
Asian Country Requirements

Graduate Admissions

Students who meet or exceed the following academic credentials for admission to graduate programs are encouraged to apply. Note that satisfaction of minimum academic standards is only one factor in admission decisions. If your country is not listed below please contact the Credential Evaluation Specialists.

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Bachelor/Leicanc - Degree awarded upon completion of 4 or 5 years (later in engineering) in the following areas: Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Engineering Technologies, and Dentistry.
  • Bachelor's degree - 3-year Bologna-compliant degree (180-240 ECTS credits)
Please note: Students who complete their bachelor’s degrees are eligible for masters’ level study.
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual grades obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution.)
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts issued by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Education will be required.
Grading Scale
Post-Secondary Level Grading Scale -  used with a Minimum Passing Grade of 50%
Indigenous Grade Percentage US Grade Equivalent  US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90%-100% A 4.00
80%-89% B+ 3.33
70%-79% B 3.00
60%-69% C 2.00
50%-59% D 1.00
0%-49% F 0.00
Post-Secondary Level Grading Scale -  used with a Minimum Passing Grade of 55%
Indigenous Grade Percentage US Grade Equivalent  US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90%-100% A 4.00
80%-89% B+ 3.33
70%-79% B 3.00
60%-69% C 2.00
50%-59% D 1.00
0%-49% F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Some private universities use the ECTS grading scale. 

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Grading Scale*
Letter Grade English Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Excellent A 4.00
B Very Good A- 3.67
C Good B+ 3.33
D Satisfactory C+ 2.33
E Sufficient  C 2.00
FX Fail F 0.00
F Fail  F 0.00
Credit Value Information
  • One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits.
  • Rough equivalent of 2:1 ratio - 2 ECTS credits = 1 US semester credit.
  • A ‘first cycle’ (or bachelor's) degree consists of either 180 or 240 ECTS credits. A ‘second cycle’ (or master's) degree equates to 90 or 120 ECTS credits. 
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Official Languages: Dari (Variety of Persian) and Pashto
  • Language of Instruction in Higher Education: Dari (Variety of Persian) and Pashto

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Information

  • Post-secondary education is the responsibility of the (QAAD). The QAAD was established by the Ministry of Higher Education to oversee the accreditation process of all public and private higher education institutions and informs and educates higher education institutions and the public about accreditation standards and requirements, the process, procedures and benefits of accreditation as well as organizes the selection and training of peer reviewers.


Revised: March 2023

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Bachelor's degree
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution.)
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Scale Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
60.00-100.00 First Division A 4.00
55.00-59.99 Second Division B+ 3.33
50.00-54.99 Second Division  B 3.00
43.00-49.99 Second Division  C+ 2.33
35.00-42.99 Third Division C 2.00
0.00-34.99 Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading
scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Official Language: Bengali
  • Language of Instruction in Higher Education: Bengali in Public universities, English in many private universities (assignments and exams are in English)

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Information

  • (SHED) is the policy making institution of the Government regarding administration and development of post-primary education sector except Technical and Madrasa Education.
  • (UGC) facilitates and guides universities to achieve excellence in higher education and innovative research. One of UGC’s major responsibilities is to receive funds from the Government and allocate and disburse those funds to the Public Universities.
  • (IAB) is a professional organization for architects in Bangladesh. Students graduating from IAB accredited national architectural program are eligible to apply for IAB membership.
  • (BM&DC) is responsible for establishing and maintaining high standards of medical education and recognition of medical qualifications in Bangladesh.
  • (IEB) promotes and disseminates knowledge and practice of engineering and science. They ensure the professional excellence and continuous professional development of the engineers in the country.

Revised: March 2023

Admission Requirements for Master Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4-year Bachelor’s degree
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts (成绩单)/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
  • Graduation certificates (毕业证书), and
  • Degree certificates (学位证书), (Please note: We do not consider a “Certificate of Completion” equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree.) and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution.)

