
Field-Specific Grants

Topical Index:


Art, Architecture, Design


Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Graham Foundation

  • Individuals may only apply for one grant per year
  • Collaborative projects are eligible for funding

Inquiry Form: Sept 15


James Marston Fitch Mid-Career Fellowship

  • Research grant of up to $15,000
  • Applicants must be mid-career professionals with at least 10 years experience in historic preservation or related fields, including architecture, landscape architecture, architectural conservation, urban design, etc. 




Kress Foundation

  • The Kress Foundation offers a History of Art grant for research in European art and architecture
Jan 15, April 1, Oct 1

Samuel H. Kress Mid-Career Fellowship

  • Research grant of up to $15,000
  • Funds research of mid-career professional on project relating to the appreciation, interpretation, preservation, study and teaching of European art, architecture and related disciplines from antiquity to the early 19th century, in the context of historic preservation in the United States. 





Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

College Art Association

  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowships


Grant specific


Creative Capital

  • Must be a working artist with at least 5 years professional experience

Application opens Feb

DeVos Foundation

  • Foundation gives priority to programs that help increase access to and participation in the performing arts, visual arts and museums, and arts education


Graham Foundation

  • Individuals may only apply for one grant per year
  • Collaborative projects are eligible for funding
Inquiry Form: Sept 15


Kress Foundation

  • The Kress Foundation offers grants in the History of Art, Conservation, and Digital Resources as well as a number of fellowships
Grant Specific
Samuel H. Kress Mid-Career Fellowship

  • Research grant of up to $15,000
  • Funds research of mid-career professional on project relating to the appreciation, interpretation, preservation, study and teaching of European art, architecture and related disciplines from antiquity to the early 19th century, in the context of historic preservation in the United States. 


The Renaissance Society of America

  • The RSA offers residential grants and short-term research grants supporting research projects and publications that aim to advance scholarly knowledge about the Renaissance.

December 1



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

American Educational Research Assoc.

  • The program seeks to stimulate research on U.S. education issues using data from the large-­scale, national and international data sets supported by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), NSF, and other federal agencies, and to increase the number of education researchers using these data sets.
January 25

Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood

  • Foundation supports projects that will improve the quality of early childhood teaching and learning
Letter of Intent: Oct 1-Dec 31

Carnegie Corporation of New York

  • The Carnegie Corporation has a funding program for "New Designs: Innovation in Classroom, School, College and System Design." The program seeks innovative designs that use people, time, money, and technology differently in secondary and higher education


Consumers Energy

  • Grants are awarded for capital funding and innovative projects and activities that align with the five focus areas: social welfare, community and civic development, education, Michigan growth and environmental enhancement, and culture and the arts


Hearst Foundations

  • The Foundation funds educational institutions demonstrating uncommon success in preparing students to thrive in global society
  • Preference is given to higher education scholarships and professional development for faculty


Ford Motor Company Fund

  • The Ford fund supports not-for-profit organizations in three major areas: Education, Auto-Related Safety Education and Community Development


International Literacy Association

  • The Association grants $2,500 annually for a research study on the effective classroom implementation of In2Books that inspires others to improve teaching and learning in innovative ways. 
Jan 15

Spencer Foundation

  • The Foundation supports research in several relating to education and educational systems

Dependent on area of inquiry

Spencer Foundation (Small Grants)

  • Education Research Projects: Through its Small Research Grants Program, the foundation is accepting research proposals for education research projects. In keeping with the foundation's mission, the program aims to fund academic work that contributes to the improvement of education, broadly conceived.
Feb 1, May 1, Aug 1, Nov 1

The Ella George Children's Foundation

  • The Foundation supports initiatives and programs that enhance the lives of children with positive and measurable outcomes


The Foundation for Adventist Education

  • The Foundation supports scholarly activities that are based on a biblical worldview and advance the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church



Gender-Specific Grants

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

American Association of University Women

  • American Fellowships support women scholars who are completing dissertations, planning research leave from accredited institutions, or preparing research for publication

