
African Country Requirements

Graduate Admission and Transfer Standards

Students who meet or exceed the following academic credentials for admission to graduate programs are encouraged to apply. Note that satisfaction of minimum academic standards is only one factor in admission decisions. If your country is not listed below please contact the Credential Evaluation Specialists.

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees

One of the following academic credentials are required:

  • Licenciado

What to Submit into Your Online Application

  • Unofficial bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma/diplômes/diplomas/attestations de réussites, and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution.)

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade Scale  Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A+ 16-20 Excellent A 4.00
A 15 - 15.99 Very Good A 4.00
A- 14 - 14.99 Good A- 3.67
B+ 13 - 13.99   B+ 3.33
B 12 - 12.99 Fair B 3.00
B- 11 - 11.99   B- 2.67
C+ 10 - 10.99 Satisfactory C+ 2.33
C 9 - 9.99  Average C 2.00
C- 8 - 8.99  Below Average C- 1.67
D 7 - 7.99  Insufficient D 1.00
F 0-6.99 Failure  F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Official Language: Portuguese
  • Language of Instruction in Higher Education: Portuguese

Revised: March 2023

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Diplôme ďIngénieur (4-6 years)
  • Maîtrise
  • The Certificat ďAptitude au Professorat de ľEnseignement Secondaire/CAPES (Certificate of Professional Ability in Secondary School Teaching)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial bulletins de notes, relevés de notes, academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of grauduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution.)
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale 1
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00
Grading Scale 2
Letter Grade Scale Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average
A+ 16-20 Excellent A 4.00
A 15-15.99 Very Good A 4.00
A- 14-14.99 Good A- 3.67
B+ 13-13.99   B+ 3.33
B 12-12.99 Fair B 3.00
B- 11-11.99   B- 2.67
C+ 10-10.99 Satisfactory C+ 2.33
C 9-9.99 Average C 2.00
C- 8-8.99 Below Average C- 1.67
D 7-7.99 Insufficient D 1.00
F 0-6.99 Failure F 0.00

Please Note:  Grades of 18 - 20 are rarely given. There is no grade of D in Benin. However, as with most countries that are patterned after the French educational system, grades of 8 and 9, which are normally failing grades, may be accepted as a "condoned pass" (U.S. grade of D) provided the overall grade average for the year (moyenne general) is 10.0/20, or higher. This is at the discretion of the institution's administrators, and, at the post-secondary level, students may be required to re-take, in a future term, the course for which they received a "condoned pass."

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Official Language: French
  • Language of Instruction in Higher Education: French

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Information

  • (MESRS) is the government ministry that is responsible for determining the policies and direction of the higher education system in Benin.

Revised: March 2023

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Bachelor degree or Bachelor degree (Honours)*
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial Transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale 1
Percentage Letter Grade Description U.S. Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
80-100 A Outstanding A 4.00
70-79.99 B Very Good A-/B+ 3.33/3.67
60-69.99 C Good B 3.00
50-59.99 D Pass C 2.00
40-49.99 E Fail D 1.00
0-39.99 F Fail F 0.00

Grading Scale 2 

Percentage Botswana Grade Point US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
80-100 5.0 A 4.00
75-79.99 4.5 B+ 3.33
70-74.99 4.0 B 3.00
65-69.99 3.5 B- 2.67
60-64.99 3.0 C+ 2.33
55-59.99 2.5 C 2.00
50-54.99 2.0 C- 1.67
45-49.99 1.5 D+ 1.33
40-44.99 1.0 D+ 1.33
35-39.99 0.5 D- 0.67
0-34.99 0 F 0.00

Award Classification

Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours


Second Class, Upper Division A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class,Lower Division B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass  C 2.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instrcution
  • Official Languages: English
  • Language of Instruction in Higher Education: English

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Information

  • (MoTE) provides and builds knowledge and innovation through the development and implementation of Botswana’s Higher Education policies.
  • (BQA) was established to provide and maintain the National Credit and Qualifications Framework (NCQF) and to coordinate the education, training and skills development from early childhood to tertiary level (lifelong learning).
  • (HRDC) acts as the government’s advisor on human resource development. They coordinate the study of Botswana’s education and skills development mechanism.  The establishment of HRDC represents a clear acknowledgement by the Government of the need to drive effective HRD. 