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision 

  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale
Percentage US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90-100 A 4.00
85-89.9 A- 3.67
82-84.9 B+ 3.33
78-81.9 B 3.00
75-77.9 B- 2.67
70-74.9 C+ 2.33
65-69.9 C 2.00
60-64.9 C- 1.67
0-59.9 F 0.00
Uncommon Grading Scale without D
Percentage Chinese (English) Description  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
85-100  优秀 (Excellent)  A 4.00
75-84.99 良好 (Good) B 3.00
60-74.99 中等 中等 / 及格  (Satisfactory/Average/Fair) C 2.00
0-59.99 不及格 (Fail) F 0.00
Pass 及格 (Pass) S  

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Chinese or Mandarin

Revised: November 2019

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4 year bachelor's degree
  • HKASLE or HKALE plus 3 year bachelor's degree
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma. 

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision 
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A A 4.00
B A 4.00
B- B+ 3.33
C B 3.00
D C 2.00
F F 0.00
Award Classification
Division US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
First Class Honours A 4.00
Second Class Honours (Upper Division) A-/B+ 3.50
Second Class Honours (Lower Division) B 3.00
Third Class Honours C+ 2.33
Pass C 2.00
Fail F 0.00
Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Enlgish

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4-year bachelor's degrees
  • Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) or master’s degree  following 3 year bachelor's degrees
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial semester-by-semester mark sheets/consolidated mark sheets containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained.
  • Final or provisional certificate (submitted by student) issued by the university (not college).
    • Provisional certificate is givine after successfully clearing the end semester examination - it shows that the candidate is eligible for award of degree. Course completion certificates from the college are not acceptable.
  • Final degree is awarded 1 year after completing the course.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final mark sheets will be required. University attested and sealed photocopies of original academic documents must arrive in our office in a university stamped and sealed envelope.
  • Documents must be issued by the university.
  • Please do not submit college-issued mark sheets. Documents from affiliated colleges are insufficient and need to be accompanied by university-issued marksheets.
  • Final certificate. (Provisional certificate accepted for a period of time if a student has recently graduated.)
Grading Scale 1
Indigenous Grade Award Classification US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
O Outstanding 10 First Class with Distinction (70 - 100%) A 4.00
A+ Excellent 9 First Class with Distinction (70 - 100%) A 4.00
A Very Good 8 First Class with Distinction (70 - 100%) B+ 3.33
B+ Good 7 First Class (60 - 69%) B 3.00
B Above Average 6 Second Class (50 - 59%) B- 2.67
C Average 5 Third (Pass) Class (40 - 49%) C 2.00
P Pass 4 Third (Pass) Class (40 - 49%) C 2.00
F Fail 0 - F 0.00
Ab Absent 0 - F 0.00
Please Note:
- Descriptors may vary by institution with slight changes to letters/descriptors (e.g. substituting 'Fair' in place of 'Average').
- Several institutions do not award Third Class degrees; Second Class (50%) becomes the lowest overall grade for the award of the degree. This does not impact suggested U.S. Equivalencies.
- Schools generally include the grading used under the Choice Based Credit System marks sheet/transcript. This will help determine grading equivalencies if it includes Class Division cut-offs and/or percentage ranges for the 10 point number grades.
- Reference individual school websites for specific Ordinances passed by University administrators declaring the grading system in effect.
- Minimum pass can vary, typically between 30 and 40.
- Reference individual school websites for specific Ordinances passed by University administrators declaring the grading system in effect.
Grade Scale 2
Percentage Marks Range Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
81% - 100% Distinction A 4.00
61% - 80% First Class A- 3.67
51% - 60% Second Class B 3.00
33% - 50% Third Class C+ 2.33
Below 33% Fail F 0.00
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English


