
Grant Writing Grants


The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship will allocate $25,000 per year to provide Grant Writing Grants to support our faculty in securing time to write and submit external research grant applications. These grants can be used for a course teaching release or a non-teaching stipend to faculty members during the writing and submission process for external research grants only. Funds may be distributed as a one-course contract for faculty teaching release, or as an equivalent-value supplemental contract directly to the faculty member.  Funding is available for grants for which indirect costs are allowed, and the total funding support cannot exceed 25% of the total expected indirect costs to be generated by the grant.  Indirect costs from funded grants will replenish the fund, which will be made available to new applicants in succeeding years.


¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University's regular teaching faculty are eligible to apply at any time during the academic year.  Research faculty (Research Professor or Senior Research Professor) involved in collaborative grants with junior faculty members are also eligible.

Guidelines for applying

Faculty who are interested in applying should:

  1. Submit a 3-page Letter of Intent (LOI) to the Office of Research by the date specified. The LOI must include: a title, the name of the PI and all Co-PIs, an executive summary, a brief rationale supported by a brief literature review, a statement of significance, the research question, the description of the research methodology, the outcomes and intended routes of dissemination, a statement of how your previous research and publications align with the intended research and funding agency, the timeline, and the budget (showing the total direct and indirect costs).
  2. Provide a link to the Request For Proposals (RFP).
  3. Provide letters of Support from their department Chair and Dean.
  4. Schedule a meeting with the Office of Research grant writing team to address any questions that may arise.


Funding will be determined by the Office of Research grant writing team, with priority given to grant applications that:

  1. Are strategically important and advance the mission of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University
  2. Develop new areas of research and identify new sources of funding
  3. Have a strong likelihood of success



Funding per faculty member will be for a single course teaching release contract, or an equivalent supplemental contract directly to the faculty member for one semester.  For a multi-faculty member collaborative grant application, support may be requested for up to two co-investigators.  Funding would be available for only one semester per grant application.  However, for complicated grants requiring more than 6 months of preparation time, the funds may be given for more than one consecutive semester.