
Guest Teach Their Bible Class

All pastors are busy, but a great way to disciple and foster spirituality in young people is to guest teach a Bible class at the school. All you need to do is approach one of your teachers or principals and ask. The school staff will be exhilarated that you want to help. Helping teach a Bible class creates opportunities for you to connect with young people, and it's a time when you have the students' undivided attention.

Here is a personal testimony from a pastor in the field:

"In one church, I somehow ended up becoming the teacher for the 6th–8th grade Bible class. This was fantastic in many ways, although I did find some drawbacks. One of the ways it was fantastic was that it allowed me to see them every day. We got to engage with each other in spiritual conversations daily. While this may not be possible in all situations certainly, there can be an opportunity to come in consistently; consistency is the key, so the students get a chance to know you and to look forward to your presence."

A great resource that your teacher may be using already is the . It is made by the Seventh-day Adventist Church and it approaches learning in a holistic way, so that all learning types can grasp and understand biblical truths.