
Volume 4 No 2 (Fall 2010)

Articles are available on this website online if you see a weblink. The remaining articles of this issue are available in print to current subscribers. To get each issue mailed to you please subscribe to JACL.

  • Committed to serve leaders. JACL, 4(2), 4-7.  Read article.

  • Patterson, S. (2010). The parable of the bramble. JACL, 4(2), 10-13.  Read article.

  • Boshart, D. (2010). Revisioning mission in postchristendom: Story, hospitality and new humanity. JACL, 4(2), 16-31.  Read article.

  • Cafferky, M. (2010). Honor the king. Yes, but emulate the king? JACL, 4(2), 32-51.  Read article.

Leadership Lived:
  • Gonzalez, S. (2010). Hardship and leadership: Is there a connection? JACL, 4(2), 53-62.  Read article.

Book Reviews:
  • Allender, D. (2008). Leading with a limp: Take full advantage of your most powerful weakness. Reviewed by Aufderhar, M. (2010). JACL, 4(2), 64-69.  Read review.

  • Barton, B. (2000). The man nobody knows. Reviewed by Rausch, D., Cooper, E., & Tucker, J. (2010). JACL, 4(2), 70-73.  Read review.

  • Lerner, R., Roeser, R., & Phelps, E. (2008). Positive youth development and spirituality: From theory to research. Reviewed by Méndez, E. (2010). JACL, 4(2), 74-78.  Read review.

  • Rodin, R. (2010). The steward leader: Transforming peple, organizations and communities. Reviewed by Patterson, S. (2010). JACL, 4(2), 79-81.  Read review.

  • Shirky, C. (2008). Here comes everybody. Reviewed by Hermenitt, C. (2010). JACL, 4(2), 82-83.  Read review.

  • Spitzer, L. (2010). Making friends, making disciples: Growing your church through authentic relationships. Reviewed by Penno, D. (2010). JACL, 4(2), 84-86.  Read review.

Dissertation Notices:

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