Grant specific



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grants

  • Grants up to $6,000 for traveling to libraries and archives for research purposes; purchase of microfilm, photocopies, etc; costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses.
  • Applicants must have a doctorate or have published work of doctoral character or quality

Oct 1 or Dec 1

Berrien Community Foundation

  • Grants up to $10,000 for projects of benefit to Berrien County
Aug 27

Frederick Upton Foundation

  • Funds agencies serving Berrien County, Michigan
March 15, June 15, Oct 15

Fulbright Scholar Program

  • The Fulbright Scholar Program has a variety of opportunities for faculty
  • Contact Marcella Myers, the AU Fulbright Program Advisor for more information
Grant specific

The Meemic Foundation

  • The Foundation funds innovative programs, events or projects that will significantly enhance a students' classroom experience
  • The Foundation also funds the purchasing of books for classrooms, school libraries, or for specific projects

Grant specific

Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Research Grant

  • Grants are for $15,000-$40,000 per year for periods of 1-2 years
  • Grant supports research in any of the natural and social sciences and the humanities relating to the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression
August 1
Issachar Fund Initiative

  • The Fund currently supports research in the following fields of enquiry: creation and the world of science; medical care and human dignity; human flourishing in a technological world; creation care
Letter of Inquiry: Oct 15-Dec 15;

April 11-May 30

United States Institute of Peace

  • The Institute funds projects focused on preventing, managing, and resolving violent conflict in settings outside the U.S.
  • Institute supports innovative peacebuilding projects involving research, identification of promising models and effective practices, etc.

Grant specific

Walmart Community Grant Program

  • Supports projects in areas of Hunger Relief & Healthy Eating, Sustainability, Women's Economic Empowerment and Career Opportunity
  • Grants range from $250 to $2,500
Dec 31


Health Sciences



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

National League of Nursing

  • Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to projects focused on building links between practice and education, developing more rigorous and robust research designs and evaluation protocols, and creating leadership opportunities for faculty and nursing education research scholars.
February 9

AHRQ Small Research Grant Program

  • Grant supports different types of health services research projects including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology.
Feb 16, June 16, Oct 16

Society of Health and Physical Educations (SHAPE)

  • PI must be AAHPERD member
  • Early Career Investigator grant for up to $5,000

Oct 15

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

  • The Foundation seeks to improve the health and health care of all Americans in the following areas: childhood obesity, coverage, human capital, pioneer, public health, quality/equality, and vulnerable populations

Grant specific


Physical Therapy

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

American Physical Therapy Association: Section Health Policy and Administration Grant

  • Grants support research activities that enhance the body of knowledge related to health policy, clinical administration, global health, and the use of technology in physical therapy. 
  • Grants up to $15,000
Dec 31

Foundation for Physical Therapy

  • Foundation provideds support to emerging investigators to promote scientifically based and clinically relevant research related to the effectiveness of physical therapist practice.



Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation

Grant Specific  



General  Humanities

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

ACLS Collaborative Research Fellowships

  • Fellowship amount is up to $200,000 for any one project
  • Supports collaborative humanities and related social science research by small teams of two or more scholars 
Sept 23

ACLS: Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars

  • $75,000, plus funds for research costs and related scholarly activities of up to $5,000 and for relocation up to $2,000
  • Fellowships support long-term projects in the humanities and related social sciences. 
Sept 23



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

TESOL International Association 

  • Grants are available only to TESOL members

Nov 1

The Renaissance Society of America

  • The RSA offers residential grants and short-term research grants supporting research projects and publications that aim to advance scholarly knowledge about the Renaissance.

