
2022 Student Publications

Undergraduate students are italicized, graduate students are bold/ italicized, and faculty are bolded within their department. Entries are duplicated in each faculty co-author’s department.

College of Arts fband Sciences


Amanda M. Moore, Adam Hartstone-Rose, and Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske. Review of sensory modalities of sirenians and the other extant Paenungulata clade. The Anatomical Record 305(3): 715-735, 2022.

Erika Bauza Nowotny, Peter J. Lyons, and Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske. Identification of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) through genetic analysis of shed skin. Conservation Genetic Resources 14, 291-297, 2022; correction: Conservation Genetic Resources 14, 463-465, 2022.

Ashley A. Polski, Karen J. Osborn, James L. Hayward, Elliot Joo, Athena T. Mitchell, Amanda G. Sandler, and Shandelle M. Henson. “Egg cannibalism as a foraging tactic by less fit Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens),” The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133(4), 552-567, 2022.


James White Library

Jazmyne Lavalas, Marianne Kordas, and Rodney Summerscales. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) approaches to cursive handwriting transcription: Lessons from the Blythe Owen Letters Project. Journal of Adventist Archives 2, 53-71, 2022.



Ashley A. Polski, Karen J. Osborn, James L. Hayward, Elliot Joo, Athena T. Mitchell, Amanda G. Sandler, and Shandelle M. Henson. “Egg cannibalism as a foraging tactic by less fit Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens),” The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133(4), 552-567, 2022.

Joon Hyuk Kang and Timothy Robertson. An elliptic nonlinear system of multiple functions with application. Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 19(2), 141-162, 2022.


School of Engineering

Jazmyne Lavalas, Marianne Kordas, and Rodney Summerscales. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) approaches to cursive handwriting transcription: Lessons from the Blythe Owen Letters Project. Journal of Adventist Archives 2, 53-71, 2022.

Elmer C. Rivera, Jay R. Johnson, Jonathan R. Homan, and Simon Wing. Clustering behavior in solar flare dynamics. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 937(1), L8. 2022.


School of Social & Behavioral Sciences

Harvey J. Burnett, Jr., Justine Jaeger, Kristen R. Witzel, and Karl G. D. Bailey. Revisiting proactive and reactive pathways to resilience among CISM-trained responders and general population participants: Mechanisms that contribute to building overall psychological body armorTM. Crisis, Stress, and Human Resilience: An International Journal 3(4), 156-191, 2022.

Sinegugu P. Katenga, Harvey J. Burnett, Jr., Cheryl H. Logan, and Josephine E. Katenga. Parents’ experiences with home-based learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study. Human Behavior, Development and Society 23(3), 32-43, 2022.


College of Education & International Services

School of Distance Education

Duane Covrig, Glynis M. Bradfield, Steven Injety, Duduetsang C. Kakhu. Approaches to faith integration: A case study of ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University employees. International Journal for Faith Integration 3(2):1-15, 2022.


Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

Kathleen E. Forbis, Anneris Coria-Navia, Jimmy Kijai, and Larry D. Burton. Mentoring: An essential for novice teachers. The Journal of Adventist Education 84(2), 4-9, 2022.

Lori Imasiku, Michael Gayle, Michelle K. Bacchiocchi, and Melanie Kartik. Using online education to address the challenges of small, multigrade schools. The Journal of Adventist Education 84(3), 19-25, 2022.


Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary

Old Testament

Paul Z. Gregor, Paul J. Ray, Constance E. C. Gane, Trisha Gallimore-Broy and Jacob A. Moody. Preliminary report on the 2018 season of excavations at Khirbat As-Safrā. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 60, 539-547, 2021. [published 2022]

Paul Z. Gregor, Paul J. Ray, Robert D. Bates, Trisha Gallimore-Broy and Talmadge L. Gerald. Khirbat Safra (2020-2021). Archaeology in Jordan 3 (2020-2021 seasons), 62-63, 2022.

Paul Z. Gregor, Robert D. Bates, Constance E. C. Gane, Trisha Gallimore-Broy, and Paul J. Ray. Khirbat Safra 2022. Institute of Archaeology/Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter 43(3):1-3, 2022.

Jônatas de Mattos Leal and Oliver P. Glanz. “God’s Obedience”: A linguistic and narrative exploration of the Hebrew idiom in 1 Kings 17:22 and its theological implications. ¶·Å£ÆåÅÆ University Seminary Studies 59(2), 203-226, 2022.


World Mission

Boubakar SanouJosh Dietrich, and Tyler Kern. Towards a post-pandemic mission. Current: Faith Meets Life and Culture 10, 37-43, 2022.