
History and Social Studies

learn about the world

Current Events (0.5 unit)
Explores current news, trends, and issues that face the United States of America and the world today from a Christian perspective. Some of the issues that will be discussed include: abortion, affirmative action, euthanasia, flag burning, free speech, genetic engineering and cloning, animal rights, environmental issues, drugs and drug uses, capital punishment, censorship, civil rights, human rights, immigration, gun control, homelessness, nuclear and WMD proliferation, racial profiling, terrorism, welfare, and world population problems (and so much more!).

Economics (0.5 unit)
This course provides a broad view of the social science of economics. It includes a range of both macro and micro economic systems with an emphasis on the American Free Enterprise System. From economics in the world of business, money, banking, and finance, students will see how economics is applied both domestically and globally. The course will relate history and politics to the study of economics.

Educational Tours (0.5 unit)
These tours are directed study, week-long, travel/study courses conducted by the History/English Departments. These tours are planned to focus on specific historical themes, such as American Heritage; Washington, D.C.; the New England area; Gettysburg; the New York area; Atlanta; the South; and England. The courses meet throughout second semester with preliminary studies and preparation for the touring week. The courses continue  to meet on return, completing the study objectives as identified in the course outline. The tours rotate on a four-year cycle. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Second semester.

U.S. History I—1492-1877 (0.5 unit)
A study of the social, political and diplomatic history of the United States from 1492 to the Civil War. Prerequisite: Juniors/Seniors only.

U.S. History II—1877 to the Present (0.5 unit)
A study of the social, political, and diplomatic history of the United States from 1877 to the present times. Prerequisite: Juniors/Seniors only.

United States Government (0.5 unit)
A study of the organization and function of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government. Prerequisite: Juniors/Seniors only.

World History I—Ancient and Classical (0.5 unit)
A survey of world history from the early civilizations of the Ancient Near East and the classical civilizations of Rome and Greece through early modern times. The course will include units on the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Reformation, the Age of Discovery and Exploration and the Age of Absolutism. Elective social studies credit.

World History II—Europe 1700-Present (0.5 unit)
A survey of Western civilization from the Enlightenment to present times. The course will include units on the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, and World Wars I and II. Elective social studies credit.

World Geography I and II (0.5 unit)
This course explains relative locations on the earth’s surface, examines physical and human characteristics of specific places, explains relationships within and between places, develops the theme of human movement within the environment and explores human activities. Textbook needed: Glencoe and the National Geographic Society’s World Geography.