
COVID-19 Cleaning

In coordination with Plant Administration and Custodial, the University has selected a specific chemical to be distributed across the campus to specifically disinfect COVID-19.

The chemical in concentrate form will only be used by the Custodial Office. The diluted/read-to-use (RTU) form will be distributed to the campus.

This page provides information on the chemical and additional resources, including information from the diluted/ready-to-use (RTU) Safety Data Sheet (SDS):

Chemical Selection

The chemical selection was based on the following:

  • Rating to disinfect COVID-19
  • Known hazards of the chemical
  • Required dell time that is similar to the chemical's evaporation rate.

Based on those factors, the University has chosen to utilize 3MTM Disinfectant Cleaner RCT Ready-To-Use (Product No. 40, 3MTM Chemical Management Systems). 

This chemical is rated to disinfect COVID-19, does not have any listed hazards, and has a dwell time of 3 minutes.

This chemical is NOT to be used as the only chemical for areas/items used in food service.

Chemical Identification

The chemical's identification information is available here as well as through the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), reference SDS Section 1.

Product Identifier: 3MTM Disinfectant Cleaner RCT Ready-To-Use (Product No. 40, 3MTM Chemical Management Systems)

Product Identification Numbers: LK-T100-1575-6, 61-0000-6320-8

Supplier's Details:

  • Manufacturer: 3M
  • Division: Commercial Solutions Division
  • Address: 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000, USA

Manufacturer Emergency Telephone Number: 1-800-364-3577

Chemical Use

This chemical is NOT to be used as the only chemical for areas/items used in food service.

To disinfect a surface using the diluted/ready-to-use (RTU) form:

  • Apply to hard, non-porous surfaces, thoroughly wetting the surface with a sprayer.
  • Treated surfaces must remain wet for minimum of 3 minutes
  • Wipe dry with a cloth, sponge, mop or allow to air dry.
  • For heavily soiled areas, a preliminary cleaning is required.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Hazard Information

The following information is also available on the chemical's Safety Data Sheet (SDS), reference SDS Section 2.

Hazard Classification: Not classified as hazardous according to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.

Hazard Label Elements: Not Applicable

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) First-Aid Information

The following information is also available on the chemical's Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

For emergency information, contact the manufacturer at: 1-800-364-3577

First aid measures include (reference SDS Section 4):

  • Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air. If they feel unwell, get medical attention.
  • Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. If signs/symptoms develop, get medical attention.
  • Eye Contact: Flush with large amounts of water. Remove contact lenses if easy to do. Continue rinsing. If signs/symptoms persist, get medical attention.
  • If Swallowed: No need for first aid is anticipated.

Signs and symptoms of exposure can include (reference SDS Section 11):

  • Inhalation: No known health effects.
  • Skin Contact: Contact with the skin during product use is not expected to result in significant irritation.
  • Eye Contact: Contact with the eyes during product use is not expected to result in significant irritation.
  • Ingestion: No known health effects.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) PPE Information

The following information is also available on the chemical's Safety Data Sheet (SDS), reference SDS Section 8.

Under regular campus ventilation conditions, the follow Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is recommended:

  • Eye/Face Protection: Under normal use conditions, eye exposure is not expected to be significant enough to require eye protection.
  • Skin/Hand Protection: Under normal use conditions, skin exposure is not expected to be significant enough to require skin protection.
  • Respiratory Protection: Under normal use conditions, airborne exposures are not expected to be significant enough to require respiratory protection.


SDS 3MTM Disinfectant Cleaner RCT Diluted/Ready-To-Use

SDS 3MTM Disinfectant Cleaner RCT Concentrate

Technical Data Sheet 3MTM Disinfectant Cleaner RCT

EPA 6 Steps for Safe & Effective Disinfectant Use