Revised: April 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Sarjana Strata Satu (4-year bachelor's degree)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents,(unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
(University Common)
Letter Grade Number Scale Indonesian (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 4 Istimewa/Sangat Baik (Excellent/Very Good) A 4.00
B 3-3.99 Baik (Good) B 3.00
C 2-2.99  Cukup (Average) C 2.00
D 1-1.99 Kurang/Lulus Bersyarat (Poor/Passed Conditionally) D 1.00
E 0-0.99  Gagal/Tidak Lulus (Unsatisfactory/Fail)  F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Bahasa Indonesia

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial 
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Grade Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A+ 18.00 - 20.00 A 4.00
A 17.00 - 17.99 A 4.00
B 14.00 - 16.99 B 3.00
C 12.00 - 13.99 C 2.00
D 10.00 - 11.99 D 1.00
F 0.00 - 0.99  F 0.00
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

Revised: April 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Gakushi Shogo (4 year bachelor's degree)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Grade  Scale  Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
S 90-100 秀 (Exemplary)  A (Rarely Given) 4.00
A+ 90-100 秀 Shū (Exemplary) A 4.00
A 80-89.99 優 Yū (Very Good) A 4.00
B 70-79.99 良 Ryō (Good) B 3.00
C 60-69.99 可 Ka (Satisfactory) C 2.00
F 0-59.99  不可 Fuka (Fail)  F 0.00
P   パス (Pass) P  

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Languae of Instruction
  • Japanese

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Bachelor’s degrees (4 or 5 years) 
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records in original language (Arabic) containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual grades received. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma. 
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution.) 
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Please note - check grading scales on university websites. Grade scales vary from university to university. 
Indigenous Grade Percentage English Grade Descriptor  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
84 -100% Excellent A 4.00
76 - 83% Very Good B 3.00
68 - 75% Good B 3.00
60 - 67% Pass C 2.00
0 - 59% Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Languae of Instruction
  • Arabic

¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Information

  • Post-secondary education is the responsibility of the (MoHESR), which includes the Higher Education Council and the ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ Council. 
  • Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) at the post-basic level (excluding community colleges) as well as applied vocational education, administered by the (VTC), is under the authority of the Ministry of Labor. 
  • Universities design their study programs themselves. The (HEAC, a division of the responsible ministry) sets the official curriculum guidelines

Revised: December 2021

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Diplome (Diploma) in academic field
  • Licence (4 years) from French Universities
  • Ingenieur Agricole from the American University of Beirut
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Grade Scale Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 80.00-100.00 Excellent A 4.00
B 70.00-79.99 Good B 3.00
C 60.00-69.99 Acceptable C 2.00
C- 50-59.99 Weak C- 1.67
D 40.00-49.99 Conditional Fail D 1.00
F 0.00-39.99 Fail F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Arabic

Revised: January 2020 

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours)/Bachelor of Science (Honours) (4 years program)
  • Bachelor of Technology (4 years of post-secondary study)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (5 - 5 1/2 year program)
  • 3 years Bachelor's plus completed Master = 4 years Bachelor's degree
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual grades obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Number Scale


English Description    US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
5 65-100 Excellent, Very Good A 4.00
4 50-64 Good B 3.00
3 40-49 Average C 2.00
2 30-39 Pass D 1.00
- 0-29 - F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Burmese
  • English is the language of instruction in higher education

Revised: March 2022

Coming Soon!

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4-year bachelor's degrees
  • 2-3-year bachelor's plus completed master = 4 year bachelor's degree
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial mark sheets/result card/transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma.

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Please Note: University attested and sealed photocopies of original mark sheets and degree certificates are required after admission decision. Have photocopies of your original Degree Certificates and Marks Sheet/Result Card attested by the Higher Education Commissions, Pakistan (HEC). For instructions regarding the HEC attestation procedure, visit the HEC website. Request for all attested photocopies to be placed in an official sealed envelope and mailed directly to the Graduate Admissions Office.
Grading Scale
Percentage Description US Grade Equivalent  US Grade Point Average (GPA)
85-100 Distinction A 4.00
70-84.99 High Pass A 4.00
60-69.99 Pass B 3.00
50-59.99 Marginal Pass C 2.00
0-49.99  Fail  F 0.00

