

Programs Offered:

  • B.A. or B.S. Sociology
COST (per semester)*

Tuition: $16,200
Residence Hall: $2,742
Meal Plan: $2,283
General Fees: $655
Textbooks: $550
* Semester cost is for full time students. Most students receive scholarships and financial assistance. For more information go to: Finances

  • BHSC225 Global Social Issues
  • SOCI119 Principles of Sociology
  • SOCI425 Racial & Ethnic Relations
  • SOCI430 Gender Roles in Contemporary Society
  • SOCI432 Research Methods II
  • SOCI474 Social Thought & Theory
Choose one of the following courses
  • SOCI215 Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • SOCI255 Juvenile Delinquency
Choose one of the following courses
  • SOCI420 Medical Sociology
  • SOCI366 Drugs & Behavior
Choose two of the following courses
  • SOCI350 Social Policy
  • SOCI455 Development Policy & Analysis
  • SOCI470 Demography
Cognates - 18 credits
  • ANTH200 Cultural Anthropology
  • BHSC230 Research Methods I
  • PHIL224 Introduction to Philosophy
  • PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology
  • PSYC450 Social Psychology
  • RELT340 Religion & Ethics in Modern Society
Download a degree plan here.
Choose one of the following:
  • ART220 Language of Art
  • ENGL255 Studies in Literature
  • MUHL214 Enjoyment of Music
  • MUHL250 Music to Change the world
  • PHIL224 Intro to Philosophy
Choose one of the following:
  • INEN221 Intro to Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • A Studio Art Course
  • An Ensemble or Applied Music Course
  • Elementary/Intermediate Modern Language Course
  • A second course from the list above (ART220, ENGL255, MUHL214, MUHL250, PHIL224)

Students completing a Bachelor of Arts degree are also required to complete a modern language through the intermediate level. Students who already speak a second language may be able to meet this requirement through a testing process. AU offers English and French on campus, with more options available through our Adventist Colleges Abroad partnership.