. D. Cowles, and M. W. Chacko. 2012. Dynamics of harbor seal haulout. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
Kristin Chung, Esther Cha, Cristy Creighton and Gordon Atkins. (2012) Evaluating the Role of Prothoracic Modulators Controlling the Phonotactic Response of the Female Cricket Acheta domesticus. Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
Ashley Groeneweg, ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University; Benjamin Navia, Kettering College; Gordon Atkins. (2012) Effects of Histamine and Antihistamine on the L3 Auditory Interneuron in the Prothoracic Ganglion of the Common European House Cricket (Acheta domesticus). Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
Lauren Martin, Sunny Kim and Gordon Atkins. (2012) Hormonal Control of Phonotactic Selectivity in the Supraesophageal Ganglion of Female Crickets Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
M. McCormick, S. Henson, and J. Hayward. 2012. Gull egg mass as a function of length and width. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
L. M. Weldon, J. L. Hayward, S. M. Henson, L. C. Megna, B. G. Payne, and A. E. Moncrieff. 2012. Effects of nest location, timing, clutch size, and other factors on hatching success in Glaucous-winged Gulls. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
L. Megna, A. E. Moncrieff, J. L. Hayward, and S. M. Henson. 2012. Hybridization and reproductive success of gulls in the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis complex at an inland colony. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
B. G. Payne, J. L. Hayward, S. M. Henson, and L. C. Megna. 2012. Dynamics of Galápagos marine iguana haul-out. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Alma, Michigan, 2 March.
Amanda Sandler, Johnny Ahn and Gordon Atkins. (2012) Effect of Circadian Rhythms and Light Intensity on Phonotactic Selectivity of Female Crickets (Acheta domesticus). Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
Gordon Atkins, Tori Steely and Ioana Danci, Keith Snyder. (2012) Geographic Variation in the Calling Song of Gryllus pennsylvanicus. Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
Lauren Van Putten and Gordon Atkins. (2012) Intraindividual Variation in the Calling Songs of the Cricket Gryllus pennsylvanicus. Presented at Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Annual Conference, Alma College, Alma MI, March 2, 2012.
K Bullock and H. T. Goodwin (2011) Estimating body mass of ground squirrels from skeletal and dental variables with application to an extinct giant ground squirrel, Paenemarmota. To be presented at the Michigan Academy of Science Arts and Letters.
B Sherwin, J Stout, G Atkins (2011). The role of Cl- channel-inhibition in the brain on the phonotactic selectivity of female crickets. To be presented at the Michigan Academy of Science Arts and Letters.
B Navia, C Burden, C Greene, T Steely, H Hasagawa, J Stout, G Atkins (2010). Variability in the male's calling song correlates with variability in phonotactic and neuronal responses in female cricket Acheta domesticus. Proceedings from the International Congress of Neuroethology 9:407 , Salamanca, Spain.
G Atkins, C Burden, C Greene, T Steely, J Stout (2008). Temperature coupling between the male's calling song, the female's phonotactic response, and the SP-selective responses of the L3 auditory interneuron in Acheta domesticus. Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meetings, Tours, France. p. 59