Revised: April 2023

Admission Requirements for Master's Degree
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Diplôme de Licence (Diploma of Licentiate)
  • Diplôme ďIngénieur Civil (Civil Engineering Diploma)
  • Diplôme ďIngénieur Industriel (Industrial Engineer Diploma)
  • Diplôme de Licencié Agrégé de ľEnseignement Secondaire (Aggregated Licentiate in Secondary Teaching)
  • Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)*

*Please note: Beginning in 2010-2011, in response to the Bologna Process in Europe, Burundi implemented the Baccalauréat-Mastère-Doctorat (BMD) education cycle). The Baccalauréat is a first cycle degree and awarded upon completion of three years of university study (180 ECTS credits). 

What to Submit into Your Online Application

  • Unofficial relevés de notes/transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained, and
  • Graduation certificates or diplomas (e.g. Diplôme, Licence), and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution). 

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision

  • Official graduation certificates and relevé de notes issued by the Ministry of Education or attested by the awarding institution.

Grading Scale 1

Percentage French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90-100% Excellent (Excellent) A 4.00
80-89% La  plus grande distinction (Highest distinction) A- 3.67
70-79% Grande distinction (High distinction) B 3.00
60-69% Distinction (Distinction) B- 2.67
50-59% Satisfaction (Satisfactory) C 2.00
0-49% Ajourné/échec  (Fail) F 0.00

Grading Scale 2

Number Number Scale Letter 
French (English) Description
U.S. Grade Equivalent  US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00

Grading Scale 3

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Grading Scale*

Letter Grade English Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)


A 4.00
B Very Good A- 3.67
C Good B+ 3.33
D Satisfactory C+ 2.33
E Sufficient C 2.00
FX Fail F 0.00
F Fail F 0.00

Please Note:

  • One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits.
  • The rough equivalent of 5 ECTS credits is 2.5 American credits. We therefore advise to transfer credits along a 2:1 ratio.
Official Language and/or Language of Instrcution
  • Principal language of instruction is French. 
  • Burundi has only one African language, Kirundi, which is studied through secondary school.
  • Studies in English, as a second language, start in primary school 


  • Education in Burundi is overseen by the country's

Created: September 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Diplome de Licence (Francophone)
  • Diplôme ďIngénieur  (Francophone)
  • 3 and 4-year bachelor's degrees (Anglophone)
  • The Diplôme ďAptitude des Entreprises (Francophone)
  • Certificat d'Aptitude au Professorat de l'Enseignement Secondaire (CAPES) (Francophone)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual grades/marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely  issued in English by the institution.)
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale - Francophone System
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20  Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+   3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00
Award Classification - Anglophone System
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours, Upper Division A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours, Lower Division B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English
  • French

Revised: May 2020

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Maîtrise
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Diplôme ďIngénieur
Please note: Three-year bachelor's degrees are accepted if all coursework is completed and the final diploma has been issued.
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diplômes/diplomas/attestations de réussite/bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.

Grading Scale 1
Number Scale  French (English) Description  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient)


10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00
Grading Scale 2
Percentage French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90-100% Excellent (Excellent) A 4.00
80-89% La  plus grande distinction (Highest distinction) A- 3.67
70-79% Grande distinction (High distinction) B 3.00
60-69% Distinction (Distinction)  B- 2.67
50-59% Satisfaction (Satisfactory)  C 2.00
0-49% Ajourné (Fail)  F 0.00

*50% is the minimum passing grade

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Diplôme ďIngénieur
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diplômes/diplomas/attestations de réussite/bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.

Grading Scale 1
Number Scale   US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 A 4.00
12-13.9 B+ 3.33
11-11.9 B 3.00
10.5-10.9 B- 2.67


10 C 2.00
9-9.9 C- 1.67
8-8.9 D 1.00
0-7.9 F 0.00
Grading Scale 2
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
16-20 Tres Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
14-15.99 Bien (Good) A- 3.67
12-13.99 Assez Bien (quite Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.99   B 3.00
10.5-10.99   B- 2.67
10.1-10.49   C+ 2.33
10-10.09 Passable (Satisfactory) C 2.00
9-9.99   C- 1.67
8-8.99   D 1.00
0-7.99   F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Baccalaureos
  • Bachelor's degree
  • A Diploma from a higher institute
  • Licence or Exceptional License
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision

  • Official final transcripts will be required. 


