

strengthen your faith

.5 unit of Religion is required each semester a student is registered.

Acts (0.5 unit)
This course is a devotional study of the life and teachings of Jesus that will provide impetus for spiritual growth and witnessing.

Advent Movement (0.5 unit)
Students will study the development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church from William Miller to the present. Focuses on Adventism and the second coming: the gospel in final and full proclamation.

Christianity and Western Thought (0.5 unit)
In this one semester course, students will be looking at how Christianity and western philosophy have influenced each other. Starting with the pre Socratic philosophers and ending with the period of reformation, students will study the results of God and man seeking after each other through salvation, faith, reason and logic.

Daniel and Revelation (0.5 unit)
This course focuses on Christ’s redemptive role in contemporary life and in the broader prophetic events of the past, as well as those leading to His second coming.

Early Church History (0.5 unit)
In this class, students study the prosperity and persecution of the infant Christian Church from AD 70 to the nineteenth century and Christianity’s various attempts to evangelize the world.

Encountering Jesus 9 (0.5 unit)
This class focuses on the reality of God and His character the first half of the semester, and then for the second half, it covers Jesus who is God in the flesh. (Freshmen only)

Encountering Jesus 10 (0.5 unit)
Students will explore the gifts of Creation, Sabbath, and Grace while ending with knowing how Jesus informs and forms our identity.

Encountering Jesus 11 (0.5 unit)
Prophecies in the Bible accurately predicted past events long before they happened. Through the study of the Book of Revelation, we are able to see God’s foreknowledge of what has happened in the past and what it means for Christians who put their trust in God’s care for us in a world that grows evermore chaotic.

Encountering Jesus 12 (0.5 unit)
The fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are a systematic study and statement of what God’s plan for saving us is all about. Studying theses foundational beliefs helps us to see that the church is built on the solid teachings of God’s Word, and helps us to mature in what we personally believe. A worldview that is guided by faith in God’s Word will determine how we relate to suffering, the questions of our life’s purpose, and various ethical dilemmas faced when we live in this world. Paul’s letters and John’s gospel will also be studied.

Evangelism and Leadership (0.5 unit)
This course focuses on training students for ministry. It offers practical experience in speaking, music ministry, event planning, outreach, and connecting with others in hopes of inspiring them to walk with Christ.

Fundamental Beliefs (0.5 unit)
Students study the basic Bible doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist church including the doctrines of law and grace, Sabbath and Sunday, death, hell, spiritualism and the Second Advent.

Friendships and Dating (0.5 unit)
In this class, students will focus on Bible principles that form the foundation of a positive understanding of oneself and guide us in the development of interpersonal skills that make friendships between members of the opposite sex, safe and healthy.​  As Christians we believe God loves each of us and that our friendships leading to dating and marriage should reflect His purity, honesty and trustworthiness. Textbook needed: Friendship.

Hebrews (0.5 unit)
Students will study the Mosaic tabernacle and its services with emphasis on the parallel ministry of Christ in heaven. This course upholds Jesus as the true High Priest who has fully identified with us and secured our salvation by His death on the cross and ministry in the heavenly sanctuary.

John (0.5 unit)
This course studies the gospel story as recorded by John the apostle. A devotional approach will be used to explore and learn course content. Students will be taught devotional skills used for centuries by Christians who have intensely desired to become like their Savior in heart and mind. Textbook needed: John of the Crossroad Series.

Life Choices (0.5 unit)
This class focuses on different dimensions of human self-understanding as it relates to a dynamic relationship with Christ. These dimensions include spiritual self-understanding, psychological/emotional/physical self-understanding, decision making, educational, and vocational self-understanding. We seek to discover a philosophy of life that will lead to a true calling, not just a job.

Life Philosophies and Moral Issues (0.5 unit)
This survey course is designed to provide assistance in the development of a Biblical philosophy of life, dealing with contemporary moral and ethical issues within the context of Biblical principles.

Marriage and Family (0.5 unit)
In this class, students will learn what the Bible teaches about God’s design for marriage and family.  Emphasis will be given to the practical skills of self discipline in the area of intimacy, finances, time-management, and parenting.  Students will also learn how God makes a way for families to grow stronger as they deal with their own failures and with the realities that come with living in a sinful world. Textbook needed: Marriage and Family.

Old Testament Kings and Judges (0.5 unit)
Students will explore the lives of the Old Testament Kings and Judges as described in the Old Testament.

Old Testament Prophets (0.5 unit)
Students will explore the lives and dedication of the Old Testament Prophets as well as look at the Israelite nation during the time of the major and Minor Prophets.

Personal Religion (0.5 unit)
Personal Religion is an in-depth study of the development and purpose of the Bible and how God’s love and character are demonstrated through creation, redemption, and in human relationships. Students consider gospel principles and prophetic counsel in making the personal, everyday decisions leading to a happy, peaceful, successful life in Christ. This is a two semester class. (Freshmen only.)

Reformation Tour (0.5 unit)
As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we share a rich heritage with the Reformation that gave birth to modern Protestantism in all its various denominations. In this class, students will learn how God guided the reformers as they endeavored to call Christians back to the Bible as the only safe guide for belief and practice. Students will be going to Europe on a tour that will give them the advantage of adding firsthand experience to their knowledge of the reformers and places where significant events of the reformation took place. Students are required to attend all classes and participate in the tour itself. The cost of the tour is in addition to tuition for the class. Membership in the class is subject to conditions outlined in the class contract/syllabus. Textbook needed: Great Controversy.

Romans (0.5 unit)
This course is a study of Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice that provides the basis for pardon, reconciliation, and spiritual growth.

SOW Safari (0.5 unit for religion or applied arts)
Service Outreach Witness - This class requires students to develop skills for a mission trip. These include knowledge about the destination’s history, culture, and SDA work and presence. Students will prepare programs and materials, sermons, children’s stories, and worship music. Aspects of building will also be covered. The class culminates in a mission trip to another country. Students must be registered for the class to attend the trip and must attend the trip in order to complete the class. There is an extra cost. The class is typically offered biannually on odd numbered years.

World Views and Religions (0.5 unit)
A study of world-views, religious movements, contemporary denominations, cults, and world religions, as viewed from a Biblical perspective.