
2020-2021 Research Grant Recipients

The 2020-2021 Recipients of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University graduate Grants in Aid of Research are:

Mohammed Alharbi (Larry Burton, Teaching. Learning & Curriculum). Understanding Multiculturalism in Saudi EducationAbstract

Kathleen Forbis (Anneris Coria-Navia, Teaching, Learning & Curriculum). The Effect of Mentoring on Novice Teacher Retention in Adventist Schools as Influenced by Self-efficacy and Positive Organizational Support. Abstract

Ana Howard (Jean Cadet, Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness). Socioeconomic Risk Factors That Influence Vegetarianism among Seventh-day Adventist Hispanic Americans. Abstract

Justine Jaeger (Joel Raveloharimisy, Behavioral Sciences). Isinya Township Primary School Latrines. Abstract

• Juliana Maldonado (Carol Rossman, Nursing). Mental Health Promotion Intervention during COVID-19.

Christina Rosette (Marlene Murray, Biology). A Comparison of ISYNA and IMPA1 Gene Expression in Normal vs. Bipolar Cells and the  Effects of DHA and EPA on the Expression of ISYNA and IMPA1 in Normal Cells verses Bipolar Disorder Cells. Abstract

Joshua Kiprono Rotich (Denise Smith, Biology). Novel Hybrid Temozolomides-Aspirin Compounds as Potential Antiglioblastoma Agents. Abstract

Ritchie Saint Jean (Peter Lyons, Biology). The Function of Carboxypeptidase O (CPO) Duplicates in Xenopus Tropicalis. Abstract

Andria Stewart (Wagner Kuhn, World Mission). A Holistic-missional Model of Ministry that Empowers Whole-life Transformation among Homeless Youth in New York CityAbstract

Mikelle Wile (Shannon Trecartin, Social Work). Understanding the Attitudes and Perceived Needs of Staff Regarding Their Personal Psychological Health and That of the Children and Youth They Serve: A Cross-cultural Descriptive Case Study of a Bolivian Children’s HomeAbstract

Michelet William (Petr Cincala, World Mission). Adventist Leaders' Beliefs and Practices about Evangelism and Social Justice AdvocacyAbstract