
Multipurpose Room

Every church has one—that one room with all of the stacked chairs and foldable tables, with maybe one of those old box-style CRT TVs. We only use this room a couple of times per week at best, so why not put it to better use?

Contact your local Alcoholics Anonymous chapter, for example, to see how they feel about their current meeting location situation. It could be that they have to pay a certain fee for their location, and you can offer to lend out your multipurpose room at a lower rate or even for free (ideally with at least a security deposit in place).

Use your best discernment with pricing, because while it is a great, Godly gesture to lend the space for free for programs that are in line with God’s will for humanity, money is needed for maintenance. Consider charging for something like multi-level marketing meetings or home-schooling groups. It is best to designate one activity per day for the sake of cleanup. Also, make sure to consider having a chaperone present within the building.