

Welcome to the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press website Resources page. Here you can find the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) organized according to topic.

For Authors
For Customers
For Educators
For Freelancers

For Authors 

What types of manuscripts do you consider?
¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press publishes books that make a scholarly and/or professional contribution to their respective fields and are in harmony with the mission of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University. Publication emphases include biblical and theological studies as well as other selected areas of religion, history, humanities, educational philosophy, science, business, and biblical archaeology.

How do I submit a manuscript for consideration?
Authors may email aupress@andrews.edu to present concepts and/or proposals for potential publications, though no project is accepted for publication until a complete manuscript has been submitted and undergone consideration. Please see our submission guidelines on our “Author Information” page, accessible at the side bar, for further instructions.

What are the guidelines for preparing a manuscript?
A carefully checked manuscript and well-organized project will be more likely to favorably influence decision-making, reduce challenges during the editing process, and speed production of a book. Every effort should be made to follow guidelines and prepare a submission which meets specifications. For more information, see our “Author Information” page, accessible at the side bar.

What are my responsibilities regarding plagiarism and how do I avoid self-plagiarism?
As author, you are responsible for confirming that you have written an entirely original work and that all sources that influenced your research and writing have been properly credited. Any previously released materials, prepared by either yourself or others, are considered their own distinct units and should be appropriately cited.

When and how will I know if my manuscript has been accepted?
Receipt of your manuscript will be acknowledged soon after it is received if submission guidelines are followed. You will be informed as to whether it is suitable to enter the review process for formal consideration. That process often takes a minimum of two months before a decision is made and reported to the author.

How is it decided that a manuscript will be published?
Manuscripts that make a valuable scholarly contribution to an area within our publication emphases will be evaluated for significance, quality, potential market and audience, and costs. Please see details about our review process on our “Author Information” page, accessible at the side bar.


For Customers

How do I check the status of my order?
Please contact our orders department via phone or email us at aupo@andrews.edu if an order has not been received when expected.

What if I have a problem with my order?
Please email us at aupo@andrews.edu with complete information about the order placed and the issues that have resulted.

How do I return books?
Authorization is not required if books, both hardcover and paperback, are returned in a clean and unused condition. All returns must be sent back via USPS media mail.

Where can I purchase one of your ebooks?
Many of our publications are available on the websites selling these ebook formats: Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks, B&N Nook, Logos Bible Software, or Accordance Bible Software.

How can I get a copy of your catalog?
For a printed version, please contact our orders department via phone or email us at aupo@andrews.edu to provide your mailing address. For an electronic version, please see our “Booklist” page, accessible at the side bar.

Can I get one of your out-of-print publications?
If a book is out of print, we have no more physical copies to sell. But many of our out-of-print titles are still available from a third-party seller (e.g., see websites such as Amazon, AbeBooks, and BookFinder).


For Educators

How can I request an exam or desk copy of a book?
Professors may contact aupress@andrews.edu to request access to a free online examination copy of a book. This copy may be used for a total of sixty days to determine whether the book is appropriate for use in a course. Professors may request a free desk copy from aupo@andrews.edu if they have already adopted the book for use in an upcoming course that will have a minimum of ten students. The request must contain the book title in question, the number of students enrolled in the course, and the course number and title. 

How can I request electronic files to prepare an alternate text format for students with disabilities?
Contact us at aupress@andrews.edu. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press will provide electronic files to disability service offices for use by university students who cannot read books in their printed form. A school official must confirm that the student has a documented disability and has already purchased a hard copy of the textbook.


For Freelancers

Do you hire freelancers?
¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press occasionally hires copyeditors, proofreaders, indexers, translators, and production companies for specific projects. Freelancers ideally should have experience in scholarly Christian publishing and expertise in The Chicago Manual of Style. If you would like to be considered for freelance projects, please email your résumé with samples of your work to aupress@andrews.edu.

Is there a test that I may take to illustrate my expertise?
Yes. Please send a request for a test to aupress@andrews.edu for the freelance services that you want to offer.

How may I submit my résumé and samples of my work to be considered?
You may send these materials to our editor via email.



May I use material from one of your publications?
No part of any publication by ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press may be used or reproduced in any manner or translated into other languages without written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations. To request permission to include work published by ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press in a forthcoming publication, please submit information with a description of the intended work, the publisher producing it, and the page numbers and/or sections from the copyrighted publication for which permission for reprint is being sought. To request permission to photocopy or scan materials for classroom use, please submit complete information regarding the name of the professor and the course being taught, the school from which permission is being requested, and the number of copies to be made. All submissions and requests should go to aupress@andrews.edu.

How can I acquire and use a picture or visual illustration appearing in one of your publications?
Copyrights for most images and artwork appearing in publications by ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Press are controlled by the owners of those images. Please see the credit lines with the illustrations and/or on the copyright page of a book for more information. Permission for use must be obtained from the owner of an image.

How can I arrange to translate one of your publications?
Requests for translation are considered. Please submit information to aupress@andrews.edu regarding the book title, the intended audience, and the number of copies desired. Price, time period, and number of copies permitted will be specified in a written permissions agreement.

Can I create an ebook version of one of your publications?
Most of our publications are already available as ebooks or are in the process of being prepared. Please submit a request to aupress@andrews.edu if you want a title to be available in a form other than Kindle and iBook.

How can I secure the copyright on one of your out-of-print titles?
Rights on an out-of-print title may have been returned to the author. Please submit a request to aupress@andrews.edu with your reasons for desiring the copyright so as to determine who currently owns the copyright.

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