Undergraduate students are italicized, graduate students are bold/ italicized, and faculty are bolded within their department. Entries are duplicated in each faculty co-author’s department.
Amanda M. Moore, Adam Hartstone-Rose, and Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske. Review of sensory modalities of sirenians and the other extant Paenungulata clade. The Anatomical Record 305(3): 715-735, 2022.
Erika Bauza Nowotny, Peter J. Lyons, and Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske. Identification of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) through genetic analysis of shed skin. Conservation Genetic Resources 14, 291-297, 2022; correction: Conservation Genetic Resources 14, 463-465, 2022.
Ashley A. Polski, Karen J. Osborn, James L. Hayward, Elliot Joo, Athena T. Mitchell, Amanda G. Sandler, and Shandelle M. Henson. “Egg cannibalism as a foraging tactic by less fit Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens),” The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133(4), 552-567, 2022.
Jazmyne Lavalas, Marianne Kordas, and Rodney Summerscales. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) approaches to cursive handwriting transcription: Lessons from the Blythe Owen Letters Project. Journal of Adventist Archives 2, 53-71, 2022.
Ashley A. Polski, Karen J. Osborn, James L. Hayward, Elliot Joo, Athena T. Mitchell, Amanda G. Sandler, and Shandelle M. Henson. “Egg cannibalism as a foraging tactic by less fit Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens),” The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133(4), 552-567, 2022.
Joon Hyuk Kang and Timothy Robertson. An elliptic nonlinear system of multiple functions with application. Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 19(2), 141-162, 2022.
Jazmyne Lavalas, Marianne Kordas, and Rodney Summerscales. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) approaches to cursive handwriting transcription: Lessons from the Blythe Owen Letters Project. Journal of Adventist Archives 2, 53-71, 2022.
Elmer C. Rivera, Jay R. Johnson, Jonathan R. Homan, and Simon Wing. Clustering behavior in solar flare dynamics. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 937(1), L8. 2022.
Harvey J. Burnett, Jr., Justine Jaeger, Kristen R. Witzel, and Karl G. D. Bailey. Revisiting proactive and reactive pathways to resilience among CISM-trained responders and general population participants: Mechanisms that contribute to building overall psychological body armorTM. Crisis, Stress, and Human Resilience: An International Journal 3(4), 156-191, 2022.
Sinegugu P. Katenga, Harvey J. Burnett, Jr., Cheryl H. Logan, and Josephine E. Katenga. Parents’ experiences with home-based learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study. Human Behavior, Development and Society 23(3), 32-43, 2022.
Duane Covrig, Glynis M. Bradfield, Steven Injety, Duduetsang C. Kakhu. Approaches to faith integration: A case study of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University employees. International Journal for Faith Integration 3(2):1-15, 2022.
Kathleen E. Forbis, Anneris Coria-Navia, Jimmy Kijai, and Larry D. Burton. Mentoring: An essential for novice teachers. The Journal of Adventist Education 84(2), 4-9, 2022.
Lori Imasiku, Michael Gayle, Michelle K. Bacchiocchi, and Melanie Kartik. Using online education to address the challenges of small, multigrade schools. The Journal of Adventist Education 84(3), 19-25, 2022.
Paul Z. Gregor, Paul J. Ray, Constance E. C. Gane, Trisha Gallimore-Broy and Jacob A. Moody. Preliminary report on the 2018 season of excavations at Khirbat As-Safrā. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 60, 539-547, 2021. [published 2022]
Paul Z. Gregor, Paul J. Ray, Robert D. Bates, Trisha Gallimore-Broy and Talmadge L. Gerald. Khirbat Safra (2020-2021). Archaeology in Jordan 3 (2020-2021 seasons), 62-63, 2022.
Paul Z. Gregor, Robert D. Bates, Constance E. C. Gane, Trisha Gallimore-Broy, and Paul J. Ray. Khirbat Safra 2022. Institute of Archaeology/Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter 43(3):1-3, 2022.
Jônatas de Mattos Leal and Oliver P. Glanz. “God’s Obedience”: A linguistic and narrative exploration of the Hebrew idiom in 1 Kings 17:22 and its theological implications. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 59(2), 203-226, 2022.
Boubakar Sanou, Josh Dietrich, and Tyler Kern. Towards a post-pandemic mission. Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 10, 37-43, 2022.