
Submission Guidelines for Authors

Major Manuscripts

When submitting a major manuscript for publication, the author should:

  1. Clearly communicate the implications of the research-based study for the practitioner of Christian leadership in language that is accessible to readers not necessarily familiar with the specialty of the author.  A phone call or an e-mail to our office helps to confirm the appropriateness of focus. We are located within the Eastern Time Zone.
  2. Practice does not occur in an intellectual or theoretical vacuum. Thus practice-based articles should make connections to some theoretical framework that helps understand the description of leadership in the article.
  3. Limit the manuscript of a research-based study to 10-25 double-spaced typewritten pages, including references, figures, appendixes, and so on. Submit also a 100-word abstract and a 30-word biographical sketch for each author.
    • Examples of author bios:
      • Duane M. Covrig, Ph.D., is Professor of Leadership and Ethics at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
      • Albert Reyes, Ph.D., is President of Buckner International in Dallas, Texas.
      • Pat Gustin, M.A., retired in 2005 from the Institute of World Mission at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University where she was the director for nine years.  She currently lives in Walla Walla, Washington.
  4. Prepare material according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition (2009) or The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition (2003) paying particular attention to the use of the active voice and the organization of references.
  5. Prepare a separate cover sheet including name, address, daytime telephone number, FAX number, e-mail address, and professional affiliation of each author, as well as the manuscript title and date of submission. (In the case of multiple authors, provide the address, phone number, and affiliation for each.) Repeat the title but omit all further reference to authorship on the first page of the text.
  6. Submit the article as an electronic mail (e-mail) attachment in either Microsoft Word (.doc), WordPerfect (.wpd), or Rich Text (.rtf) formats or submit by mailing five hard copies of the manuscript and a disk with an electronic version of the article in either Microsoft Word (.doc), WordPerfect (.wpd), or Rich Text (.rtf) formats to the editor.
  7. Submit tables and figures as camera-ready copy on CD. Indicate their position in the text, but please keep in mind that final placement is done at the discretion of the layout editor.
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