Peter Damiano and Jay R. Johnson. Investigating magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling associated with flow induced Alfven wave energy in the magnetotail. NASA (University of Alaska subaward) (2021-2024).
Peter Damiano, Christopher Chaston, Arthur Hull, Jay R. Johnson, Eun-Hwa Kim, and Simon Wing. Energized Electron Signatures Associated with the Ballooning Mode in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: NASA Heliospheric Supporting Research (University of Alaska, Fairbanks subaward) (2019-2022).
Shandelle M. Henson and James L. Hayward. RUI: Collaborative Research: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and Reproductive Synchrony: The Effect of Food Shortages on Life History Strategies of Marine Organisms. National Science Foundation (2014-2021).
Jay R. Johnson. Generation and Propagation of Non-Thermal Terrestrial and Kilometric Continuum Radiation. Department of Energy (2019-2022).
Jay R. Johnson. GEM Collaborative Research: Global Propagation Characteristics of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves. Department of Energy (2019-2022).
Jay R. Johnson. Simulating Active Longitudes by Coupling Magnetograms with a Nonlinear MHD Tachocline Model: A Data Assimilation Approach. NASA (2019-2022).
Jay R. Johnson and Yu Lin. Collaborative Research: GEM: Investigation of radiation belt losses using combined global hybrid and test particle simulations. NSF (2021-2025).
Eun-Hwa Kim, Hyomin Kim, and Jay R. Johnson. GEM Collaborative Research: Global Propagation Characteristics of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves. National Science Foundation (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory subaward) (2017-2020).
Hyun Kwon, Rodney Summerscales, and Padma Tadi Uppala. RUI: Development of a Portable ECL Immunosensor with Mobile Technologies. National Science Foundation (2017-2020).
Yu Lin, Jay R. Johnson, Vassilis Angelopoulus, J. Perez, and X. Wang. Global Coupling of Fast Flows in the Magnetotail to Kinetic Scales by Alfvenic Processes. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Auburn University subaward) (2017-2020).
Toshi Nishimura, Jay R. Johnson, and Simon Wing. Identifying driving mechanisms of GPS scintillation in the high-latitude ionosphere. NASA (Boston University subaward) (2021-2025).
Katariina Nykyri, Jay R. Johnson, Peter Delamere, and Eun-Hwa Kim. Cross-Scale Wave Coupling Processes in Kelvin-Helmholtz Structures in the Magnetospheric Boundary Layer. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University subaward) (2017-2020).
Katariina Nykyri and Jay R. Johnson. On the origin and transport of energetic particles at the high-latitude magnetosphere. NASA (Embry Riddle University award) (2021-2024).
Simon Wing and Jay R. Johnson. Untangling the Drivers of the Radiation Belt Environment. NASA (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory subaward) (2019-2022).
Simon Wing and Jay R. Johnson. Cyclical conversions between toroidal and poloidal fields at the Sun: an information theoretic approach. NASA (Johns Hopkins University subaward) (2021-2024).
Sarah Vines and Jay R. Johnson. Determining the Fundamental Physics of EMIC Waves: Observations and Theory. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: NASA Heliospheric Guest Investigator Program (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory subaward) (2019-2022).
Padma P. Tadi Uppala. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University: Developmental Education strategies for Native American and at-risk students to improve graduation rates: We make World Changers. Department of Education (2020-2025).
Karl G. D. Bailey, Duane C. McBride, Shannon Trecartin, Petr Cincala, and Rene Drumm. Instrument Development, 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2020-2021).
Karl G. D. Bailey, Duane C. McBride, Shannon Trecartin, Petr Cincala, and Rene Drumm. Meta-Analysis, 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2020-2021).
Stephen Eccles and Duane C. McBride. Development of an Online Training Course for Journey to Wholeness Sponsors and an Evaluation Framework to Assess the Effectiveness of the Training Course. North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2021-2022).
Petr Činčala. Church Planting Research Project. North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2020).
Petr Činčala. Leaving Pastoral Ministry: A Multifaceted Study to Understand Long-term Pastoral Longevity. North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2020).
