
COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Campus Signage

The following COVID-19 signage is available for University use:

Bottle Fill: Indicating the closure of drinking fountain feature but the availability of the bottle fill feature

Building Entrance: Detailing minimum expectations (face coverings, physical distancing, and hygiene) with QR code to current mask guidelines.

Campus Clear: Reminder to complete daily symptom/exposure screening.

Employees Only: Indicating that only employees are allowed past that point

Entry Only: Indicating that the specific door should be used for entry only (or emergency exit) to promote physical distancing

Exit Only: Indicating that the specific door should be used for exit only to promote physical distancing

Facemask: Reminders on where facemasks should be worn and how they should be worn

Occupant Load: Template form to indicate the occupant load for a specific area such as a lobby/lounge

Occupant Load Elevator: Indicating the occupant load for elevator passengers

Restroom Use: Indicating the expected use of restrooms to maintain physical distance and hygiene

Temporary Closure: Indicating that a specific item (furniture, drinking fountain) or area (lobby/lounge) has temporarily been closed to reduce transmission risks.