
2016-17 External Research Grants


Shandelle M. Henson and James L. Hayward. RUI: Collaborative Research: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and Reproductive Synchrony: The Effect of Food Shortages on Life History Strategies of Marine Organisms, National Science Foundation (2014-2019).

Peter Chi and Jay R. Johnson. Understanding the Occurrence of High-M Waves in the Magnetosphere and its Relationship to Solar Wind Conditions, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, US Department of Energy subaward), (2017-2018).

Peter Damiano, Chris Chaston, Art Hull, and Jay R. Johnson. GEM: Comparing Simulations of Electron Acceleration in Kinetic Alfven Waves with Observations from the Van Allen Probes in the Inner Magnetosphere, National Science Foundation (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory subaward), (2017-2020).

Jay R. Johnson and Simon Wing. Comparing Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of Ballooning Instability in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet with Wave Observations Associated with Substorm Onset, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2016-2018).

Jay R. Johnson and Simon Wing. Identifying Causal Relationships in Stellar Activity Cycle Dynamics, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2016-2020).

Eun-Hwa Kim, Hyomin Kim, and Jay R. Johnson. GEM Collaborative Research: Global Propagation Characteristics of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves, National Science Foundation (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory subaward), (2017-2020).

Yu Lin, Jay R. Johnson, Vassilis Angelopoulus, J. Perez, and X. Wang. Global Coupling of Fast Flows in the Magnetotail to Kinetic Scales by Alfvenic Processes, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Auburn University subaward), (2017-2020).

Yu Lin and Jay R. Johnson. GEM: Mode Conversion and Kinetic Alfven Waves at the Magnetopause and Their Effects in the Magnetosphere, National Science Foundation (Auburn University subaward) (2016-2018).

Katariina Nykyri, Jay R. Johnson, Peter Delamere, and Eun-Hwa Kim. Cross-Scale Wave Coupling Processes in Kelvin-Helmholtz Structures in the Magnetospheric Boundary Layer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University subaward), (2017-2020).

Simon Wing and Jay R. Johnson, Solar Wind Driving of Upward Field-aligned Currents, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, (2015-2018).

Hyun Kwon, Rodney Summerscales, and Padma Tadi Uppala. RUI: Development of a Portable ECL Immunosensor with Mobile Technologies, National Science Foundation (2017-2020).


Skip Bell and Petr Cincala. Identification of People Groups, Their Demographics, and Their Religious Attitude in Selected American Cities, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2015-2016).

Petr Cincala, Duane McBride, René Drumm, Shannon Trecartin, Paul Brantley, and Meredith Carter. Church Member Global Study: North American Division, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2016-2018).

Petr Cincala, Pavel Zubkov, Dmitrij Fokin, René Drumm, Shannon Trecartin, and Duane McBride. Church Member Global Study: Euro-Asia Division, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2016-2018).

Petr Cincala, Yutaka Inada, René Drumm, Shannon Trecartin, Gustavo Emanoel, Christie Chui-Shan, and Duane McBride. Church Member Global Study: Northern Asia-Pacific Division, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2016-2018).

Petr Cincala, Paul Madathumchal Chacko, Vara Prasad Deepati, Benny Joseph, René Drumm, Shannon Trecartin, and Duane McBride. Church Member Global Study: Southern Asia Division, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2016-2018).

Petr Cincala, Jurriën den Hollander, Audrey Andersson, René Drumm, Shannon Trecartin, and Duane McBride. Church Member Global Study: Trans-European Division, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2016-2018).

Petr Cincala, Desrene Vernon-Brebnor, Shannon Trecartin, and John Gavin. Mission-Effectiveness Evaluation of Adventist Review, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2017-2018).

Petr Cincala, Roger Dudley, Duane McBride, and René Drumm. Research on Mission Offerings in the North American Division, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2014-2016).

Anneris Coria-Navia and Tammy Overstreet. Denominational Loyalty of Seventh-day Adventist High School Students, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2014-2016).

Duane McBride, Petr Cincala, René Drumm, Curtis VanderWaal, Desrene Vernon-Brebnor, and Karl Bailey. Adventist World Radio Evaluation: Audience Survey, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2016-2017).

Duane McBride, Petr Cincala, Karl Bailey, René Drumm, Alina Baltazar, and Shannon Trecartin. Church Member Global Study: Instrument Development and Meta-Analysis, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2016-2018).

Jerome Thayer, Anneris Coria-Navia, and Edwin Hernandez. Stemming the Decline of Adventist Education, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2015-2017).

Curtis VanderWaal, Shannon Trecartin, and David Sedlacek. LGBT Youth and a Hostile Church Environment, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2017-2018).

Curtis VanderWaal, Duane McBride, Desrene Vernon-Brebnor, Petr Cincala, Alina Baltazar, and René Drumm. Adventist World Radio Evaluation: Focus Groups, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2016-2017).

Desrene Vernon-Brebnor, Duane McBride, Petr Cincala, Curtis VanderWaal, and René DrummAdventist World Radio Evaluation: Literature Review, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2016-2017).


Hyun Kwon. Google IgniteCS, Google Inc. (2017).

Curtis VanderWaal. United Way Program Evaluations, United Way (2016-2017).

Curtis VanderWaal. Get READY Program Evaluation, United Way (2017).

Curtis VanderWaal. Girls on the Run, United Way (2017).

Curtis VanderWaal. Be Healthy Berrien Worksite Wellness Program Evaluation, United Way (2016).


View information on applying for external grants.