Petr Činčala. Pastoral Longevity in Ministry. North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2020).
Petr Činčala. Pastoral Wellness and Thriving Study. North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2020).
Petr Činčala. Views of Future Pastoral Ministry. North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2020).
Petr Činčala. View from the Pew (MegaStudy 4). North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2020).
Petr Činčala. Understanding Pastoral Ministry in China: A Descriptive Comprehensive Study (Qualitative). Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2020).
Petr Činčala. Understanding Pastoral Ministry in China: A Descriptive Comprehensive Study (Qualitative). General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2020).
Petr Činčala. FACT Congregational Survey 2020. North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2020).
Petr Cincala, Audrey Andersson, Rene Drumm, Shannon Trecartin, and Zenobia Niculita. Trans-European Division (TED) 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist (2021-2024).
Petr Cincala, Robert Folkenberg, Rene Drumm, and Shannon Trecartin. Northern Asia Pacific Division (NSD) 2021-2023 Global Church Member. Survey. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist (2021-2024).
Petr Cincala, Santosh Kumar, Anish Joseph, Rene Drumm, and Shannon Trecartin. Southern Asian Division (SUD) 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist (2021-2024).
Petr Činčala, Duane C. McBride, Rene Drumm, Shannon Trecartin, and Sharon Aka. North American Division (NAD) 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist (2021-2024).
Peter Cincala, Pavel Zubkov, Dmitrij Fokin, Rene Drumm, and Shannon Trecartin. Euro-Asian Division (ESD) 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist (2021-2024).
Ryan Hayes. Debunking your biology textbook: Science & the origin of life (video 1). General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist (2021-2022).
Ryan Hayes. Debunking your biology textbook: Science & the origin of life (videos 2-4). General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist (2021-2022).
Monica Nudd, Margarita Mattingly, and Ralph Trecartin. STEM Innovation Competition for Grade 3-12 Academy Students.
Duane C. McBride, et al. Indianapolis Study. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2020).
Shannon Trecartin and Duane C. McBride. Global Mission Centers (GMC) Evaluation Survey. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist (2021-2022).
Anthony WagenerSmith and Petr Činčala. North American Division Church Planting Research Project. North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (2019-2022).
Desiree Davis and Curtis VanderWaal. United Way focus groups and evaluation. United Way of Southwest Michigan (2021-2022).
Stephen Eccles and Curtis VanderWaal. Benton Heights Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Evaluation. United Way of Southwest Michigan (2019-2020).
Stephen Eccles and Curtis VanderWaal. Be Healthy Berrien. United Way of Southwest Michigan (2019-2020).
Oliver Glanz. Creating Annotated Corpora of Classical Hebrew Texts (CACCHT). Charis Charitable Foundation (2018-2022).
Daniel Gonzalez. Can Sonar Technology Aid in the Detection and Monitoring of the Vulnerable Amazonian Manatee? Fulbright US Scholar Program. (2020-2021).
Michael Nixon, Merredith Jones Gray, and Christon Arthur. Reframing the Institutional Saga. CIC/NetVUE (2021-2023).
Padma P. Tadi Uppala. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Lifestyle Medicine Clinic and Training Center. Ardmore Institute of Health (2021-2022).
Curtis VanderWaal. United Way Programs Evaluation. United Way of Southwest Michigan (2019-2020).
Curtis VanderWaal. Girls on the Run Data Collection. United Way of Southwest Michigan (2019-2020).
Curtis VanderWaal. Southwest Michigan Care Continuum Transformation Evaluation. United Way of Southwest Michigan (2021-2023).
Cedric Vine, Carlisle Sutton, Fernando Ortiz, Petr Cincala and Teresa Reeve. Strengthening and sustaining the capacities of Theological Schools to Prepare and Support Pastoral Leaders for Christian Churches (Phase 1). Lilly Endowment (2021).
Cedric Vine, Carlisle Sutton, Fernando Ortiz, Petr Cincala and Teresa Reeve. Strengthening and sustaining the capacities of Theological Schools to Prepare and Support Pastoral Leaders for Christian Churches (Phase 2). Lilly Endowment (2021-2026).