December 1


History/Political Science

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

American Historical Association

  • The Association has a variety of fellowships and research grants available to researchers in the field of history

Grant specific

American Political Science Association

  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowship

Grant specific

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation Research Travel Grant

  • Grant defrays travel, living, and photocopy expenses of a research trip to the Ford Library


Application Deadline: March 15, Sept 15



Searle Freedom Trust

  • Trust invests primarily in scholarship that results in the publication of books, journal articles, and policy papers. 
  • Funding is typically in the form of research grants, fellowships, and other types of targeted project support

Dec 15, April 16, Aug 22



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Consumers Energy

  • Grants are awarded for capital funding and innovative projects and activities that align with the five focus areas: social welfare, community and civic development, education, Michigan growth and environmental enhancement, and culture and the arts


Grammy: Scientific Research Projects

  • Grants of up to $20,000 to support research projects related to the impact of music on the human condition

Oct 1

Grammy: Archiving and Preservation Projects

  • Preservation Implementation: up to $20,000
  • Assistance, Assessment and/or Consulation: up to $5,000 
  • Grant supports efforts that advance the archiving and preservation of the music and recorded sound heritage of the Americas for future generations.

Oct 1



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

American Academy of Religion Individual Research Grants

  • Applicants must be current AAR members who have been in good standing for at least the previous three years
  • Applicants must have completed the doctorate

Aug 1



American Academy of Religion Collaborative Research Grants

  • Project director must be a current AAR members who have been in good standing for at least the previous three years
  • Applicants must have completed the doctorate

Aug 1



Mustard Seed Foundation

  • Foundation has three giving programs: Church-Based Grants, Harvey Fellows Program, and Theology of Work Grant Program

Grant specific


The Chatlos Foundation

  • The Foundation does not make grants directly to individuals but rather to educational institutions which select recipients
  • The Foundation's areas of interest are: Bible Colleges/ Seminaries, Religious Causes, Medical Concerns, Liberal Arts Colleges and Social Concerns


The Foundation for Adventist Education

  • The Foundation supports scholarly activities that are based on a biblical worldview and advance the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church



The Henry Luce Foundation

  • Applicants must be full-time faculty members


Lilly Endowment

  • The Endowment has focused on supporting programs and projects that address three broad questions: How do we identify, recruit and call forth a new generation of talented Christian pastors? How do we best prepare and train new ministers for effective and faithful pastoral leadership? How do we improve the skills and sustain the excellence of pastors currently serving congregations? We also fund efforts that enhance the vitality of local congregations and that enable ordinary church members to mine the deep wisdom of the Christian faith and to take up their vocations in the life of the world as people of faith.



Tyndale House Foundation

  • The Foundation funds projects in the following areas: Christian Literature, Other Evangelical Work, and Local Ministry Programs

Dec 1


Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion

  • Project director must be a full-time faculty member in religion or theology
  • Projects must focus on teaching religion or theology in higher education, within the parameters of Wabash center funding priorities

March 1 or Oct 1 for large grants. Small grants are ongoing



Social Sciences


General Social Sciences

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline
ACLS Collaborative Research Fellowships

  • Fellowship amount is up to $200,000 for any one project
  • Supports collaborative humanities and related social science research by small teams of two or more scholars
Sept 23
ACLS: Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars

  • $75,000, plus funds for research costs and related scholarly activities of up to $5,000 and for relocation up to $2,000
  • Fellowships support long-term projects in the humanities and related social sciences
Sept 23

The Social Science Research Council

  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowships                      
Grant specific                                      



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

CAORC: Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program

  • The Council of American Overseas Research Centers supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for US doctoral candidates or scholars who have already earned their PhD




CAORC: Andrew W. Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowship

  • The Andrew W. Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowship supports Mediterranean-focused research in the humanities and related social sciences in countries bordering the Mediterranean.




National Geographic: Committee for Research and Exploration Grant Application

  • Grants range from $15,000 to $20,000
  • Applicants are expected to have advanced degrees (PhD or equivalent) and be associated with an educational organization or institution
At least 10 months in advance of anticipated project dates


Trust for Mutual Understanding

  • The Trust awards travel grants to American nonprofit organizations to support cultural and environmental exchanges with institutions and individuals in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe

Initial Inquiry: May 1/Nov 1

Full Application: Aug 1/ Feb 1

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens

  • ACSA has a number of Fellowships and Grants available for both students and senior scholars

Grant specific


The Violet Jabara Charitable Trust

  • The Trust supports organization which work in developing countries in the Middles East. 
  • The Trust also supports American organizations which promote deeper understanding of Middle Eastern issues and culture



