
Meeting the Principal

To know your school is to know your principal. Nothing, whether it be information or personnel, enters or exits the school without passing by the principal. Pay a visit and get to know them.

  • Call and make an appointment. Be professional and do not just waltz in on your own time. Some principals are teachers, too, and do not have the availability to accept an unscheduled guest. If there is a front desk clerk or assistant, feel free to make a great first impression.
  • Tour and talk. You will garner much more information about the school if you take a tour. Classrooms, teachers and facilities are all talking points for conversation with the principal.
  • Listen. This cannot be stressed enough. Never go in thinking, "It is time to make suggestions." Feel free to inquire, but do not make it a point to interrogate or intervene. Your visit is an assessment, and an excellent assessment comes from great listening.

While most of this may seem rather natural, it is essential to respect the space you are in and not to be hasty. The school is their safe space and niche. Do not go in as a guest and pretend to be the homeowner. Be attentive.