Grading Scale
Percentage  Grade Description   US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
75-100 Distinguished/Excellent/Very Good A 4.00
65-74 Good B 3.00
50-64 Pass C 2.00
0-49 Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Arabic

Revised: March 2020

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Before 2003 - BA = 4 years, BS = 4 - 6 years
  • After 2003 - BA = 3 years, BS = 3 - 6 years
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual grades obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision Submit
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A A 4.00
B B 3.00
C C 2.00
D D 1.00
F F 0.00

Please Note: Most universities use the European ECTS credits.

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: March 2020

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4 year bachelor's degrees
  • GCE A-levels plus 3 year bachelor's degrees*
*GCE A-levels were phased out in 1996 but some private institutions still offer them.
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks/grades obtained.
  • If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your degree certificate.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts sent directly by the institution attended.
Award Classification
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours, Upper Division A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours, Lower Division B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00
Note: The award classification is baased on a complex course level and semester weighting. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is not the same as the averaage of GPAs.
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Official Language: English
  • Language of Instruction in Higher Edcuation: English


¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Information

  • (NAB) is the agency responsible for the regulation, supervision and accreditation of tertiary institutions in Ghana. It is an agency under the Ministry of Education.
  • is responsible for all policies on education, including apprenticeships and wider skills acquisition in Ghana. We work to provide education that ensures equal opportunity for all, regardless of background or family circumstances.
  • (NCTE, now GTEC, an amalgamation of NCTE and NAB) has the mandate to regulate tertiary education in all its forms in Ghana. It advises, coordinates, regulates, determines accreditation standards and any other function necessary to increase access and to enhance the knowledge base and the skill set of its population for economic transformation.
  • (AfriQAN) provides assistance to institutions concerned with Quality Assurance in higher education in Africa. They are committed to enhance the quality of higher education and also with collaboration with similar organizations on other continents.


Revised: December 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4 year bachelor's degrees
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale 1
Letter Grade  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A A 4.00
A- A 4.00
B+ A- 3.67
B B+ 3.33
B- B 3.00
C+ B 3.00
C B 3.00
C- B- 2.67
D+ C 2.00
D C 2.00
D- C- 1.67
E D 1.00
F F 0.00
Award Classification
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours  A 4.00
Second Class Honours (Upper Division) A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours (Lower Division)  B 3.00
Third class C+ 2.33
Pass  C 2.00
Fail F 0.00

Grading Scale 2

Kenya Letter Grade Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 70.00-100.00 A 4.00
B 60.00-69.00 A- 3.67
C 50.00-59.00 B 3.00
D 40.00-49.00 C 2.00
E 0.00-39.00 F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Kenyan National Examinations Council

The information below is from the Kenyan National Examinations Council regarding the grading system at Technical colleges
The Kenyan National Examinations Council https://www.knec.ac.ke/ does have an alternative grading scale. We don't actually see it being used but we know it exists with vocational or technical qualifications.. Below is some more information on it:

KNEC grading system for colleges
When it comes to KNEC courses, candidates are awarded scores based on the KNEC grading system for colleges. Below we look at the KNEC grading system for colleges and how the results of examinations are classified.

KNEC grading system for colleges: How KNEC results for technical colleges are awarded
Now, for the whole examination, marks are issued in 5 classes while there are 8 different grades in the individual papers under the KNEC grading system for colleges.
Each candidate receives the results in terms of the class and grade depending on his/her performance in the final practical and theoretical tests and the continuous assessment tests (administered by the college being attended).

Here is the relationship between the various classes and grades according to the KNEC grading system.

Class Grade
Pass with distinction Grade 1 & 2
Pass with credit Grade 3 & 4
Pass Grade 5 & 6
Fail Grade 7
Scores Grade Class US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
80-100 1 Distinction A 4.00
75-79 2 Distinction A 4.00
70-74 3 Credit A- 3.67
60-69 4 Credit B+ 3.33
50-59 5 Pass B 3.00
40-49 6 Pass C 2.00
0-39 7 Fail F 0.00

You are referred if you score below 39 (essentially meaning you have failed) in a paper in the KNEC exams for colleges and you have to pass the specific failed papers before being awarded with the relevant certificate.

Of course, there is a fee for re-sitting KNEC examinations (charged on per paper basis) and you have to book for a resit via the KNEC online registration for technical exams portal (assisted by your college).