The Wenner-Gren Foundation Post PhD Research Grant

  • Awarded to individuals holding a PhD or equivalent degree to support individual research projects
  • There is no preference for methodology, research location, or subfield

May 1, Nov 1





Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Ethics and Excellence Journalism Foundation

  • Funding to media institutions and journalism schools nationwide, primarily in areas of investigative reporting, youth education, professional development, and special opportunities

May 15, Nov 15



Ford Foundation: Freedom of Expression Grants

  • Supports policies that ensure equal access to all media platforms, promotes social justice content in media and fosters documentary films that explore the social justice issues on which the foundation focuses
  • Supports media-based efforts to promote informed, diverse and necessary dialogue on the public role of religion


Independent Filmmaker Project: Fiscal Sponsorship

  • Funds documentary films and other works of nonfiction, short films, low-budget fiction/narrative features (50 minutes+), transmedia/multi-media projects with film/video as a primary component of the work
  • Must be member of IFP




Knight Foundation

  • Fund arts, communities, journalism and media innovation

Grant specific


MacArthur Foundation

  • Supports journalism for television, radio and the web

Grant specific


Princess Grace Film Awards

  • Scholarships are awarded to help support students’ thesis film projects at the undergraduate and graduate level.

June 1, 2017

Scripps Howard Foundation

  • Supports multimedia education, First Amendment causes, career development, media research, an international free press, professional organizations, and programs that foster diversity, ethics and entrepreneurial enterprise in the communications profession

April 15, Oct 15

Social Science Research Council

  • The Council offers a variety of fellowships including the Abe Fellowship for Journalists

Grant specific


The Glaser Progress Foundation

  • Funds independent media projects through the "Progressive Studies Program" which seeks to increase public awareness of progressive ideas and values, educate public officials and policymakers through lectures, seminars, articles, public events, book discussions, new media tools, and training seminars with activists and young people



Community and International Development

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline


  • Funding given for neighborhood revitalization, education, acces to health care and programs supporting diversity and inclusion
March 15, June 15, Sept 15, Nov 15

Consumers Energy

  • Grants are awarded for capital funding and innovative projects and activities that align with the five focus areas: social welfare, community and civic development, education, Michigan growth and environmental enhancement, and culture and the arts


Dart Foundation

  • The Foundation seeks to advance and encourage youth education
  • Grants are made to organizations only

March 16, June 15, Sept 15, & Dec 15

Farver Foundation

  • Foundation does not fund academic research, conferences or exhibits


Ford Foundation

  • The Foundation funds work relevant to their eight initiatives: 1) democratic and accountable government, 2) economic fairness, 3) educational opportunity and scholarship, 4) freedom of expression, 5) human rights, 6) metropolitan opportunity, 7) sexuality and reproductive health and rights, 8) sustainable development


Ford Motor Company Fund

  • The Ford fund supports not-for-profit organizations in three major areas: Education, Auto-Related Safety Education and Community Development


Kellogg Foundation

  • Community & Civic Engagement is one of the Kellogg Foundation's focus areas


The Ella George Children's Foundation

  • The Foundation supports initiatives and programs that enhance the lives of children with positive and measurable outcomes




The Violet Jabara Charitable Trust

  • The Trust supports organization which work in developing countries in the Middles East.
  • The Trust also supports American organizations which promote deeper understanding of Middle Eastern issues and culture


Transformation Initiative Research Grant

  • Purpose of grant is to fill data and information gaps, and to begin to develop and evaluate policy alternatives that communities can adopt to facilitate decision making about various community investments


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowships

Grant specific



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Kress Foundation

  • The Foundation supports research projects in European art, architecture, and archaeology from antiquity to the early 19th century
Grant Specific

The Bay & Paul Foundations

  • Funds educational applications of cultural collections

Must submit an Online Funding Inquiry

Aug 17-Sept 8

The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation

  • Funds arts and culture programs
  • No formal application form




Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

American Psychological Foundation

  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowships



Grant specific



The James McKeen Cattell Fund

  • Applicants must be currently tenured psychology professors
  • Applicants are eligible if they have not had a leave with pay for 5 years preceding the requested sabbatical leave



