
2013 Undergraduate Presentations

The presentations listed below include undergraduate students* either as co-authors or presenters.

College of Arts and Sciences


  • Carrie Meisar, Jerome Thayer, and Katherine Koudele. “An evaluation of electrical conductivity as a practical tool in mastitis detection.” Poster presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association and the American Association of Animal Scientists. Indianapolis, IN. July 8-12, 2013.

Behavioral Sciences

  • S. Gondra. (Herbert W. Helm Jr., Faculty Advisor). Hook-up Culture Among College Students. A poster presented at MPA’s Eighty-fifth Annual Meeting (Psi Chi Poster Session), Chicago, May, 2013.
  • K.A. Hupp & S.S. Delice. (Herbert W. Helm Jr., Faculty Advisor). The Role that Openness and Religious Attitude Plays in Critical Thinking. A poster presented at MPA’s Eighty-fifth Annual Meeting (Psi Chi Poster Session), Chicago, May, 2013.
  • C. Knutson, E. Victorin, K. Willis & K. Wilson. (Herbert W. Helm Jr., Faculty Advisor). Perceived Relationship Quality and Body Image. A poster presented at MPA’s Eighty-fifth Annual Meeting (Psi Chi Poster Session), Chicago, May, 2013.


  • J.L. Hayward, S. M. Henson, and L. C. Megna. 2013. Ovulation synchrony in gulls. 131st Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, Chicago, Illinois, 16 August.
  • A. Sandler, G. Atkins, M. McLarty, M. McCormick, S. Henson, and J. Hayward. 2013. Features of copulation and the copulation call in Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens). 131st Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, Chicago, Illinois, 16 August.
  • L.C. Megna, A. E. Moncrieff, J. L. Hayward, and S. M. Henson. 2013. Equal reproductive success of phenotypes in the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis complex. 131st Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, Chicago, Illinois, 15 August.
  • J.A. Brassington, A. E. Chacko, W. J. Jang, B. Kisser, B. H. Passey, and H. T. Goodwin. 2013. Seasonal and spatial variation in diet recorded by δ13C of incisor enamel of free-ranging thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus). American Society of Mammalogists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 14 June-18 June, 2013.
  • J.A. Brassington, A. Chacko, and H. T. Goodwin. 2013. Temporal variation in stable isotopes of incisor enamel from free-ranging, thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus). Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters, Hope College, Holland, Michigan. 22 March.
  • D. Burton, S. Henson, and J. Hayward. 2013. Onset of synchrony in avian ovulation cycles. Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Hope College, Michigan. 22 March.
  • A. Sandler, G. Atkins, M. McLarty, M. McCormick, S. Henson, and J. Hayward. 2013. Copulation call and behavior of Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens). Annual Meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Michigan, 22 March.
  • J.L. Hayward, L. C. Megna, B. G. Payne, S. R. V. Chávez, and S. M. Henson. 2013. Temporal and environmental effects on the behavior of Flightless Cormorants. 40th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Portland, Oregon, 20–24 February.
  • J.L. Hayward, L. M. Weldon, S. M. Henson, L. C. Megna, A. E. Moncrieff, and B. G. Payne. 2013. Egg cannibalism in gulls increases with sea surface temperature. 40th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Portland, Oregon, 20–24 February.
  • A. Sandler, G. Atkins, M. McLarty, M. McCormick, S. Henson, and J. Hayward. 2013. Copulation call and behavior of Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens). 40th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Portland, Oregon, 20–24 February.
  • G. Atkins, A. Sandler, M. McClarty, M. McCormick, S. Henson, and J. Hayward. 2013 Egg-laying behavior in Glaucous-winged Gulls. 40th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Portland, Oregon, 20–24 February.
  • B.G. Payne, S. M. Henson, J. L. Hayward, L. C. Megna, and S. R. Velastegui Chávez. 2013. Temporal dynamics of Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) haulout. Joint Mathematics Meetings, American Mathematical Society and The Mathematical Association of America, San Diego, 10 January.


  • D.W. Randall, L.K. Garibay. “Green(er) Chemistry:  Alternative to potassium dichromate in the analytical chemistry lab” ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN Sept 2013.
  • D.W. Randall, L.K. Garibay. “Green(er) Chemistry:  Alternative to potassium dichromate in the analytical chemistry lab” Presenter ACS Central East Regional Meeting (CERM), Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI  May 2013.  (Green Chemistry symposium).
  • Erica Evans, Brittany Foster, Ryan T. Hayes, Hyun Kwon, James Magbanua, Desmond Murray. (2013) “Synthesis, Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Investigations Into Donor-Acceptor Metal-Sensing Stilbenes.” Annual Meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Alma College, Michigan, 22 March.

Engineering and Computer Science

  • H.J. Kwon, M. Hess, R. Polski. COMSOL simulation of transdermal toxin expulsion via adsorptive dermal patch, COMSOL Conference, Boston, MA, Oct. 7-9, 2013.
  • H.J. Kwon, R. Huyancaya. Modeling light propagation in skin for visualization of subcutaneous veins, COMSOL Conference, Boston, MA, Oct. 7-9, 2013.
  • Boon-Chai Ng and Betsy Nixon. “Incorporating MasteringEngineering® to Tutor Engineering Students Individually As well as providing the instructor with rich teaching diagnostics” 1st International Scholar Conference Proceeding, Asia-Pacific International University, Thailand, Oct 3-4 2013.
  • Boon-Chai Ng, James Magbanua and Gunnar Lovhoiden.“Evaluation of the electrical resistance and capacitance of a di-electric electro-active polymer”, The 8th Pacfic Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, Edited by Fernand Marquis, TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society), pg. 35-43, August 4-9, 2013.
  • Luke Kang, Robert Polski, H.J. Kwon, and Desmond Murray. Synthesis and characterization of arylidene rhodanine derivatives as bi-functional linkers for metal and metal oxide nanoparticles. MASAL, March 22, 2013, Grand Rapids, MI.


  • Danielle Burton, Shandelle M. Henson. American Mathematical Society, Fall Southeastern Sectional meeting, special session on Mathematical Models in Biology and Physiology, "Bifurcation of synchronous ovulation cycles in colonial birds."  Louisville, KY, October 6, 2013.


  • Christopher Greenley, Tiffany Z. Summerscales, Lee S. Finn, “Application of the Maximum Entropy Method to Hardware Injections in the LIGO Gravitational Wave Detectors”,   January AAS Meeting 2013 (#221)   NASA ADS Abstract entry: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013AAS...22143214G

Social Work

  • A. Baltazar, C.J. VanderWaal & K.D. Conopio. “Adventist college student perceptions of health risk behaviors.” 2nd Annual Human Subjects Research Conference, Summit on Nurture and Retention. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, MD. November 18-20, 2013.
  • D.C. McBride, G. L. Hopkins, A.M. Baltazar, C. VanderWaal, K. Conopio. “Family dinners and substance use and sexual activity in a prohibitionist university population.” American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. November 2-6, 2013.


Some of the students were recent gradutes or graduate students by the date of the presentation, but the research involved their work as an undergraduate.