¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for the review and approval of all animal use in teaching and research conducted at ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University by faculty, staff and/or students. The IACUC seeks to create a collaborative relationship among those in the research community while ensuring that the animals used in research and teaching are treated in accordance with legal and ethical requirements. It derives its authority from Federal law (Health Research Extension Act of 1985 and the Animal Welfare Act of 1966).
Administration, Membership, and Officers
Membership of the IACUC (by role with 5 as the minimum number required)-
1-2 Scientists with experience working with animals in research.
1-2 Non-scientists
1-2 Community members not affiliated with University.
1 Veterinarian with experience working with small animals.
Optional membership –
· Additional members in the categories listed above (to ensure a quorum is possible)
· Animal Facilities Manager
· Dean of Research and Creative Scholarship
Members may fill more than one role in the IACUC. A quorum is a majority of the membership.
Administrative responsibility for overseeing the functions of the IACUC has been delegated to the Chair of the IACUC who is appointed by the Provost as are the other members of the IACUC. The Scholarly Research Council serves as the governing body for the IACUC. The IACUC Chair will provide an annual report to the Scholarly Research Council that summarizes the activities of the IACUC.
The IACUC is required to meet a minimum of every 6 months to review its animal care and use program including an inspection tour of the animal housing facilities. There are no required number of meetings of the full IACUC to review animal use protocols in research and teaching. A protocol for use of animals in teaching or research as well as modifications of already approved protocols is to be submitted to the IACUC Chair using the current form with instructions. The Chair determines whether a full IACUC review is necessary or if it can be evaluated via the designated member review process. This determination is made using criteria outlined in the “Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook.” In either case, the entire committee will receive the pertinent documents electronically, and any committee member may request a full IACUC review for a submitted protocol. The Chair is responsible for ensuring that the minutes of the IACUC meetings are recorded as well as keeping the relevant documents from each protocol.
All IACUC members are to receive training via the resources available electronically in the Learning Library of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) which can be found at: There may be additional on-campus training sessions for members as well as students who will be working with the animals.