Social Work

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Association of Social Work Boards

  • Social Work faculty, student, members and staff of regulatory boards or provincial colleges may apply



Fahs-Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation

  • Applicants must be faculty members of accredited colleges or universities
  • Principal Investigator must have an earned doctorate in a relevant discipline and relevant experience

April 1 and Nov 1



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

American Sociological Association

  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowships



Grant specific



The Sociological Initiatives Foundation

  • The Foundation supports research that focuses on impacting: social policy, institutional and educational practices, linguistic issues, community capacity and the organization of previously unorganized groups
  • Desired applicants include academic-community partnerships, advocacy or community groups, academics that organize or link to a constituency

Aug 15




General STEM

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Human Frontier Science Program

  • The program provides grants for teams of scientists from different countries who wish to combine their expertise in innovative approaches to questions that could not be answered by individual laboratories
Call for Letters of Intent: Dec

The Bay & Paul Foundations

  • Supports scientific research and community-based initatives to preserve or repair biodiversity and ecosystem integrity

Submit Online Funding Inquiry 

Aug 17-Sept 8



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

USDA: Agricultural Marketing Service

  • Priority consideration will be given to organizations located in communities identified as food deserts and whose projects seek to eliminate food deserts in these designated areas
Grant Specific

USDA: Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program

  • Examples of CFP Projects include, but are not limited to, community gardens with market stands, value chain projects, food hubs, farmers’ markets, farm-to-institutions projects, and marketing & consumer cooperatives. All projects must involve low-income participants.


Animal Science

Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

AKC Canine Health Foundation

  • Grant supports research that advances the overall health of canines 
  • Grant supports the work of researchers from a variety of disciplines.
  • Collaborative projects are encouraged to apply







Horses and Humans Research Foundation

  • Promotes research that will benefit special program participants by improving equine-assisted activity practices
  • Promotes research that will educate the public, including professional affiliates regarding the value and benefits of horses and equine-assisted activities






Morris Animal Foundation

  • Canine Wobbler Syndrome Proposal
  • Feline Health Proposals
September 13



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Dart Foundation

  • The Foundation seeks to advance and encourage youth education
  • Grants are made to organizations only

March 16, June 15, Sept 15, & Dec 15

Morris Animal Foundation

  • Wildlife health, any related topic.
September 13

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

  • Grants are available to support actions identified on the website

Program specific

National Geographic: Committee for Research and Exploration Grant Application

  • Grants range from $15,000 to $20,000
  • Applicants are expected to have advanced degrees (PhD or equivalent) and be associated with an educational organization or institution

At least 10 months in advance of anticipated project dates

Earnest F. Hollings Ocean Awareness Trust Fund

  • Fund promotes public involvement and understanding of the benefits of the oceans to current and future generations





The Entomological Society of America: Henry and Sylvia Richardson Research Grant

  • Applicant must be a postdoctoral member of the Entomological Society of America with at least one year of promising work experience
  • Priority given to researchers working in insect control by attractants, repellents, biological controls, thermocontrols, or chemical controls

July 1




The Eppley Foundation for Research

  • The Foundation supports research projects in medicine, life sciences, and the physical sciences with an emphasis on innovative medical investigations and applications, endangered animals and ecosystems, and climate change.

Letters of Inquiry: Sept 15 or March 15

Invited Proposals: Oct 15 or April 15

Whitehall Foundation

  • The Whitehall Foundation suports research in the life sciences. Research grants range from $30,000 to $75,000 per year while Grants-in-Aid do not exceed $30,000. 

Letter of Intent: Jan 15, April 15, Oct 1



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Dart Foundation

  • The Foundation seeks to advance and encourage youth education
  • Grants are made to organizations only
March 16, June 15, Sept 15, & Dec 15

The Eppley Foundation for Research

  • The Foundation supports research projects in medicine, life sciences, and the physical sciences with an emphasis on innovative medical investigations and applications, endangered animals and ecosystems, and climate change.

