
Referee Review Form

TITLE OF MANUSCRIPT: __________________________       MANUSCRIPT ID #: _______

Instruction to reviewers: Please rate the manuscript on the following factors . . .








Importance of Topic/Study for the Practice of Christian Leadership (new perspective/ approach,  improvement of practice)

Not important

Very Important

Relevance of Topic/Study to the Dialogue on Transformational Servant Leadership (original, important, significant)

Not relevant


Literature and/or Empirical Basis (adequate, relevant, situated in the field)

Not grounded

Highly grounded

Appropriateness/Rigor of Research Method (conceptually, theoretically, methodologically, and analytically sound)

Poor design

Strong design

Quality of Interpretations/ Conclusions (conclusions supported by evidence)

Poor quality

High quality

Contribution to the Literature (theoretically and/or practically significant)

Not significant

Highly significant

Overall Quality of Manuscript (writing, clarity, logic, organization)



Figures, tables, and other supporting material (accurate, clear, necessary)

Poor quality

High quality

Overall Recommendation

    1. ___ Outstanding manuscript, accept
    2. ___ Accept with minor revisions
    3. ___ Accept with major revisions
    4. ___ Inappropriate topic, refer to another journal
    5. ___ Reject
Reviewer’s signature _______________________      Date __________________


Please use additional pages to give confidential remarks to the editor and make comments to the author.