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Revised: October 2021

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  •  4-years bachelor's degree or bachelor's degree (Honours)*
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours, (Upper Division) A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours, (Lower Division) B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail  F 0.00
National University of Lesotho Grading Scale
Number Grade Points US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
80-100 A 5.0 A 4.00
75-79 B+ 4.5 B+ 3.33
70-74 B 4.0 B 3.00
65-69 C+ 3.5 C+ 2.33
60-64 C 3.0 C 2.00
55-59 D+ 2.5 D+ 1.33
50-54 D 2.0 D 1.00
40-49 E 1.0 F 0.00
0-39 F 0.0 F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Sotho and English

Revised: February 2020

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4-years bachelor's degree or bachelor's degree (Honours) *
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale 
Percentage Grade Point Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90-100 4.0 A A 4.00
80-89 3.0 B B 3.00
70-79 2.0 C C 2.00
60-69 1.0 D D 1.00
0-59 0.0 F F 0.00
Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English
Revised: March 2022
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • License 
  • Diplôme ďIngénieur
  • Ingenieur Agronome
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial Bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
After admission decision
  •  Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.99 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.99 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.50-10.99 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.10-10.49 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10.00 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.99 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.99 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.99 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00

*Grades of 18 – 20 are rarely given. There is no grade of D in Madagascar. However, as with most countries that are patterned after the French educational system, grades of 8 and 9, which are normally failing grades, may be accepted as a “condoned pass” (U.S. grade of D) provided the overall grade average for the year (moyenne general) is 10.0 / 20, or higher. This is at the discretion of the institution’s administrators, and, at the post-secondary level, students may be required to re-take, in a future term, the course for which they received a “condoned pass.”*

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French

Revised: March 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4 year bachelor's degrees  
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scales
Number Scale  English Description  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
75-100  Undoubted Distinction A 4.00
70-74 Marginal Distinction  A 4.00
60-69 Bare Distinction, or Credit B 3.00
50-59 Pass  C 2.00
40-49 Bare Pass C- 1.67
35-39 Marginal Failure F 0.00
0-34 Undoubted Failure F 0.00
Award Classification
Division US Grade Equivalent  US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours (Upper Division) A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours (Lower Division) B 3.00
Third Class Honours C+ 2.33
Pass  C 2.00
Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English and Chichewa

Revised: February 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Licence d’Etudes Fondamentales (post 2003)
  • Licence Professionnelle (post 2003) - may enter a master’s program if they have relevant work experience on a case-by-case basis.
  • Diplôme d’ingenieur d’Etat (pre-2003)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement/relevés de notes or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scales
Number Scale  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
13-20 A 4.00
12-12.9 B+ 3.33
11-11.9 B 3.00
10-10.9 C 2.00
8-8.99 D 1.00
0-7.99 F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • French

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 3 years of Bacharelato (Baccalaureate) followed by 2 years of Licenciatura (Licentiate)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement/relevés de notes or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Number Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
15.00-20.00 A 4.00
12.00-14.99 B 3.00
10.00-11.99 C 2.00
0.00-9.99 F 0.00
Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Portuguese
Revised: May 2018
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4 year bachelor's degree (Honours)
  • GCE A Levels plus 3 year bachelor's degree      
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade Percentage English Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 80-100 Distinction A 4.00
B 70-79.99 Very Good A 4.00
C 60-69.99 Good B 3.00
D 50-59.99 Satisfactory C 2.00
F 0-49.99 Fail F 0.00
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours (Upper Division) A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours (Lower Division) B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00
Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English
Revised: May 2018
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4-year bachelor's degrees
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your degree certificate.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale 
Letter Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 70.00-100.00   First Class Honours A 4.00
AB 70.00-100.00   A 4.00
B 60.00-69.99 Second Class Honours, Upper B+ 3.33
BC 60.00-69.99   B+ 3.33
C 50.00-59.99 Second Class Honours, Lower B 3.00
CD 50.00-59.99   B 3.00
D 45.00-49.99 Third Class C+ 2.33
E 40.00-44.99 Pass C 2.00
F 0.00-39.99   F 0.00

Grading Scale - 5 Scale

Letter Grade GPA (*GPA 5.0) US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 5.00 A 4.00
B 4.00 B+ 3.33
C 3.00 B 3.00
D 2.00 C+ 2.33
E 1.00 C 2.00
F 0.00 F 0.00
Award Classification
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours (Upper Division) A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours (Lower Division) B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Postgraduate Diplomas
Posgraduate diplomas are popular in Nigeria. Here are some helpful information from AACRAO Edge: 