Letters of Inquiry: Sept 15 or March 15

Invited Proposals: Oct 15 or April 15



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Engineering Education and Centers (EEC)(NSF)

  • Active funding opportunities - Recently Announced
  • Numerous grants

Varies by Grant

Engineering (ENG)(NSF)

  • Active Funding Opportunities
  • Numerous grants

Varies by Grant

National Science Foundation (NSF)

  • Find Funding
  • Search by Research Area

Varies by Grant

Engineering Information Foundation

  • "Our grant activity supports developmental projects, instructional projects, and training programs in engineering education and research that fit our fields of interest. These currently include the availability and use of published information, women in engineering, and information access in developing countries."
  • "We suggest that you request a grant amount between $5,000 and $25,000. We encourage you to attract a matching grant from another source, if necessary."


Engineering Education Scholarship and Funding Sources

  • Numerous Sources


United Engineering Foundation

  • The United Engineering Foundation advances the engineering arts and sciences for the welfare of humanity.
  • The UEF gives between 5 – 10 grants per year totaling nearly $800,000.

June 1

United Engineering Foundation

  • The United Engineering Foundation advances the engineering arts and sciences for the welfare of humanity.
  • The UEF gives between 5 – 10 grants per year totaling nearly $800,000.

June 1

Dart Foundation

  • The Foundation seeks to advance and encourage youth education
  • Grants are made to organizations only

March 16, June 15, Sept 15, & Dec 15

VentureWell: Faculty Grants

  • Grants up to $50,000
  • Fund new (or modify existing) courses  and programs in tech entrepreneurship
  • Faculty from VentureWell Member Institutions may apply
Nov 4

VentureWell: Pathways to Innovation

  • The Pathways to Innovation Program helps faculty transform the experience of their undergraduate engineering students by fully incorporating innovation and entrepreneurship into a range of courses as well as strengthening co- and extra-curricular offerings.
Sept 21



Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Association for Women in Mathematics Travel Grant

  • Conference or applicant's research must be in an area support by the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation
  • Must hold a doctorate or equivalent

Grant specific





Dart Foundation

  • The Foundation seeks to advance and encourage youth education
  • Grants are made to organizations only

March 16, June 15, Sept 15, & Dec 15

Simons Collaborations in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences

  • Supports collaborations in the areas of mathematics, theoretical physics, and theoretical computer science.




Simons Fellows in Mathematics

  • The Simons Fellows in Mathematics supports research leaves providing time away from teaching and administration

Sept 30

Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians

  • Applicant must have a tenure-track or tenured position, or be a professor emeritus
  • Applicant must have a current record of active research and publication in high-quality journals
  • Applicant must not hold any other grants over $3000 per year that allow for support for travel or visitors during the Collaboration grand period




Grant Description/Eligibility Deadline

Dart Foundation

  • The Foundation seeks to advance and encourage youth education
  • Grants are made to organizations only

March 16, June 15, Sept 15, & Dec 15

Fund for Astrophysical Research

  • Grants of up to $3,000
  • Grants support research in astronomy and are awarded for the acquisition of astronomical equipment, computer time, computer hardware or software that will be used in research

Oct 5

The Eppley Foundation for Research

  • The Foundation supports research by PhDs with an established record of publication in their specialties
  • Any applicant must be associated with a recognized educational or research institution

Oct 15 or April 15

The Frederick and Florence Bauder Endowment for the Support of Physics Teaching

  • Only AAPT members may apply

July 1, Dec 1

The Optical Society

  • Website provides a list of various awards, grants, and fellowships


Grant specific


Sigma Pi Sigma Chapter Project Award

  • Cash award of up to $500 to help fund activities
  • Award given for chapters that raise awareness of Sigma Pi Sigma, encourage inter-chapter activities, increase the induction of new members, etc. 

Dec 15

Simons Fellows in Theoretical Physics

  • The Simons Fellows program enables research leaves providing time away from teaching and administration

Sept 30

Semiconductor Research Corporation: Secure, Trustworthy, Assured and Resilient Semiconductors and Systems

  • Funds proposals that address cybersecurity from the Secure, Trustworthy, Assured and Resilient Semiconductors and Systems (STARSS) perspective




November 18






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