Jay R. Johnson (PI: Katariina Nykyri, Embry Riddle Univesity). On the origin and transport of energetic particles at the high-latitude magnetosphere. NASA: Heliophysics Supporting Research. 2021 - 2024.
Jay R. Johnson (PI: Peter Damiano, University of Alaska). Investigating magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling associated with flow induced Alfven wave energy in the magnetotail. NASA: Heliophysics Supporting Research. 2021 - 2024.
Jay R. Johnson (PI: Simon Wing, Johns Hopkins University). Cyclical conversions between toroidal and poloidal fields at the Sun: An information theoretic approach. NASA: Heliophysics Supporting Research. 2021-2024.
Jay R. Johnson and Simon Wing. Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling of small scale structures. NASA: Heliophysics Gust Investigator Open. 2022 - 2025.
Jay R. Johnson and Yu Lin (Auburn University). Collaborative Research: GEM: Investigation of Radiation Belt Losses Using Combined Global Hybrid and Test Particle Simulations. AGS-Magnetospheric Physics. National Science Foundation. 2021 - 2025.
Jay R. Johnson (PI: Eun-Hwa Kim, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory). Collaborative Research: Propagation and Dissipation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere. NSF GEM. 2023-2027.
Jay R. Johnson (PI: Katariina Nykyri, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University). Role of Solar Wind Fluctuations on Solar Wind-Magnetosphere - Ionosphere Coupling Processes and Magnetotail Energetics. NASA LWS. 2023-2027.
Padma P. Tadi Uppala. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University: Developmental Education strategies for Native American and at-risk students to improve graduation rates: We make World Changers. Department of Education. 2020-2025.
Erich W. Baumgartner and Randy J. Siebold. Global Leadership Institute: Developing leaders in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. 2022-2025.
Petr Činčala. Southern Asian Division (SUD) 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. The General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (2021-2023).
Petr Činčala. Trans-European Division (TED) 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. The General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (2021-2023).
Petr Činčala. North American Division (NAD) 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. The General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (2021-2023).
Petr Činčala. Euro-Asian Division (ESD) 2021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. The General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (2021-2023).
Petr Činčala. Northern Asia Pacific Division (NSD) 021-2023 Global Church Member Survey. The General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research. 2021-2023.
Petr Činčala. Pathfinder Research. Youth & Young Adult Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Columbia, MD. 2022-2023.
Petr Činčala. Evaluation of Guide Magazine Resource. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa, ID. 2022-2023.
Ryan T. Hayes and James Carter. Debunking your biology textbook: Science & the origin of life (videos 5-8). Faith & Science Council, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. November 2022-October 2023.
Petr Činčala. Evaluation of Guide Magazine Resource. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa, ID. 2022-2023.
Vanessa I. Corredera. Staging Liberation: Strategies of Anti-Domination in Shakespearean Performance. Virtual Scholarly Research Fellowship, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC. 2023-2024.
Oliver Glanz. Biblical Hebrew Goes TOEFL. American Bible Society. 2023.
Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, Miriam Marmontel, Gordon Hastie, and Jason Gulley. Surveying Sirenians with Sonar: Using modern technology and traditional knowledge to count Amazonian manatees. National Geographic Society, Level I Grant (2022-2023).
Meredith Jones Gray and Michael Nixon. Reframing the Institutional Saga. CIC/NetVUE. 2022-2024.
Annecy Jaozara and Richard Pawloski (with Joel Raveloharimisy). Ferry Street Resource Center: Support for housing, transportation, food needs, and jobs for life for low-income individuals in the Niles, MI and surrounding regions. Frederick S. Upton Foundation. 2022-2023.
Paulette M. Johnson and Carlisle Sutton. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Adult Literacy Program. Dollar General Literacy Foundation. 2022-2023.
Paulette Johnson and Carlisle Sutton. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Adult Literacy Program. Dollar General Literacy Foundation. 2022-2023.
Jenica D. Joseph, Marileda C. Tomé, Heather L. Ferguson, Tammy R. Shilling, Brynja K. Davis, Phillip Stone, and Suzanne M. Mondak. Therapy and Research Center Grant. Parkinson Voice Project. 2023-2027.
Jenica D. Joseph. 2022 SPEAK OUT!® & LOUD CROWD® Grant. Parkinson Voice Project. 2022-2023.
Curtis J. VanderWaal. Southwest Michigan Care Continuum Transformation Evaluation. Region IV Area Agency on Aging. October 2021 - September 2023.
Curtis J. VanderWaal. United Way Turning Outward Evaluation. United Way of Southwest Michigan. 2022-2024.
Cedric Vine and Carlisle Sutton. Strengthening and sustaining the capacities of Theological Schools to Prepare and Support Pastoral Leaders for Christian Churches. Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative (Phase 2), Lilly Endowment. 2021 - 2026.
Cedric E. W. Vine and Carlisle Sutton. The Center for Community Change: A Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Phase 3, Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative, Lilly Foundation. 2023-2027.