Typical 4-point grading scale

(but please note, grading scales differ from university to university)

Grade Scale Scale 2 US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 85.00 - 100.00 4.00 A 4.00
A- 80.00 - 84.99 3.70 A- 3.67
B+ 75.00 - 79.99 3.30 B+ 3.33
B 70.00 - 74.99 3.00 B 3.00
B- 65.00 - 69.99 2.70 B- 2.67
C+ 61.00 - 64.99 2.30 C+ 2.33
C 58.00 - 60.99 2.00 C 2.00
C- 55.00 - 57.99 1.70 C- 1.67
D 50.00 - 54.99 1.00 D 1.00
F 0.00 - 49.99 0.00 F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: April 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4 year bachelor's degree
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale 1
Number Scale      Percentage English Description  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
1-1.24  96-100  Excellent A 4.00
1.25-1.49 94-95.99    Superior A 4.00
1.5-1.74 91-93.99  Very Good A- 3.67
1.75-1.99      89-90.99 Good   B+ 3.33
2-2.24 86-88.99  Very Satisfactory B 3.00
2.25-2.49 83-85.99 High Average  B- 2.67
2.5-2.74    80-82.99 Average   C+ 2.33
2.75-2.99       77-79.99 Fair  C 2.00
3-3.99 75-76.99 Pass   C- 1.67
4-4.99 70-74.99   Conditional D 1.00
5        0-69.99 Failing F 0.00

Grading Scale 2

Scale Scale 2 Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
4.00 97.00 - 100.00 Excellent A 4.00
3.50 - 3.99 93.00 - 96.99 Superior A 4.00
3.00 - 3.49 89.00 - 92.99 Very Good B+ 3.33
2.50 - 2.99 85.00 - 88.99 Good B 3.00
2.00 - 2.49 80.00 - 84.99 Satisfactory B- 2.67
1.50 - 1.99 75.00 - 79.99 Fair C+ 1.33
1.00 - 1.49 70.00 - 74.99 Pass C 1.00
0.00 0.00 - 69.99 Fail F 0.00

Please note:
*The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records.

*CHED does not prescribe grading scales at the higher education level, so the country’s HEIs use many grading scales. The most common grading system is a scale ranging from 1.0 to 5.0, where 1.0 is the highest grade, 5.0 the lowest and 3.0 is the passing grade. When a 4.0 or “conditional fail” grade is given, the student has the opportunity to retake the class or pass a make-up exam. If successful, the student receives a passing grade of 3.0; otherwise, a failing grade of 5.0 is assigned.

Transfer Credit Information
The units are defined identical to American semester units (and Philippine schools operate on a semester calendar), however, the large average number of units per semester (20-24 per term) lead most U.S. evaluators to count them as equal to .75 a U.S. semester credit hour.
¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ/Recognition Information
  • Voluntary accreditation of all higher education institutions is subject to the policies of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Voluntary accrediting agencies in the private sector are the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU), the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities' Commission on ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ (PACUCOA), and the Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities Accrediting Association Inc. (ACSCU-AAI) which all operate under the umbrella of the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP), which itself is the certifying agency authorized by CHED.¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ can be either of programs or of institutions.
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Official Language: English and Filipino (Standardized form of Tagalog)
  • Language of Instruction in Higher Education: English 

Revised: December 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • The Baccaloreous Al-’Bahriyya (Bachelor of Naval Science)
  • The Baccaloreus Fi Al-’uluum (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
  • The Baccaloreous Al-’uluum Al-’askariyyah (Bachelor of Military Science)
  • The Baccaloreous Al-Tayraan (Bachelor of Air Force and Aviation Technology)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).

Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision

  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale
Scale 1 Scale 2 Grade Grade description (In English) Grade description (In Arabic) US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
95.00-100.00 4.76-5.00 A+ Exceptional  ممتاز مرتفع A 4.00
90.00-94.99 4.51-4.75 A Excellent ممتاز A 4.00
85.00-89.99 4.01-4.50 B+ Superior  جيد جداً مرتفع A- 3.67
80.00-84.99 3.51-4.00 B Very Good  جيد جداً B+ 3.33
75.00-79.00 2.51-3.00 C+ Above Average  جيد مرتفع B 3.00
70.00-74.99 2.01-2.50 C Good جيد B- 2.67
65.00-69.99 1.01-2.00 D+ High Pass  مقبول مرتفع C+ 2.33
60.00-64.99 0.00-1.00 D Pass مقبول C 2.00
0.00-59.99 0.00-1.00 F Fail راسب F 0.00
0.00-59.99   DN Denial محروم F 0.00
    IC Incomplete  غير مكتمل    
    W Withdrawal منسحب    

Indigenous Scale
US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
5 A 4.00
4 B 3.00
3 C 2.00
2 D 1.00
1 F 0.00
Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Arabic

Revised: May 2022

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Haksa/Bachelor (4 year bachelor's degree)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and  
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required. 
Grading Scale
Grade Percentage US Grade Equivalent  US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A+ 90-100 A 4.00
A   A 4.00
B+ 80-89 B 3.00
B   B 3.00
C+   C 2.00
C 70-79 C 2.00
D+   D 1.00
D 60-69 D 1.00
F 0-59 F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Korean

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 学士学位 (4 years bachelor’s Degree)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Percentage Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
80-100 A A 4.00
70-79 B B 3.00
60-69 C C 2.00
50-59 D D (if 50 is minimum pass) 1.00
0-49 F F (if 50 is minimum pass) 0.00
0-59 D,E,F F (if 60 is minimum pass) 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Mandarin Chinese

Revised: May 2018

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • 4 or 5 years of bachelor’s education
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial diploma supplement or academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Letter Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Excellent A 4.00
A- Very Good A- 3.67
B+ Very Good  B+ 3.33
B Good B 3.00
B-   B- 2.67
C+ Fairly Good C+ 2.33
C Fair C 2.00
C-   C- 1.67
D+ Poor D+ 1.33
D Very Poor D 1.00
E   F 0.00
F Failure F 0.00
Unsatisfactory   F 0.00
Satisfactory   Pass  
AU Audit    
I Incomplete    
W Withdrawal    
WF Withdrawal because of Failure    

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Thai
  • Assumption University solely offers instruction in English

Revised: May 2018

Coming Soon!


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
One of the following academic credentials are required:
  • Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Ðại Học (4-year bachelor’s degree)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Unofficial academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken and individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma and
  • Bang tot nghiep cu nhan (bachelor’s degree certificate), or
  • Diplômes/attestations de réussite/diplomas, and
  • Bang cu nhan or bang dai hoc, (bachelor’s degree certificate), and
  • Bằng Tốt Nghiệp (diploma) and
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution).
Please note: Applicants who are in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • Official final transcripts will be required.
Grading Scale
Letter Scale Number Scale Vietnamese (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
  9 - 10   Xuất sắc (Outstanding)    A 4.00
  8 - 8.99       Giỏi (Excellent)    A- 3.67
  7 - 7.99       Khá (Good)    B+ 3.33
  6 - 6.99       Trung bình khá (Fairly Good)   B 3.00
  5 - 5.99       Trung bình (Average)     C 2.00
  4 - 4.99       Không đạt (Fail)   D 1.00
  0 - 3.99       Không (Fail)  F 0.00
    Đạt (Pass)   P  
M   Miễn thi (Exempt)               
V   Vắng thi (Absent)    
*With an overall average grade of at least 5.0

*There is no grade of D in Vietnam. However, a grade of 4, which is normally a failing grade, may be accepted as a “condoned pass” (U.S. grade of D) provided the overall grade average for the year is 5.0/10, or higher. This is at the discretion of the institution’s administrators, and, at the post-secondary level, students may be required to re-take, in a future term, the course for which they received a “condoned pass.”

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Vietnamese

Revised: May 2018

Visit Graduate Admissions for more information.