
2018-2019 Undergraduate Research Scholars

Jeremy Barrett (Hyun Kwon, Engineering), Development of a Dopamine Sensor. Summer 2018, Fall 2018

• Elizabeth Bates (Randall Younker, Archaeology), Moabite and Ammonite Painted Pottery Project. Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Jessica Bates (Randall Younker, Archaeology), Tall Jalul Common Ware Ceramic Project. Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Jonathan Borton (Vanessa Corredera, English), Hispanic but Not Really: Finding My Place in the Puerto Rican-American Narrative . Spring 2019

• Brittney Byrd (Harvey Burnett, Behavioral Sciences), The Effects of Suggestive Wording on Eyewitnesses. Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Zoey Caballero (Darah Regal, Speech Language Pathology & Audiology), Efficacy of a three-week intervention program for pre-school and school-aged children in the areas of phonemic awareness and auditory processing . Summer 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Amanda Cho (Tom Goodwin, Biology), Comparing surface appearance and microstructure of tooth enamel and dentin formed during and outside of hibernation, using scanning electron microscopy . Spring 2019

• Kieun Chung (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Method Optimization to Isolate Potentially-Carcinogenic, Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines. Summer 2018

• Alma Cortez (Constance Gane, Old Testament), Analysis, Image Rendering, and Publication of Tall Jalul’s Field D Material Remains Including Ceramic Vessels, Cultic and Non-Cultic Figurines, Cultic Shrines, Seals, Sealings, and Inscriptions . Summer 2018. Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Claire Covrig (Lisa Ahlberg, Chemistry), Rapid and Versatile One-Flask Synthesis of Dendrimer Cores. Summer 2018

• Diamond De Guzman (Joel Raveloharimisy, Behavioral Sciences), Formalizing the Informal: Analysis of the Formalization of Informal Institutions in Madagascar . Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Alexi Decker (Vanessa Corredera, English), “The beauty! The beauty!”: Conquering the Female Body in Heart of Darkness and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Summer 2018, Spring 2019

• Lucinda Ford (Joon Kang, Mathematics), Positive Solutions to a General Predator-Prey Ssytem with Combined Self-Limitation and Competition . Spring 2019

• Trevor Furst (Daniel McBride, Behavioral Sciences), Sexual Orientation and Mental Health. Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Devin Garcia (Yun Myung Oh, Mathematics), A curve satisfying τ /κ = 1/ s with constant curvature κ. Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Talisa Gonzalez (Harvey Burnett, Behavioral Sciences), The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Parenting Practices . Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Nathan Hilton (Davide Sciarabba, Religion), A Cohesive Response to the Problem of Language in the Doctrine of God: A Phenomenological Approach . Spring 2019

• MariAlexxa Holman (Melissa Ponce-Rodas, Behavioral Sciences), Racial Identity, religiosity and spirituality as correlates of campus climate and diversity narratives . Summer 2018

• Ryutaro Jacobson (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Synthesis and Analysis of Red Perylenediimide Core PAMAM Dendrimers . Summer 2018

• Christopher Jenkins (Sten LaBianca, Behavioral Sciences), Animation of the Cultural Landscape of Tall Hisban in Jordan. Summer 2018

• Juliane Johnson (Daniel Gonzalez, Biology), Subspecies differences in body shape and size in West Indian manatees . Fall 2018

• Lisa Johnston (Lynelle Weldon, Mathematics), Identifying Common and Persistent Student Misconceptions by Analyzing Student Work on Remedial Mathematics Examinations . Summer 2018

• Gillian Jurek (Darah Regal, Speech Language Pathology & Audiology), Tinnitus: Initial Evaluation Results and their Relationship to Treatment Required to Habituate Tinnitus in Head Injury and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Patients . Fall 2018

• Adair Kibble (Sonia Badenas, International Languages), Gender Roles and Hierarchy in The Beauty and the Beast as adapted by Jean Cocteau and Christophe Gans . Spring 2019

• Ye Lim Kim (Karl Bailey, Behavioral Sciences), Investigating the Link Between Eye Movements and Related Speech Under Working Memory Load . Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Abigail Lopez (Kristen Witzel, Behavioral Sciences), Prevalence and Success of Crowdfunding Campaigns for Victims of School Shootings . Spring 2019

• Anthony Miller (David Nowack, Chemistry), Understanding the Mechanism of the Intrinsic Fluorescence of PAMAM Dendrimers . Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Yosia Nurhan (Shandelle Henson, Mathematics), A Discrete-time Mathematical Model of Seabird Behavior. Summer 2018

• Delight Pazvakawambwa (Denise Smith, Biology), Synthesis and Anti-Cancer Properties of Benzothiozole Chalcone in Glioblastoma U87 MG Cells . Spring 2019

• Ingrid Radulescu (Monique Pittman, English), The Romanian Bard: Translating Shakespeare for a Post-Communist Nation . Spring 2019

• Kate Reitz (Kari Friestad, Visual Art, Communication & Design), An Artistic Response to God’s Word. Summer 2018

• Austin Rodgers (Alan Kirkpatrick, Business), Correlation between the Magnitude of Single-day Stock Price Declines and Subsequent Abnormal Returns . Fall 2018

• Paul Roschman (Oystein LaBianca, Behavioral Sciences), Animation of the Cultural Landscape of Hisban and Vicinity in the Longue Duree . Fall 2018

• Skyler Schell (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Burning Method Optimization to Form and Capture Potentially-Carcinogenic, Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines . Spring 2019

• Michaella Souza (Desmond Murray, Chemistry), Synthesis and Activity of Novel Dual Binding Transfectors. Summer 2018

• Nathaniel Srikureja ( Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Prep-HPLC Method Optimization to Isolate Potentially Carcinogenic, Arginine-Based Heterocyclic Amines . Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Adam Weir (Daniel Gonzalez, Biology), Effects of body size, food type, and ontogeny on chewing cycle duration in West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) & Modeling morphometrics of West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) to estimate body mass. Summer 2018, Spring 2019

• Mikelle Wile (Shannon Trecartin, Social Work), Seventh-day Adventist persons with disabilities and their experiences with involvement in church life and ministry . Spring 2019

• Nicolai Williams (Melissa Ponce-Rodas, Behavioral Sciences), Awareness of Mental Health Services. Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Nina Woodard (Daniel Gonzalez, Biology), Mesowear in the Florida Manatee. Fall 2018, Spring 2019

• Taemin Yoon (Desmond Murray, Chemistry), Green Organic Synthesis Mediated by Plant & Non-Plant ‘Purees’ . Summer 2018, Fall 2018