
2015-2016 Undergraduate Research Scholars

Charles Abreu (Karl Bailey, Behavioral Sciences), Cluster analysis of eye movement patterns and degrees of belief. Summer 2015

Will Allen (Boon-Chai Ng, Engineering & Computer Science), Creating and Testing Anodized Aluminum for potential application as an interposer in the test socket industry. Summer 2015, Fall 2015

Christiana Atkins (Harvey Burnett, Behavioral Sciences), Moral Reasoning and Judgments about Ending Life Revisited: The Influences of Education, Spirituality and Resilience. Fall 2015, Spring 2016

Kaydra Bailey (Desmond Murray, Chemistry), Liquid Crystalline Rhodanines as Biological Stains. Summer 2015

Christian Bardan (Peter Lyons, Biology), Analysis of mammalian carboxypeptidase O expression patterns. Fall 2015 ()

Alaryss Bosco (Monique Pittman, English), A Machiavellian Framing of Power Dynamics in Shakespeare's Henry V as adapted by Olivier, Branagh, and the BBC's Hollow Crown. Summer 2015, Fall 2015 ()

Noah Chun (Getahun Merga, Chemistry), Characterization of naked noble metal nanoparticles before and after binding them to specific organic molecules and biomolecules. Fall 2015

Saharsh Dass (Shandelle Henson, Mathematics), Mathematical Models of Animal Behavior. Fall 2015, Spring 2016 ()

Jonathan Doram (Anneris Coria-Navia, Teaching, Learning & Curriculum), Surviving or Thriving: A Mixed Methods Case Study Investigating the Impact of Racial and Ethnic Diversity on Student Levels of Thriving in a Choral Classroom. Spring 2016

Hazel Ezeribe (Peter Lyons, Biology), An analysis of carboxypeptidase folding mechanisms. Fall 2015

Josias Flores (Romulus Chelbegean, Religion), Being a Pastor's Husband. Summer 2015, Fall 2015

Amante Gonzalez (Romulus Chelbegean, Religion), Being a Pastor's Husband. Summer 2015, Fall 2015

Noel Harris (Joel Raveloharimisy, Behavioral Sciences), Using Theories of Change for the Education of Social Responsibility: A Theoretical Framework. Spring 2016

Cooper Hodges (Duane McBride, Behavioral Sciences), Religiosity & Perceived Stress Among College Students. Summer 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016 ()

Bomi Kim (Darah Regal, Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology), Auditory Memory and Figure-Ground Ability Among University ESL Students: A Comparative Study. Spring 2016

Shanelle Kim (Monique Pittman, English), Religion, Morality, and Gender in Ben Johnson's Volpone. Summer 2015 ()

Jeong Bin Lee (Benjamin Navia, Biology), L3 auditory interneuron responses to dual-frequency calling songs in female crickets (Acheta domesticus). Summer 2015, Fall 2015 ()

Julie Logan (Yun Myung Oh, Mathematics), A characterization of sphere curves: Summary and new. Fall 2015, Spring 2016

Bernardo Martinez (Rodney Summerscales, Computer Science), Providing immersive virtual reality walkthroughs of large, architect-designed buildings. Summer 2015 ()

Hannah Mbungu (Sherine Brown-Fraser, Public Health, Nutrition & Wellness), The Effects of Preservation Techniques on Nutrient Quality in Selected Foods Using a Refractometer. Summer 2015, Spring 2016

Karla Mulzac (Benjamin Navia, Biology), The effect of dual frequency calls in the phonotactic response of female cricket Acheta domesticus. Spring 2016

Rufaro Musvosvi (Hyun Kwon, Engineering & Computer Science), Matlab Gui application for Optical trapping. Fall 2015 ()

Fonda Mwangi (Rachel Williams-Smith, Communication), From Good to Great-An Action Research study to Improve the New Faculty Onboarding Experience. Spring 2016

Candace Neufville (Darah Regal, Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology), Auditory Memory and Figure-Ground Ability Among University ESL Students: A Comparative Study. Spring 2016

Michael Plantak (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Ames Test Optimization for Evaluating Mutagenicity of Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines. Fall 2015

Zachary Reichert (John Stout, Biology), The effect of model calls with varying sound intensities and multiple frequencies in the phonotactic selectivity and its neural correlates in female crickets. Summer 2015, Fall 2015

Zachary Reichert (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Structure Identification of Mutagenic Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines. Spring 2016 ()

Timothy Robertson (Joon Kang, Mathematics), Sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of positive solutions to an eliiptic model. Summer 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016 ()

Elmany Saint-Fleur (Garth Woodruff, Agriculture), Sustainable Agriculture. Summer 2015

Randy Sanchez (Thomas Goodwin, Biology), Distribution and paleobiology of hibernation in fossil ground-dwelling squirrels from the Great Plains. Spring 2016 ()

Heaven Shin (Hyun Kwon, Engineering & Computer Science), Paper biosensor design and test. Summer 2015

Connor Smith (Garth Woodruff, Agriculture), Identifying and Preserving Endangered Plants in Tall Hishbon, Jordan. Summer 2015

Rashida Smith (James Hayward, Biology), Measuring the effects of sea surface temperature on seabird cannibalism in the Salish Sea. Spring 2016

Christa Spieth (Boon-Chai Ng, Engineering & Computer Science), Testing anodized aluminum for potential application as an interposer in the test socket industry. Spring 2016

Gabriel Stanier (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Isolation and detection of Arginine-based HCA in Complex Plant Proteins. Fall 2015

Krystal Uzuegbu (Lionel Matthews, Behavioral Sciences), Psycho-social, Religious, and Socio-demographic Predictors of Racial Attitude in a Selected Group of Americans. Summer 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016

Zachary Verhelle (Hyun Kwon, Engineering & Computer Science), Electrochemical paper biosensor development. Spring 2016

Chrystal Wedderburn (Oystein LaBianca, Behavioral Sciences), Survey of Habitation Caves in Jordan. Spring 2016

Hyelin You (David Nowack, Chemistry), Stabilization of Aqueous Ascorbic Acid Solutions using PAMAM Dendrimers. Summer 2015, Fall 2015

Dillon Zimmerman (Getahun Merga, Chemistry), Arylidene Barbiturates as Potential Bifunction Nanoparticle Linkers. Spring 2016