Awarded upon completion of 1 year of university study.
  • The Postgraduate Diploma represents attainment of a level of education comparable to 1 year of undergraduate study in the United States. Credit may be recommended on a course-by-course basis.
  • The Postgraduate Diploma, however, when awarded as an early exit option from a master's degree program, represents attainment of a level of education comparable to 1 year of graduate study in the United States.
Postgraduate Diplomas are typically 1 year in length, following a Higher National Diploma (HND) or a bachelor's degree in Nigeria. The focus may either be in a new or existing field of study. Students who commonly pursue a postgraduate diploma include the following:
  • HND holders, who do not have a bachelor's degree, may pursue a postgraduate diploma to gain entry into a master's degree program.
  • Bachelor's degree holders in a non-education field may subsequently pursue a Postgraduate Diploma in Education to become a teacher.
  • Bachelor's degree holders, who seek entry into a master's degree program in a different field of study, on the basis of completing a postgraduate diploma in that new field.
  • Bachelor's degree holders with a low "GPA", who seek entry into a master's degree program, on the basis of performing well in a postgraduate diploma program.
Although less frequent, some institutions may also award a Postgraduate Diploma to students who have successfully completed a portion of their master's degree program. It is advisable to check the requirements of the specific postgraduate diploma in question.

Entry requirement: Higher National Diploma or Bachelor's degree. As requirements vary, it is advisable to check specific program entrance criteria
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Official Language: English
  • Language of Instruction in Higher Education: English 

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ information

  • formulates and coordinates a national policy on education, collects and collates data for purposes of education planning and financing, prescribes and maintains uniform standards of education throughout the country, and controls and monitors the quality of education in the country.
  • (NUC) grants approval for all academic programmes run in Nigerian universities, grants approval for the establishment of all higher education institutions offering degree programmes in Nigerian universities,  and ensures quality assurance of all academic programmes offered in Nigerian universities and channels for all external support to the Nigerian universities.

Revised: December 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Bachelor's (Honours)
  • Bachelor's (Ordinary)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Percentage French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
80%-100% First Class Honours A 4.00
70%-79% Second Class Honours (Upper Division) A-/B+ 3.50
60%-69% Second Class Honours (Lower Division) B 3.00
50%-59% Pass C 2.00
0%-49% Fail F 0.00


Letter Grade Number Scale Percentage English Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 10.5-11 85-100 Distinction A 4.00
A- 9.5-10.49 80-84.99  


B+ 8.5-9.49 75-79.99 Very Good B+ 3.33
B 7.5-8.49  70-74.99   B 3.00
B- 6.5-7.49  65-69.99   B- 2.67
C+ 5.5-6.49  60-64.99  Merit C+ 2.33
C 4.5-5.49  55-59.99   C 2.00
C- 3.5-4.49  50-54.99   C- 1.67
D 1.5-3.49  40-49.99  Pass  D 1.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English
  • French
  • Kinyarwanda

Revised: May 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4-year bachelor’s degrees consisting of 480 credits (NQF level 8)
  • 4-year Honors degrees (120 credits beyond 3-year bachelor’s degrees)
  • Higher Diploma in Education (HDipEd)
  • Postgraduate Diploma
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Percentage Letter Grade  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
75-100  A A 4.00
70-74.99 B A- 3.67
60-69.99 C B 3.00
50-59.99 D C 2.00
0-49.99  F F 0.00
Award Classification
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class A 4.00
Second Class, Division One A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class, Division Two B 3.00
Third Class C 2.00
Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: May 2019

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4-year bachelor's degrees
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Indigenous Grade Percentage Indigenous Classification US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
80 - 100% Division I A 4.00
60 - 79% Division II B 3.00
40 - 59% Division III C 2.00
0 - 39%   F 0.00
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 3-year bachelor’s degrees (with advanced certificates)
  • 4-year bachelor’s degrees  
  • Advanced Diplomas
  • Technical Bachelor degrees *
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your degree certificate.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade Number Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 5.00 A 4.00
B+ 4.50 - 4.99 B+ 3.33
B 4.00 - 4.49 B 3.00
C+ 3.50 - 3.99 C+ 2.33
C 3.00 - 3.49  C 2.00
D 2.00 - 2.99 D 1.00
E 1.00 - 1.99 F 0.00
S 0.50 - 0.99 F 0.00
F 0.00 - 0.49 F 0.00
A candidate who successfully completes a specific level of achievement in the fields of technical education and training shall be conferred a nationalTechnical Award as follows:
NTA Level 4 - Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE), Basic Technician Certificate
Equivalent to completion of senior high school in the United States.

