

Verification is a process used to verify certain information on the FAFSA.  In this process, we will be comparing information from your FAFSA application with federal tax return transcripts, and/or with W-2s or other financial documents.  The U.S. Dept. of Education requires us to collect this information before offering federal aid.  If there are differences between your application information and your financial documents, corrections may need to be made to your FAFSA.

How will you know if you have been selected for verification?

If you are selected for verification by the federal processor, there will be an asterisk next to your Student Aid Index (SAI) on your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS).  You will also be informed of your selection for verification in the FSS Acknowledgement.  You can view your FSS online at . You can monitor your verification requirements and progress in Financial Aid Self-Service Banner.  You will also receive requirement reminder emails from Student Financial Services.  If you are a new student, these emails will be sent to the email address listed on FAFSA.  Otherwise, these emails will be sent to your ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University email.  Be sure to remove us from any SPAM filters you may have set up.

Why would someone be selected for verification?

There are several possible reasons for being selected for verification.  The main reasons are:

  • Random selection
  • Incomplete data on FAFSA application
  • Contradicting data on FAFSA application
  • Estimated information of FAFSA application

What should you do if you are selected?

First, don't panic.  Verification is a federal regulation.  Verification prevents ineligible students from receiving aid and ensures that eligible students receive all the aid for which they qualify.  If you are selected for verification, you should check to see what documents are required.  We will also be sending requirement reminder emails, so be sure to read those carefully.  The type of documents required will vary from student to student, and not all students selected for FAFSA verification will have to submit the same documents.  Do not turn in any documentation that is not requested.  It is important that you submit verification documents as soon as possible.  Verification must be completed before any aid can be offered.

What if you did not or will not file federal income taxes?

If you did not or will not file federal income taxes, IRS documents that clearly indicate that the IRS does not have a tax return record on file for the tax year in question are acceptable for verification of nonfiling. This includes a Tax Return Transcript or a Tax Account Transcript that includes a message such as "no record of return filed" or "no transcript on file". In some instances, instead of providing the requested document, the IRS may provide the taxfiler an IRS Form 13873. There are several versions of this form. Any version that clearly states that the form is provided to the individual as verification of nonfiling or that states the IRS has no record of a tax return is acceptable documentation of nonfiling.

Verification Forms - Instructions