NTA Level 5 - Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE), Full Technician Certificate
Equivalent to completion of 1 year of studies toward a bachelor’s degree in the US. Credit may be awarded for academic subjects on a course-by-course basis.

NTA Level 6 - Ordinary Diploma/Certificate
Equivalent to 2 years of studies toward a bachelor’s degree in the US

NTA Level 7 – Higher/Advanced Diploma
Equivalent to 3 years of study toward a bachelor’s degree in the US. Credit may be awarded on a course-by-course.

NTA Level 8 - Bachelor’s degree
Equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in the US

NTA Level 9 - Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate (1 year of postgraduate studies)
Equivalent to a Graduate Certificate in the US

Master’s degree
Equivalent to a master’s degree in the US

NTA Level 10 - Doctorate Degree
Equivalent to a doctoral degree in the US
Award Description
Degree Classification US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours (Upper Division) A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours (Lower Division) B 3.00
Third Class C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Language of Instruction in Higher Education: English

Revised: October 2023

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Certificat de Licence 
  • Certificat de Maitrise (Certificate of Master)
  • Master Recherche (Research Master)
  • Diplome d’Ingenieur (Diploma of Engineer)                                                        
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Diplômes/attestations de réussite/diplomas, and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9  Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9  Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French


Revised: May 2018
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 3-year bachelor's degrees (when students had A-levels or diplomas prior to entering bachelor's program)
  • 4-year bachelor's degrees                 
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Diplômes/attestations de réussite/diplomas.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Most Common Grading Scale - 5.00 Scale
(Certificates, Diplomas and Bachelor's)
Grade GPA US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 5.00 A 4.00
B+ 4.50 A 4.00
B 4.00 A- 3.67
C+ 3.50 B+ 3.33
C 3.00 B 3.00
D+ 2.50 C+ 2.33
D 2.00 C 2.00
E 1.00 D 1.00
E- 0.50 F 0.00
F 0.00 F 0.00
Grading Scale 2 (9-Point)
Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 1.00 - 2.99 Pass with Distinction A 4.00
B 3.00 - 4.99 Pass with Credit B 3.00
C 5.00 - 6.99 Pass with Credit B 3.00
D 7.00 - 7.99 Pass C 2.00
E 8.00 - 8.99 Pass C 2.00
F 9.00 Fail F 0.00
Award Classification
(Bachelor's degrees)
Award Classification Uganda 5-Scale US Grade Conversion US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours        4.40 - 5.00 A 4.00
Second Class Honours (Upper Division)  3.60 - 4.39 A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours (Lower Division)  2.80 - 3.59 B 3.00
Third Class 2.00 - 2.79 C 2.00

Diploma/Certificate Award Classification

Class Level Uganda 5-Scale US Grade US Grade Point Average (GPA)
Class I (Distinction) 4.40 - 5.00 A 4.00
Class II (Credit) 2.80 - 4.39 B 3.00
Class III (Pass) 2.00 - 2.79 C 2.00
Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: March 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4-year bachelor’s degrees                                                                                     
What to Subit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Number Scale 1 Number Scale 2 Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
86-100        A+ Distinction  A 4.00
76-85  A Distinction A 4.00
66-75  B+ Meritorius B+ 3.33
56-65  B Very Satisfactory B 3.00
46-55  C+ Definite Pass      C+ 2.33
36-45  C Bare Pass    C 2.00
0-35 D+, D, E Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4 year bachelor's degree (Honours)
  • GCE A Levels plus 3 year bachelor's degree
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade  Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A+ Distinction A 4.00
A Distinction A 4.00
B+ Meritorious  B+ 3.33
B Very Satisfactory  B 3.00
S Satisfactory B- 2.67
C+ Definite Pass         C+ 2.33
P Pass P*  
C Bare Pass   C 2.00
CP Compensatory Pass      C- 1.67
D+ Bare Fail    D 1.00
D Clear Fail   F 0.00
E Worthless F 0.00
*Non-grading pass
Award Classification
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours        A 4.00
Second Class Honours
(Upper Division) 
A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours (Lower Division)  B 3.00
Third Class Honours C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00

Please Note:The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional  grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: May 2018


Visit Graduate Admissions for more information.